After killing the elite fire fox, Qin Mu soon encountered a level 3 fire fox.

He stepped forward quickly.

With absolute agility advantage.

Without waiting for the level 3 fire fox to react, he stabbed it with a sword first.

-100 (-20)

Suddenly, a huge amount of damage appeared.

Qin Mu relied on the Fire Fox sword in his hand to deal up to 120 points of damage with one sword strike.

With just two swords, an ordinary level 3 fire fox was killed by him!

“Kill the Level 3 Firefox and gain a small amount of experience!”

“Kill the level 3 fire fox, the upper limit of life +10!”

“So strong! With this blue-quality fire fox sword, killing monsters is a pleasure!”

Looking at the Level 3 Fire Fox lying in a pool of blood, Qin Mu raised his sword.


However, he also noticed that after killing the Level 3 Fire Fox this time, his experience bar only increased by about 0.3%.

Qin Mu can basically conclude that he has reached level 3.

You must kill at least 3 level 3 firefoxes to increase his experience bar by 1%.

In other words, now I want to upgrade to level 4.

There are still 284 level 3 firefoxes to be killed!

“Keep going!”

The huge amount of experience required for upgrading did not cause Qin Mu much trouble.

He can now gain an increase in the upper limit of his health by killing monsters.

Almost every time he kills a wild monster, his strength increases.

This allows him to kill monsters with a higher level of interest than others.


“Kill the level 3 fire fox and gain a small amount of experience!”

“Killed the level 3 fire fox, the upper limit of life +10!”

“Kill the level 3 fire fox, the upper limit of life +10!”

In this way, Qin Mu kept killing the fire foxes deep in the fire fox forest.

From time to time, you will also encounter level 3 elite fire foxes.

But with the blessing of the Fire Fox Sword.

Even these elite fire foxes could not withstand the five swords in Qin Mu’s hands.

Time passed quickly, and Qin Mu killed more and more firefoxes.

And his upper limit of blood volume is also constantly increasing.





finally! Near evening.

Qin Mu’s blood volume exceeded the 10,000 mark!

The number of fire foxes he killed was close to 1,000!

At the same time, his level has also reached level 5!

After Qin Mu upgraded, he allocated all the attribute points he gained to strength and agility as usual.

After his blood volume exceeded 10,000, Qin Mu also opened his attribute table.


Name: Qin Mu

Occupation: Undecided

Level: Lv5 (28%)

Reincarnation: 0 reincarnation

HP: 10000

Magic: 500

Strength: 41

Constitution: 14

Agility: 24

Intelligence: 12

Attribute points: 0

Equipment: Fire Fox Long Sword Lv1, Novice Clothes Lv1, Novice Boots Lv1


“In one day, it was upgraded from level 1 to level 5. This upgrade speed is probably unmatched by any student in Caiyun City.

If it weren’t for the purpose of brushing the blood volume to 10,000 points, I would go to the more advanced wild monster area to level up.

The level will increase even faster!

However, after killing nearly 1,000 firefoxes, the second piece of equipment was not revealed.

Ha, this explosion rate is really touchingly low. ”

Putting away the attribute panel, Qin Mu chuckled and stopped staying.

Start rushing back.

It’s approaching evening and night is about to fall.

He needs to return to Novice Village to have a good rest.

There is a safe zone in Xinshou Village.

There is no need to worry about attacks from wild monsters and other professionals.

This is the best place to rest.

From morning to evening, Qin Mu worked crazily all day long.

Although upgrading can replenish a lot of status.

But Qin Mu was also exhausted both physically and mentally at the moment.

Must take a good rest.

Only the next day did I have the energy to continue killing monsters.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Mu ran all the way and returned to the safe zone of Novice Village.

At this moment, it was completely dark.

A bright moon hung high in the night sky, dispelling some darkness and preventing people from being blind.

In the novice village, many people have already rushed back from the wild monster area.

Everyone gathered together in small groups and discussed today’s experience.

He described vividly the scene of facing and killing wild monsters on his first day.

Some people also showed off the results of their leveling today.

These are all elites who have raised their level to level 3 or above within one day.

There are more than 30,000 students, but less than 1,000 have reached level 3.

And students who have reached level 4 are even rarer.

Each one explodes to reach level 4

Grade 1 students will cause a burst of exclamations from the students around them.

I received a lot of looks of admiration, envy, and countless words of praise.

Those who were immersed in the exclamations and praises of their classmates had proud smiles on their faces.

“Ho ho!!”


Everyone in the novice village was talking loudly, and from time to time, deep beast roars could be heard from the wild monster area outside.

Far more active and frequent than during the day.

Night is for beasts.

These students were not willing to fight these monsters at night with their sight blocked.

Just like what Zhao Tian said to them before entering the Novice Village in Tianqi Crack.

This is not a game. Everyone has only one life and no chance of resurrection.

No one wants to risk their life.

Even Zhou Hao, who had awakened his B-level talent, was back in the Novice Village at this moment.

He did not blindly rely on his high talent and strength to level up outside regardless of the danger at night.

Qin Mu returned to Novice Village without communicating with anyone.

He took out some dry food that he brought with him and simply filled his empty stomach.

He just found a relatively soft lawn and lay down directly to sleep.

Early the next morning.

Qin Mu woke up from his sleep.

I simply ate some dry food and glanced at most of the students in Novice Village who were still sleeping soundly.

He didn’t disturb anyone, and with one sword and one person, he headed towards the higher-level Wind Wolf Zone.

Although the super-limited original talent he possesses has destined him to become a peerless powerhouse.

But no matter how good his talent is, he still needs to work hard on his own.

In order to become stronger, Qin Mu will not slack off at all!

Left Novice Village, half an hour later.

Qin Mu had already reached the Wind Wolf Zone.

The wild monster here is the wind wolf, which is more difficult to deal with than the fire fox.

The level range is 5-10!

It is one of the four most dangerous areas among the more than 20 leveling areas in the entire Novice Village.

The other three areas are the King Kong Ant Area, the Demon Ape Area and the Deinosuchus Area.

The layout of the Novice Village behind the Apocalypse Crack is the same.

It hasn’t changed in thousands of years.

The four major areas, as the most dangerous areas of Novice Village, are also home to the four major bosses of Novice Village.

If you kill any boss, you will receive rich rewards.

Especially the first kill reward! It’s even more generous!

Therefore, the new professionals of the human race in the past entered the Apocalypse Crack.

They all aim to get the first kill of the four bosses in Novice Village.

Get generous first kill rewards in this way.

Let your strength improve faster and be ahead of all the professionals in the same session.

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