Everyone Wants to Pamper the Peasant Girl

Chapter 112: People cry before they die

  Chapter 112 Crying Before You Die

  She was unsteady and fell into the stream, only to hear a "plop", and there was a big splash.

  Hu Lanlan was surprised: "Liu Guimei, why did you push Li Cuicui into the water?"

   It's a bit ruthless!

   "Oh, Liu Guimei, you're a bit too much." Seeing Li Cuicui being pushed into the stream, everyone turned around, "Don't kill anyone."

   Not wanting to waste any more time in this muddy water, Widow Xu packed up her clothes and left immediately after washing.

  Li Cuicui was thrashing in the water, "Help! Help!"

  Liu Guimei was stunned, looking at her beating hand.

  No reason!

   Can one slap kill someone?

  Li Cuicui's tonnage is ten slaps down, and it stands to reason that tickling is almost the same. of

   Or she hit too hard.

   "Li Cuicui doesn't seem to know how to swim." Seeing Li Cuicui sinking, Hu Lanlan panicked.

  Liu Guimei was so frightened that her hands and feet were cold, and her arrogance was instantly extinguished.

   "What to do! What to do!"

  Others panicked in fright, only Yang Xianghua was the most calm at the scene, went up to find a long bamboo pole and came over, "Li Cuicui, put your hand on the bamboo pole, and I will pull you up."

  Li Cuicui originally thought nothing would happen if the stream was not deep, but who knew that the stream was rushing towards her in all directions like a flood, pouring desperately into her mouth and nasal cavity, and her body sank uncontrollably.

   My mind was heavy.

   "Li Cuicui, hurry up." Yang Xianghua stabbed her a few times with a bamboo pole to wake her up.

   "Come here! Help! Help!"

   No, she can't die!

   I don’t want to die either.

  She hasn't seen Brother Erxing for the last time yet.

  Li Cuicui struggled a few times, and with a tenacious will to survive, she pulled the bamboo pole, but Yang Xianghua couldn't pull it because she was struggling too much.

  If it wasn't for the good chassis, I would have almost been taken down.

   "What are you still doing in a daze! Hurry up and help!"

   Everyone made a pair, and Liu Guimei was really afraid that something would happen to Li Cuicui, so she hurried to join.

   Everyone pulled hard like pulling a carrot, and finally pulled Li Cuicui to the shore.

  Li Cuicui closed her eyes, her face pale.

   "Li Cuicui, don't pretend to be dead with me! You wake me up quickly." Seeing that Li Cuicui was still awake, Liu Guimei wanted to step forward and slap her twice.

   Don't think that this matter is over.

   Don't think she will feel guilty!

   "Liu Guimei, why are you still standing there in a daze! Why don't you hurry up and invite the doctor over?"

   "Who are you to call Li Cuicui's mother over here?" Li Cuicui's family members should be present when this kind of thing happens.

  Liu Guimei didn't want to cause trouble, so she ran to ask Dr. Zheng to come over.

  She wasn't worried about what would happen to Li Cuicui at all.

   She will not die if anyone dies of this kind of scourge.

  Washing clothes in the stream all the year round, I am not used to seeing people fall into the stream, Yang Xianghua has experience in saving people.

  Started to press Li Cuicui, only to hear a "poof", Li Cuicui spit out a big mouthful of water.

   If the water is spit out, there is basically nothing wrong.

  Open your eyes, "Li Cuicui, how are you? Are you okay?"

   Li Cuicui's mind was buzzing, and she fell into a deep sleep again.

  The Li family.

  Li Cuicui has been sent back to the house, where Dr. Zheng is treating Li Cuicui.

  Yard Fatty Li is arguing with Liu Guimei.

   Fatty Li tugged at Liu Guimei's collar, furiously: "Liu Guimei! You vicious woman, you dare to push my family's Cuicui into the stream.

  You clearly want her life!

  Let me tell you, if something bad happens to my Cui Cui today, I will definitely not let you go. "

   "I didn't push it!" Liu Guimei shook off her hand without a trace of apology, "Who made her want to hook up with my family's Erxing all day long! I have already warned her, and she still dares to challenge my bottom line.

   As far as your family is concerned, Li Cuicui will not die if anyone dies.

   If she wakes up, I will never finish this matter with her!

   Don’t think that just pretending to be dead is over, I’ll make a scene and everyone in the village will know that she’s so shameless. "

   "Liu Guimei! You poisonous woman, my family's Cuicui is like this, and you still say such things!

  I'm going to find Mrs. Fu right now to see what kind of daughter-in-law she can teach. "

  There is no way to take her, but Mrs. Fu will always have a way to take her.

"What happened?"

   Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive.

  When Mrs. Fu heard that Liu Guimei had pushed Li Cuicui into the creek, she realized the seriousness of the matter and hurried over to see if anyone was okay.

   "Mrs. Fu, you came just in time! You vicious daughter-in-law, you want the life of my Cui Cui!

  My Cui Cui is in a coma now, if she can't wake up, I will never end with your Fu family. " Fatty Li sat on the ground and cried, beating his heart: "My miserable Cui Cui, what if you have something to call your mother! "

   "Your family's Li Cuicui pushed my family's Erxing to leave him with sequelae, and I'm still with you." Liu Guimei is not afraid, don't think about relying on her.

   "People are not dead yet, so they start crying so soon."

  Fatty Li was so angry that he got up from the ground and wanted to beat her up: "Li Cuicui! You poisonous woman, I must beat you to death."

   "Come on! I'm afraid you won't succeed!" Liu Guimei stroked her sleeves, "Teaching such a shameless daughter, you still have the face to settle accounts with me!"

   "Daughter-in-law Erxing, have you had enough trouble?"

  Mrs. Fu drank a sentence, telling her not to go too far.

   Immediately afterwards, Liu Guimei was called aside by her, "What's the matter with you? Why did you push someone into the stream?"

Only in the face of Fu's wife Liu Guimei did she not dare to be presumptuous, "Seduce Erxing early in the morning, how can I not be angry! I will slap her, who knows that she will fall into the stream, maybe she will fall by herself of."

   It's because of this again.

   "Did you see it with your own eyes? Caught it on the spot?"

  "Mei Lanlan said she saw it with her own eyes, that Li Cuicui guarded Erxing early in the morning, and even stuffed things into Erxing's hands.

  Mother, how can I swallow her shamelessly seducing Erxing. If I don't teach her a lesson, I think I'm easy to bully! "

   "If you have something to say, you have to say it well, and you can't do it! It's still in such a dangerous place by the stream.

  You go back first, I will handle this matter. "

   Otherwise her presence here will only make things worse.

  Liu Guimei didn't want to stay here either, so she reminded her before leaving: "Mother, it's her, Li Cuicui, who is ashamed first, so you can't be left behind."

  Seeing that Liu Guimei was about to leave, Fatty Li wanted to stop her from leaving, "Don't even think about leaving, Liu Guimei! If there is anything wrong with my Cuicui family, you will have to go to jail."

   "I'm waiting anytime."

  She, Liu Guimei, was not frightened.

   It didn't take long to fall into the stream, at most his brain was flooded.

   As for Li Cuicui, a villain, she can live to a hundred without any problem.

   Mrs. Fu stopped her, "I'm still here, what's wrong with your Li Cuicui, anyway, none of us in the Fu family can escape.

  Fatty Li, is it interesting for you to be noisy here? The first thing I care about now is not your Cui Cui's body. "

   Also, her family, Cui Cui, is important.

   Fatty Li hurried to the house to have a look, "Doctor Zheng, how is Cuicui in my family? Is her life in danger?"

  (end of this chapter)

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