A nine-turn peak expert can inflict thousands of damage at most on his home court when attacking enemies rushing out from the battlefield of all races.

Such a situation would be a huge blow to Emperor Yin, a strong man at the peak of the ninth rank.

Now he began to doubt whether only professionals below rank eight could enter the battlefield of all races.

Because the strength of the 100,000 powerful human beings who appeared from the ancient altar of Yinnuo Star in front of them is simply impossible to possess by rank eight professionals.

And for Qin Mu’s 100,000 blood god clones, Yin Emperor has already used all his skills to detect the target’s attribute information.

But he still didn’t see any useful information about Genmao, which made him wonder whether the person he was facing was actually a human being.

“Ni Kuang! Be careful!”

Just when he was in confusion, a exclamation immediately pulled him out of the shock.

After suddenly hearing this rapid and loud cry for help, the heavy sword in Emperor Yin’s hand once again erupted with terrifying magic power fluctuations.

Powerful skills instantly turned into countless sword lights and flew out, avoiding all the thousands of Blood God clones around him.

Then he looked in the direction from which the sound came.

Just this glance made him tremble.

In his line of sight, a powerful nine-level warrior from Yinnuo Star was unexpectedly approached by one of the thousands of enemies besieging him.

With just one punch, the powerful nine-turn mage from the Shadow Tribe spit out blood. Under a huge force, he turned into a stream of light and flew backwards quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared from sight, leaving only a trail of air in the air.

Then, the deafening sonic boom roar came.

“A single punch knocked out one-third of the health of a nine-turn mage with over 1,600 levels! These guys are not only terrifying in defense, but also terrifying in attack!

Moreover, all the tribesmen who had just come out from the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Clans had all been killed!

Including the other escorts under Rank 9 who came to the vicinity from Yinnuo Star, they all died tragically at the hands of the enemy!

The attacks from these people are terrifying!

Now only the rank-9 experts under me are still struggling to hold on!

We absolutely can’t let these guys get any closer, otherwise with the attacks of these guys, all my ninth-level professionals will be blamed here! ”

After seeing this scene, Emperor Yin was horrified and immediately sent a message to the remaining strong men of the Shadow Clan.

“Everyone, gather towards me!

Only by working together can we deal with these enemies! ”

At this point in the fight, Emperor Yin already knew that these enemies emerging from the battlefield of all races could only attack with the most basic attacks.

Without any skills, he could only rely on his physical strength to rush in front of him and engage in close combat.

As long as they have enough control effects to prevent these enemies from getting close, they won’t be able to kill them.

But it is still possible to ensure that you are not attacked by the enemy and ensure your own safety.

In this way, in order to ensure the safety of other ninth-level experts, he can only summon everyone to gather around him to jointly resist this terrifying 100,000 enemies.

“Whoosh whoosh!!!”

As Yin Emperor’s order was issued, all the remaining ninth-level powerhouses on Yinnuo Star approached him.

Almost in the blink of an eye, except for Ni Kuang, who was blown away before, all the remaining ninth-level warriors from the Shadow Clan gathered together.

“The auxiliary profession is inside, and the main combat profession is on the outside for me!

Note that the enemy is so powerful that even I can’t do much damage. All we can do now is to prevent these guys from getting close! ”

After gathering together, Emperor Yin immediately gave a battle plan and warned everyone.

Hearing this, the other thirty or so ninth-level professionals nodded immediately.

To be able to grow into ninth-level professionals, each of them is a person who has experienced hundreds of battles.

Already during the battle with Qin Mu’s blood god clones, he already knew how he and others should deal with the enemy.

Even if Yin Emperor doesn’t say it, they know what to do.

Boom boom boom! ! !

As everyone gathered together, powerful attack skills were released one after another.

Either with equipment effects or effects attached to skills.

These continuous bursts of skills also made it possible for Qin Mu’s one hundred thousand blood god clones to find that none of them could rush through their attacks and get close to these ninth-level professionals from the Shadow Clan.

“Hmph, that’s good. I didn’t expect these guys to find the weaknesses of my blood god clones so quickly and take targeted countermeasures.

It’s a pity, if my blood god clone can perform skills like the main body.

These people are all dead now! ”

“But this battle is not without gain!”

“Beheading all the seventh-level and eighth-level professionals who escaped from the Shadow City, not to mention the level 8 professionals, they also determined my true combat power now!

With my current strength, just a blood god clone is enough to defeat the strong and powerful at the peak of the ninth rank.

If I were to take action myself, I would probably easily kill all the professionals at the peak of the ninth rank!

The peak of the ninth rank is nothing more than this!

In this way, after I leave the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Clans, I don’t need to accumulate strength anymore. I can just rush to the territory of the three tribes and kill all the people of the three tribes! ”

On the battlefield of all races, Qin Mu could clearly see everything that happened on the Yinnuo Star through his connection with the Blood God’s clone.

After knowing that his 100,000 Blood God clones on Yinnuo Star could no longer take down the remaining nine-level experts, he was not discouraged.

Instead, he smiled.

Now he already knows the comparison in strength between himself and the ninth-level peak powerhouse, and is fully sure of his future actions.

After feeling that one hundred thousand of his clones were besieging the remaining thirty-odd rank nine experts on Yinnuo Star, but no progress was made.

Qin Mu curled his lips and gave a new order to his Blood God clones on the Yinnuo Star.

That is to kill all the Shadow Clan professionals under the ninth rank on the entire Yinnuo Star and completely destroy the Yinnuo Star!

On Yinnuo Star, following Qin Mu’s order, all 90,000 Blood God clones gave up besieging Yin Emperor and the nine-level powerhouses, and turned into streams of light and dispersed in all directions on Yinnuo Star.

Only 10,000 people were left here to hold back the Yin Emperor and his group of more than 30 people, so that they could not interfere with the actions of the 90,000 Blood God clones.

“Lord Yin Emperor, most of these guys have left! They are going to kill other people on Yinnuo Planet!”

The besieged ninth-level warriors of the Shadow Tribe immediately discovered this. They were all horrified and immediately looked at the strongest among them.

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