Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1022: Only when I am dead, can he not be criticized by the world


Lin Qingluo was so angry that he waved his hand and shot out a sharp sword aura, forcibly silenced him.

"Baby, baby."

The convoy of hundreds of people was agitated for a moment, and some guards were startled and subconsciously pulled out their swords.

The sword light dazzled people's eyes.

Lin Qingluo was furious, and while waving his hands, several sharp sword qi shot towards them, hitting their wrists.

"Boom, boom."

The sound of the long sword falling to the ground came one after another.

"There are assassins."

"Catch her!"

The rest of the people tensed up and pulled out their long swords one after another, aiming at Lin Qingluo.

"Hmph, I'm in a bad mood, so I just want to vent my anger on you."

Lin Qingluo's eyes dimmed, and he rushed over immediately with a bamboo flute in his hand.

"Bang bang bang."

"Baby, baby."

Wherever the elegant figure passed by, the team of hundreds of people turned their backs, and the howls of misery could be heard endlessly.

"elder sister."

Startled by the sound of fighting, Lin Yixuan forcibly suppressed his sadness and wiped away his tears.

With tears in his eyes, he chased after his sister without blinking.


The eye-obstructing person was resolved, Lin Qingluo put away the bamboo flute, clapped his hands comfortably, and brushed off the dust that didn't exist on his body.

"elder sister."

Lin Yixuan ran out from the pavilion, and your gentleman also walked down the steps slowly.

"Hey, go and feed Lightning and Huangzao some water, my sister has something to say to your father."

With a flash of Lin Qingluo's figure, he greeted him, patted Lin Qingluo's shoulder fondly, and looked at the nobleman, his eyes were already icy cold.


Lin Yixuan wiped away his tears, and walked towards the two steeds with three steps.

"Since you are here."

Lin Qingluo faced the nobleman, her pretty face covered with frost: "Should I give an eloquent explanation for framing my grandfather and slandering the government of the town?"

"If I don't do this, you will make up your mind to overthrow the tyranny and rebel?"

The noble lord did not dodge or evade, with a trace of sarcasm on the corner of his lips: "The government of Zhen Guo is a foolish and loyal man. The imperial power has been oppressed for decades, and he doesn't even have the intention to resist. The so-called heroes who protect the country are just cowards." Cowards."

"Shut up!"

Lin Qingluo was furious, and there was a momentary impulse to kill the noble gentleman on the spot: "Do you think that this girl will not kill you if you are Yixuan's father?"

"I am not afraid of life and death."

Your gentleman laughed at himself, showing a bit of determination: "Being coerced by others and being involuntary, I have already had enough. I came back this time just to see the emperor for the last time."


Lin Yixuan had been paying attention to the conversation between the two, and hearing this moment, his heart ached like a wrenching pain, and tears fell uncontrollably.

"You want to go back?"

Lin Qingluo raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise, her eyes showed sarcasm, and asked sharply: "Yi Xuan is only ten years old, still a child, you really abandoned him for the sake of a woman?"

"He has his own life."

Your lord smiled sadly, with determination in his eyes: "His life should not be burdened by his parents. Only after I die, can he not be criticized by the world and live without scruples."

"No, Father, don't."

Lin Yixuan wailed, rushed back with choked sobs, and threw himself into the arms of your nobleman: "Father, don't leave, Yixuan doesn't want father to die, Yixuan has no mother emperor, and can no longer be without father."

"You abandoned your wife and son just because of that woman named Xinya."

Lin Qingluo couldn't bear it, and said with sarcasm: "Why do you say something so sensational, and make Yixuan sad."

"At the beginning, I betrayed her."


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