Zheng Shuai's profession is the Explosion Fire Mage. The damage of fire element spells is already high, and because of his hidden profession, he has additional explosion effects, making him few opponents among his peers.

The two started fighting, not with energy missiles, but with other spells.

Because they know very well that although energy missiles are fast, they are not as powerful as other attack spells.

When facing the opponent, you cannot use ordinary spells to fight.



The rapidly condensing fireball came quickly with a scorching breath, and Li Mu directly stretched out his hand.

Negative energy rays!

The cold ray struck the fireball, and the two incompatible elements caused it to explode.

The aftermath of the explosion made everyone in the audience scream in shock.

"So strong! I'm not as good as you!"

"Zheng Shuai is worthy of the explosive fire method. His magic is stronger than ordinary fire methods."

"Li Mu is going to lose."

[Burst fireball]

【Bone Wall】【Bone Hyperplasia】

After realizing that Zheng Shuai's spells had a strong explosive effect, Li Mu changed his style of play, half offensive and half defensive.

Using the bone wall to protect his own shield, he condensed the bone gun and shot at Zheng Shuai.

The bone gun was quick, and Zheng Shuai also held up a wall of fire. The explosion hit, blowing the bone gun crooked, and threw it onto the shield arranged by Wu Xiuxiu.

At the same time, Zheng Shuai also launched a counterattack.

But no matter what, his fireballs could not break through Li Mu's bone wall, and Li Mu was steadily casting spells behind the bone wall, and from time to time he would attack with spells, which made Zheng Shuai miserable.

"I lost." After a while, Zheng Shuai gave a wry smile and admitted defeat.

I didn't expect that the other party had such a powerful protective spell, and my own spell didn't even break the defense.

But if he loses, he loses, and he won't make excuses for himself.

"Li Mu plus five points, who else is coming?" Wu Xiuxiu unlocked Li Mu's magic power and continued.

"I'll do it!" The brown-skinned Tu Feng Huo stood up, patted Zheng Shuai on the shoulder and came on stage.

"Start." The duel began again, and the two cast spells at the same time.

【earth wall】

【Bone Wall】【Bone Hyperplasia】

After realizing that his bone wall was very strong, Li Mu listed the bone wall as his first spell and was the first to use it.

Earth, Wind, and Fire follow the same pattern, wanting to defend first and then attack.

The two relied on defensive spells and began to exchange blows.

"Wind blade, whirlwind." Tu Fenghuo leaned against the earth wall and resisted in front of him, condensing spells in his hands, "Come out, my masterpiece, whirlwind wind blade!"

The green whirlwind blew towards Li Mu's bone wall. Li Mu didn't have multiple gunshots, and several bone guns shot at the earth wall, poking the earth wall full of holes.

‘You are too proud, Li Mu. ’ Tu Feng Huo hid behind the earth wall and laughed in his heart.

His whirlwind blade can cause continuous damage and will definitely tear the bone wall apart.

【Energy Missile】

Li Mu raised his hand, and several missiles began to fly out. Earth and dust scattered, causing Earth, Wind and Fire to hurriedly reinforce the earth wall.

‘When my wind blade breaks through your bone wall, you will fail. ’

He glanced at the still spinning wind blade and smiled confidently.


"I lost too." Tu Feng Huo returned to his seat in disgrace, making the three of them look disgusted.

"Wash your face first." Jiang Chen called out a ball of water, floated it next to Earth Wind and Fire, and then raised his hand.

"Do you want to come too?" Feng Yu asked hurriedly when he saw this. "You can't win, he has too many spells."

"No points will be deducted even if you can't win. Let's try. What if we win?" Jiang Chen shrugged and said half-jokingly. "If I lose, I can give Mr. Li an extra point. Maybe someone will remember me well."

"Okay, you come down and I come up." After hearing Jiang Chen's words, Feng Yu was stunned, clenched his fists, and made up his mind.

Yes, no points will be deducted if you lose, so what are you afraid of?

After thinking about it, he looked at Jiang Chen's figure on the stage, and suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. This state made Li Mu couldn't help but take another look at Feng Yu.

My mood has improved.

Li Mu glanced at it and then returned to Jiang Chen, waiting for Teacher Wu to start.

Not long after, the water mage's water shield was shot through by the bone gun, and Jiang Chen came back with an indifferent expression on his face.

"My water bombs didn't even break anyone's shield." He sat down on his seat and shrugged.

"It's okay, it's normal. You can restrain your macho brother for a while." Feng Yu smiled, raised his hand and walked towards the podium.

"Oh shit, he really fell in love." There was an expression of disbelief on Tufenghuo's clean brown face, "He's not pretentious now?"

"How do you speak? That's called being reserved." Jiang Chen corrected with a smile.

