Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1321: Top Confidential Information

Qingyuan fell rapidly like a meteor, and his consciousness swept across hundreds of miles around like a radar, accurately locking on to the bewildered figure of the demon general.

Moments later, it appeared in front of him.


The demon general turned pale with fright, and just about to question him sharply, Qingyuan didn't talk nonsense with him, turned his divine consciousness into a sword, and attacked his sea of ​​consciousness forcefully.

The defense of the Demon General in the Sea of ​​Consciousness was useless, and he was defeated in an instant, and his sharp sword attacked the center.

A large amount of top-secret information flooded in.

Qingyuan's eyes flickered, she cast aside distracting thoughts and searched for the most important information.

Demon prince?

Following the memory of the demon general, a quaint little boy with red hair, three or four years old, and evil spirits in his eyebrows and eyes emerged.

The young boy's status is incomparably noble, he is the youngest son born of the Devil Emperor and his concubine Ai, the ninth heir of the Devil Clan, the Ninth Prince.

This time, the demon soldiers and demon generals sneaked into the monster forest, searched for poisonous insects and beasts, and extracted the venom, which was the order of the young prince.

Nine princes?

Big kid, why don't you stay in the magic palace well, go to the magic realm to show off your power, order the magic soldiers and generals to sneak into the human world, and catch so many poisonous insects and beasts for what?

Qingyuan got enough information, and his consciousness left the sea of ​​consciousness of the demon general.

Lightly waved his right hand, and from the magic general's storage ring, a bead flew out twirling and spinning. The surface was covered with complicated inscriptions, and a black bead was as black as ink.

Broken beads!

Refined with supreme magical power, it is a space magic weapon capable of penetrating void barriers and freely traveling through various interfaces.

The Demon Soldier and Demon General is the imperial envoy of this bead, passing through the void barrier and coming from the Demon Realm to the Human Realm.

Wall-breaking beads are rare treasures.

It's a pity that the broken wall beads refined by the demons must use magic power to activate them.

Put it in the hands of a human immortal cultivator, and describe it as tasteless.

Qing Yuan narrowed his eyes, and with a flash of inspiration in his right hand, he put the broken wall beads into the storage bracelet.



The little kingfisher hovered over the canyon, and sent a message to its master in due course: "Two demon generals and four demon soldiers died, and the rest ran away."

"The purpose of their coming here has been investigated clearly, just run away."

Qingyuan waved her right hand lightly, summoning the magic general's storage bracelet into her hand, she frowned and thought for a while, she didn't burn it, and took the Yuanshi Orb.

"Master, there must be a lot of treasures in the storage bracelet."

The little kingfisher's small eyes were bright: "The geniuses and treasures that the demons searched for in the forest of monsters and beasts must all be inside."

Qingyuan felt very sorry: "We don't have magic power, so we can't open the storage bracelet."

"Keep it for now, maybe it will be opened someday..."

The little kingfisher didn't take it seriously, and spewed out a mouthful of flames, burning the demon general to ashes.

"Let's go, let's go back."

Qingyuan smiled, Yujian lifted off and flew back to the Black Rhinoceros Valley.



Ye Kongming was in a good mood. Looking at the outstanding juniors, he laughed loudly: "The little guys are not bad, they are powerful in battle, and their performance is remarkable, which is worthy of praise."

"Uncle Ye, what are you going to do with that three-eyed snow leopard?"

The stone ghost has a lot of eyes, and with his own little calculations, he urged Ye Kongming: "It's a pity to kill him, why not accept him as a mount, and travel around on the demon king, not to mention how majestic it is."

"Hehe, you can do it, kid. These words can be regarded as entering the heart of my uncle."

Ye Kongming looked at the three-eyed snow leopard who was lingering outside the valley, not daring to come in, and grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Ah Choo."

The three-eyed snow leopard felt a chill down its spine and sneezed.

"Uncle, you have a mount, so don't forget about this junior."

Shitou rolled his eyes and got to the point: "We also want contracted monsters. Uncle Master will help us get one for each of us."

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