“Lord Qin Mu, do you have any plans?”

Seeing Qin Mu’s indifferent attitude, Ji Qingwu couldn’t help but ask curiously.

These seventh-level professionals were ordered not to leave the deserted city to avoid any accidents.

But level eight professionals like Qin Mu are not subject to many restrictions.

Level 8 professionals are powerful enough to deal with the high-level monsters that appear. Even if they are defeated, they can escape in time.

Therefore, the eighth-level professionals in Dahuang City are not restricted from leaving the city.

It was precisely because of this that she asked Qin Mu like this.

If Qin Mu planned to leave the city, she wanted Qin Mu to take her Liaohuo team to take revenge on those Shadow Clan professionals.

“What else can we have planned, since those bastards from the Shadow Clan have already bullied us at our doorstep.

Naturally, kill them all directly so that they can never come back. ”

“You are still not strong enough, so just stay in the Great Desert City and let us people deal with this guy from the Shadow Clan!”

Qin Mu looked at Ji Qingwu and smiled lightly, as if he had read through her thoughts, and spoke directly.

Before Ji Qingwu and others could react, Qin Mu dodged.

He easily passed through the barrier of this small courtyard, and in the blink of an eye, the figure disappeared.

Ji Qingwu and others were not given time to react.

Qin Mu wanted to kill the entire Shadow Clan fortress by himself, so naturally he would not let these scumbags follow him.

This will only slow down the speed at which he kills enemies. Likewise, it will also make it difficult for him to use many of his trump cards.

Therefore, he had no intention of taking these people out of the city.

“Captain, Master Qin Mu has left, are we going to stay in Dahuang City like this? There are…”

At this time, Mu Lang also turned to look at Ji Qingwu, wanting to say something.

But he was interrupted by Ji Qingwu and said:

“It seems that we are still too weak in front of the strong men of rank eight. Let’s do everything as Master Qin Mu said and stay in the Great Wilderness City peacefully.”

After saying that, a helpless smile appeared on her face.

After hearing her order, Mu Lang didn’t say any more words. He could only smile bitterly and nodded.


Outside Dahuang City, Qin Mu passed directly through the heavily guarded gate of Dahuang City and galloped towards the vast wasteland ahead.

After flying thousands of miles away, Qin Mu released his powerful mental power, sensed it, and found that there was no one around.

There was also a smile on his face, and he said lightly:

“There should be no one around for thousands of miles. If that’s the case, let’s release all the Blood God clones!”

As soon as his voice fell, blood filled his body.

These semesters quickly turned into figures appearing in front of Qin Mu, densely packed with more than 40,000 people.

These are all the blood god clones that Qin Mu has now.

As Qin Mu’s strength improved, his blood god clones all had attributes that grew in step with him.

Each Blood God clone possesses more than 230 billion four-dimensional attributes.

Even if he doesn’t know any skills, he can only attack with simple fists and kicks.

But with this powerful attribute, they are enough to compete with the professionals at the peak of rank eight!

In other words, each of Qin Mu’s more than 40,000 blood god clones can compete with the most powerful professionals in this world on this battlefield of thousands of races!

This will be an extremely terrifying strength!

“You all were patrolling for me in this silent wasteland, and you met the professionals of the Shadow Clan and those magical beasts.

No need to hesitate, I will blow them all up! ”

After summoning all the more than 40,000 Blood God clones that he had condensed, Qin Mu issued his orders to these powerful Blood God clones.

The professionals of the Shadow Clan dared to sneak into the Silent Wasteland and touch the professionals of the murderous clan who were attacking near the Great Wilderness City.

No matter what Dahuang City does now, he will definitely not let these guys go.

There are more than 40,000 blood god clones who are comparable to the 1500-level eighth-level professionals and launched a carpet-like search in this silent wasteland.

He believed that as long as those Shadow Clan professionals were still in this silent wasteland, they would never be able to escape the hunt of his clones.

As for himself, he was preparing to go straight to Huanglong and charge towards the Shadow Clan’s stronghold.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

As Qin Mu’s order was issued, the more than 40,000 Blood God clones around him turned into streams of light and flew around quickly.

Soon in

Battles broke out one after another in this silent wasteland.

Qin Mu’s order to them was to kill all the Shadow Tribe professionals and Warcraft.

In this silent wasteland, the number of magical beasts is very large, and the chance of these Blood God clones encountering magical beasts is almost 100%.

With Qin Mu’s orders in front of them, these Blood God clones would naturally attack the monsters when they encountered them.

The monsters in this silent wasteland area, which is less than ten thousand miles away from the Great Desert City, are all the lowest-level five-marked monsters.

The blood god clones who encountered Qin Mu were basically killed instantly with one punch.

It took less than a breath for Qin Mu’s blood god clones to rush out.

Kill prompts popped up one after another on Qin Mu’s professional panel.

“Successfully kill the five-marked monster and gain massive experience!”

“Successfully kill the five-marked monster, the upper limit of life +10 million!”

“Successfully kill the five-marked monster and gain massive experience!”

“Successfully killed the five-marked monster, the maximum life limit is +9.8 million!”

“Ding! Your level has been improved, currently level 252! Strength +4000 (+1000); Constitution +4000 (+1000); Agility +1000 (+2000); Intelligence +1000 (+4000); only attribute points +32000! ”

“Ding! Your level has been improved, currently level 253! Strength +4000 (+1000); Constitution +4000 (+1000); Agility +1000 (+2000); Intelligence +1000 (+4000); only attribute points +32000! ”


Different from when he first entered the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield, Qin Mu now happened to have just completed his fourth rank and was only at level 251.

It is not the level cap of level 400 for the fourth turn.

Therefore, his Blood God clone also gained a lot of experience when killing these five-marked monsters that were equivalent to fifth-level professionals, that is, over level 400.

The level 1 experience bar was full in almost a blink of an eye, allowing him to level up.

In addition, now that he has dual professions, every time his level increases, his own attributes can gain double growth, and his free attribute points can also gain double growth.

Coupled with his initial title of Novice King, he can obtain double the free attribute points.

Just for free attribute points, for a fourth-level professional, the free attribute points he gets when he upgrades will be four times that of others!

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