People from the Southern Wilderness are reserved and their hearts are like fire.

This is the impression the other four states have of their Southern Wilderness, but the three of them generally call Feng Yu a hypocritical man.

What bullshit is reserved, just pretentious.

After a while, Feng Yu came back, complaining that the bone shield was too difficult to break, the bone spear was too accurate, etc., which made the three of them look at him with a smile.

"Is there anyone else coming up? If there is no one, I'll end it." Wu Xiuxiu looked at everyone and said expectantly.

Being able to touch a lesson is a lesson, and catching fish is the ultimate destination for our generation of workers.

she thought to herself.

The mages from the several months court raised their hands and came on stage one by one to give points to Li Mu.

Then, the bell rang.

"get out of class is over." The energetic Wu Xiu waved her hand and ended the class.

Li Mu stood up and was about to leave when he saw a girl running up to him.

"Next time, I won't lose again." Leng Xiaoyu lowered her head and said.

Lost again, lost so easily.

She knew that Li Mu didn't have her in his eyes, but she didn't want him to not even know that she was chasing him, so he could just ignore her, ignore her, or even...

Don't know her.

But when she came to Li Mu and said those words, she regretted it again.

‘Am I being unreasonable? ’

‘She doesn’t even know who I am. ’

Thinking of this, she wanted to escape.

"This is classmate Leng." Li Mu looked at the girl with blue eyes in front of him, and his deep black eyes moved slightly, "You don't need to care too much about winning or losing, and don't keep anything in your heart."

"We professionals don't just have wins and losses, there are other things."

"Kill the monsters, kill the aliens, protect what you want to protect, and so on." As he spoke, Li Mu's eyes flashed.

"There are many things worth doing, and your future will be exciting."

“Look forward and don’t limit yourself.”

After he finished speaking, he left the classroom.

Leng Xiaoyu stood there blankly, comprehending Li Mu's words.

‘Yeah, why should I limit myself? ’

‘In the future, I will go to the Northern Territory battlefield to make contributions, be promoted to legend, protect my mother, and protect my family. ’

'I have so much to do...'

After coming back to her senses, she looked at the empty seats and showed a nice smile.

‘But, I won’t give up on winning you. ’

Her eyes were bright.


After fooling his troubled classmates a little, Li Mu came to the cafeteria to eat.

Li Mu's elective class in the afternoon was potions and summoning.

Potions class.

"In this class, we will try to make a magic potion." Yao Lao waved his hand and placed a few simple medicinal materials and instruments on everyone's table. "If you do it well, you will get extra points. If you do it badly, you will lose points."

"let's start."

In the last class, he had already taught students how to make a few simple potions. He only let the students do it now because he wanted to see their attitude towards potion learning.

If they did it well, it would be good.

If they did it badly, he wouldn't say anything.

Anyway, not learning would be a waste of their own time, and he, as a teacher, wouldn't lose anything.

Seeing the materials, Li Mu recalled the content of the last class and started to make them.

Leng Xiaoyu also started to make them, but she was not as fast as Li Mu.

Not long after, Li Mu finished first.

"Li Mu, add ten points." Seeing that Li Mu was the first to make a potion for healing wounds, Yao Lao nodded with satisfaction.

His words made Leng Xiaoyu pause, and then she became more calm.

After a while, she was the second to finish.

"Leng Xiaoyu, add five points."

Relieved, Leng Xiaoyu looked at Li Mu, but saw that he was just shaking the potion bottle gently, not knowing what he was thinking.

Summoning class.

"In the last class, we talked about the bond between summoned creatures and summoners. This time, let's talk about the matching of summons." Yue Shan said loudly, "First, there are the bodyguard summons that protect the summoner, and then there are the long-range and melee summons that are responsible for attacking." "If you add reconnaissance and healing summons, your summoner lineup is basically complete." "Our task in this class is to summon different types of summons. First, form a team. I will score after class." "Add points if the lineup is qualified, and deduct points if it is unqualified." "Or, whose team lineup has been formed, let me see if it is qualified first." He looked around. Li Mu thought about it and raised his hand. "Li Mu, is your lineup formed?" Yue Shan raised his eyebrows, "My requirements for the necromancer are more stringent than those for ordinary summoners." The skeleton of the necromancer is known to be weak. "It's formed, Teacher Yue." Li Mu nodded, "I believe my summons can meet the requirements." "Then summon them and let me see." Yue Shan asked Li Mu to go to the podium. Li Mu raised his hand and summoned several skeletons from the undead space.

Skeleton warriors, skeleton mages, skeleton lancers, skeleton priests, and skeleton stalkers.

The newly summoned skeletons looked around and formed a circle to surround the skeleton mage.

The skeletons were protecting the caster!

Their actions shocked Yue Shan.

They were all highly intelligent undead!

