Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1026: This trip to Xiandao is also for him

"The sea area near Xiandao is full of aura, which is the most suitable for you to cultivate."

Lin Qingluo frowned, and was really happy for her: "Maybe you like it there, and you don't want to go back to Longpanjiang anymore."

"There are people from my king's tribe in Longpanjiang, I still have to go back and take a look if I have the chance."

Jin Jing's brows dimmed for a moment, and then brightened again: "Don't think about it, everyone has their own opportunities, and they lost the protection of this king, maybe they will work harder and forge ahead, and there are even greater opportunities waiting for them. "

"Hmm, you're right to think so."

Lin Qingluo smiled sweetly and agreed wholeheartedly.

"Master, is Xiandao fun? Tan Bao also wants to play in Xiandao."

"Shi Bao also likes the sea."

The two elves were having fun around their master, clapping their little hands and giggling coquettishly.

"Immortal Island, the area is more than a hundred times larger than the blessed land. There are spiritual flowers, spiritual grasses, spiritual birds, and countless small animals. There are corals on the bottom of the sea, and all kinds of small fish, not to mention how beautiful it is. "

Lin Qingluo smiled and drew a big cake for the two elves: "You guys went to Xiandao, you can play however you want, as long as you have fun and enjoy yourself."

"Yes, yes, we are going to Xiandao to play."

The big eyes of the two elves were shining, clapping their little hands and cheering happily.

"That's great."

Jin Jing was in an indescribably happy mood: "Listening to the happy laughter of the two little elves every day, my king's heart has also broadened a lot."


Lin Qingluo felt the same way: "What I want to do the most every day is to come to the blessed land, listen to the laughter of the two treasures, relax my mind, and forget all the troubles and depressions."

"Are you worried again?"

Jin Jing noticed that her emotions were fluctuating, and tried to explain: "Is it because of that little guy?"


Lin Qingluo admitted frankly: "This trip to Xiandao is also for him."

"What's the matter with him?"

Jin Jing was puzzled: "It makes you feel so depressed."

"His throat is hurt from crying, and he can't speak for the time being."

Feeling sad, Lin Qingluo told all about what happened in the welcoming booth.

"Hey, why is this child's life so hard?"

Jin Jing sighed and said with emotion: "The grievances of the parents are for the children to bear. Your human race's thoughts are so twisted and twisted, it's really hard to understand."

"I can't understand it either."

Lin Qingluo's mind flashed the scene of your nobleman cruelly pushing the emperor away and turning to walk towards the carriage, and he couldn't help another surge of hostility.

"Don't think about it if you don't understand it."

Jin Jing had a headache. As the queen of the golden koi clan, she really couldn't understand the thinking of the human race.

If she could understand, she wouldn't have missed it for ten years. Huang Dashan's son, the person he really likes is herself.

"Well, don't think about it, it's useless to think about it, it will only increase your troubles."

Lin Qingluo smiled in relief, with a flash of spiritual light in his right hand, a soft spiritual power flew towards the peach forest, and returned with more than a dozen spiritual peaches.

"Master, are you leaving?"

After eating a spirit peach, the little kingfisher happily flew back from the peach forest and landed on the master's shoulder.


Lin Qingluo nodded with a smile: "Second brother is injured, leave some spiritual peaches for him to nourish his body."

The little kingfisher sighed with emotion: "Master really cares about your brothers."

"My brothers love me too."

Lin Qingluo's nimble black eyes flashed cunningly: "There are so many handsome and gentle brothers who love me so much, this girl envies so many people in the world."

-----Off Topic-----

Thank you little fairy for the monthly pass.

(? ̄▽ ̄)?


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