Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1029: Lin Yat-hsuan vomits blood

"Go, follow and have a look."

Brothers Lin Jinyu, Lin Jinzhou, and Lin Jinyun looked at each other and chased them out with a tacit understanding.

"Let's go too."

Wang Meng, Feng Yi, Shi Shi, worried, rushed out of the big tent as if they were on a hot wheel.

"Yat Xuan."

Lin Qingluo appeared in the tent where Lin Yixuan was resting, and saw that his face was like gold paper, his breath was weak, and his front was stained with blood, and his heart twitched in pain.

Before he had time to think about it, he stuffed him with a panacea. The shining right hand patted his heart.

A soft spiritual power overflowed from the palm of his hand, escaped into his heart and lungs, and repaired the damaged heart veins.

"elder sister."

Another streak of blood overflowed from the corner of Lin Yixuan's lips, and he was in agony: "Father is dead, the cold palace is on fire, he and that woman are both dead."

"Yat Xuan."

Lin Qingluo took a breath, looking at the crying boy, his heart and eyes were filled with distress.

"Ah woo."

Leopard Fang rushed into the tent like a flash of white lightning, jumped onto the bed, and rubbed its fluffy head affectionately against Lin Yixuan's arm.

"What happened?"

"Did Yixuan vomit blood?"

"Why is this happening?"

The young men followed closely behind and rushed into the tent to see this scene, all of them were shocked.

"Your Majesty is dead, buried in the sea of ​​fire, and there is no bones left."

Lin Qingluo's thin and thin voice was heard clearly in the ears of every young man.


The young men were startled, and subconsciously closed their mouths, only Shi Shi uttered short syllables.

"Brother, pass on the order, and the army will set off tomorrow morning."

Lin Qingluo frowned, and was furious: "Leave the remaining four cities alone, they are going straight to Jiankang."


Lin Jinyu solemnly nodded, bent down, patted Lin Yixuan's shoulder reassuringly, turned and walked out of the tent.

The rest of the teenagers felt heavy, and they also stepped forward one by one, or patted him on the shoulder, or hugged the crying teenager, expressing comfort in their own way.

"Brother Meng, Stone, Wind Wing."

Before the three disciples left the tent, Lin Qingluo reminded them softly: "There are immortal cultivators accompanying the Monarch of Northern Qi. You must be careful when you break through Jiankang and enter the palace."

"Okay, we got it."

The three apprentices agreed in unison, looked at Lin Yixuan who was heartbroken and weak, and left sadly.

"Yixuan, stop crying, capture Jiankang, destroy the Northern Qi monarch, and avenge your father. My sister will take you back to Xiandao."

Feeling sad, Lin Qingluo grabbed Lin Yixuan's head and let him lean on her shoulder.

"Cough cough."

Lin Yixuan heard Xiandao's eyes light up for a moment, coughed weakly twice, and coughed up a wisp of blood.

Lin Qingluo's mind tightened, and he gave him another elixir.

Lin Yixuan swallowed the elixir, leaned on his sister's shoulder, and closed his eyes.

Lin Qingluo's right hand flickered with spiritual light, and the soft spiritual power overflowed from the palm, nourishing his heart.

Guard overnight.

Early the next morning, Lin Yixuan's breath improved a lot and he no longer coughed up blood.

The ten-year-old boy, with his unique stubbornness, struggled to get up from the bed and insisted on going out with the army.

Lin Qingluo was helpless, so he agreed sadly and let him ride by his side on a yellow jujube.

Fifty thousand light cavalry galloped on horseback, bypassed the remaining four cities, and approached Jiankang.


Canyon, Bamboo House.

Feng Liu rested her fragrant cheeks in her hands, leaning against Xiaota, drowsy.

Holding a plate of fresh fruit, Aruhan lifted the curtain from the outside and walked slowly into the room.

"Ruhan, you're here."

Feng Liu heard the slight sound, rubbed his eyelids a few times, and opened his eyes in a daze.


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