"Teacher Yue?" Li Mu reminded.

"... Li Mu adds five points." Yue Shan looked at the skeletons with a complicated heart, thinking about what he was doing at his age.

Are you excited about your second summoned beast? Or are you secretly in love with a beautiful female classmate in the academy?

"Thank you, teacher." Li Mu nodded, and after getting approval, he took the textbook for the summoning class and started reading.

In the evening, it was astronomy, and the astronomy teacher raised his hand to open a curtain spell.

"Today, the Xinghuo City is covered with dark clouds, which is actually a revelation." He pointed at the dark clouds on the curtain and said lightly, "It proves that something bad will happen in Xinghuo Academy in the next few days."

"But you don't need to worry about it. If the sky falls, there will be tall people to support it."

"You just need to be quiet in class."

The astronomy teacher spoke indifferently, and the students didn't take him seriously.

In their eyes, Xinghuo Academy, which has been passed down for thousands of years and has a profound foundation, is unlikely to have any problems. Li Mu also thinks so.


On Friday morning, the dark clouds dissipated.

Today's magic class is the class of Yu Ming and Yun Feifei, but Yu Ming announced something as soon as he entered the classroom.

"Teacher Yun Feifei is a very knowledgeable teacher. She will teach the future courses." Yu Ming announced.

The students were happy when they heard this.

Compared with Yu Ming, who has a very strict teaching style, they prefer the gentle and soft Yun Feifei.

"Thank you, Teacher Yu." Yun Feifei said with a faint smile.

She graduated from Spark College. As soon as she graduated, she worked hard to obtain the teacher qualification in this school.

I finally became a regular employee, Yun Feifei!

She was filled with joy and her smile became brighter and more charming.

"Then I will teach you the last class." Yu Ming glanced at the happy students and smiled, "Don't let me deduct points in my last class."

After hearing this, the students immediately sat upright and started studying seriously.

"Hahaha." Yu Ming changed her previous stern image and became a kind-hearted old woman, teaching the course patiently and seriously.

At the end of the class, Yu Ming took a deep look at the students, then turned to Yun Feifei and bowed.

"Teacher Yun, I leave it to you."

She said solemnly.

"I know, Teacher Yu." Yun Feifei also bowed and said seriously, "I will shoulder this responsibility."

"The spark is eternal."

"The spark is eternal."

The two said.

Li Mu looked at this scene and seemed to see a heavy inheritance of will.

He could see it and feel it.


Li Mu's classes on Friday afternoon were non-human creatures and enchantment.

"Although the aliens have many animal characteristics, they are not a branch of orcs or half-orcs. They are a brand new race that was transformed from humans thousands of years ago. They are currently active in the wilderness outside the empire, and there are a lot of them."

"They believe in some evil gods from the chaotic camp, and those evil gods also give them gifts very randomly. While this gift gives them power, the evil in their hearts will be infinitely amplified, causing destruction and destruction everywhere."

"If we encounter them in the future, we need to kill them as soon as possible and don't let them have the opportunity to use their magic."

Fu Lin talked about the characteristics of the aliens seriously, while Li Mu recorded the special parts of the aliens to prepare for making ghouls in the future.

Enchanting class.

"I will teach you some basic enchantments in this class. In the next class, you will prepare a low-level equipment. I want to see your learning results." After the old man Zi finished speaking, he started teaching.

After class, Xu Qiaoer looked at her sister.

"Sister, do we need to buy equipment to enchant it?" she asked.

"Don't you need points to buy equipment?" Xu Ling'er looked at her sword and wrist guards, "Just use my equipment."

"Anyway, as long as there are no debuff effects attached, we will make money," she said.

"Oh." Xu Qiaoer nodded lightly.


In the evening, there was an alchemy class. Li Mu learned the simplest method of refining, the refining of herbs, under the teaching of Teacher Huo.

Soil + water + lightworm + herbal seeds = mature herbs

This combination gave Li Mu a deeper understanding of alchemy.

After class, Li Mu returned to the dormitory in the evening breeze.

The one-day course made him feel extremely fulfilled.

After taking a bath, Li Mu lay on the bed.

"Tomorrow is the day when the duel field is open. You have to earn more points, otherwise you won't be able to afford anything." Li Mu thought to himself and closed his eyes.


"There is no doubt that the clouds have dispersed."

"Don't worry, they all thought it was caused by the mutated monster we put in the dungeon."

"It's a pity that the bow was bought by someone. I still don't know who bought it."

"Don't worry, when the time comes, it's time for hunting. A bow will not affect the normal performance of the ceremony."

"Now, it's just a matter of waiting."

"Waiting for the day when my Lord comes to the Starfire."

In the dark corner, darkness slowly grows,

They dream of extinguishing sparks...

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