Because Chu Yunyue is here, Li Mu and others are ranked in the second grade.

Currently ranked first is Spark Academy, and Li Mu naturally skipped it.

Spark Academy should be number one, this is something that the entire empire knows.

Without looking further, Li Mu came to the duel stage and started the match.

Falling Feather Valley.

Entering the duel arena, Li Mu looked at himself and others on a cliff, with birds chirping in the sky and bird droppings everywhere on the ground.

"Eh-" Leng Xiaoyu said with a look of disgust, and used the [Falling Snow] skill to cover herself with white snow to prevent herself from stepping on bird droppings.

Li Mu looked up and saw birds flying in the sky, hovering above the team's heads.

Seeing the situation, he seemed ready to pounce at any time.

"Luoyu Valley, this is a more dangerous duel scene." Chu Yunyue stood on Leng Xiaoyu's snow in an instant and slowly explained. “Not only must you beware of attacks from the enemy team, but you must also be prepared for the aerial attacks of the white-feathered birds in the scene.”

"But this scene also frequently drops feather materials, making it the perfect place to collect feathers."

"Businessmen on the commercial street will also buy them from students, and the prices are not low."

Her words made Li Mu's desire to make wings stronger.

"Luo Yu." Li Mu thought of the fire feather in his storage ring and had an idea.

If you have wings, your fighting methods will be much richer.

But you still have to kill the person on the opposite side first before talking about anything else.

"Fire arrows." Looking at the team on the opposite cliff, Li Mu raised his hand. The skeleton archers and skeleton mages in the undead army appeared, and the arrow rain appeared instantly.

"Brother Li Mu is so awesome!"

A girl in line shouted in a low voice.

‘The clip sound is disgusting. ’ Leng Xiaoyu curled her lips.

And this is a second-grade field. He is obviously older than Li Mu, and he still calls him brother...


"It's Li Mu!" The enemy second-year team were all surprised when they saw the skeleton army in the distance, "Defense and counterattack!"

"Yes!" The team that cooperated tacitly formed a defensive formation and barely blocked the first round of arrows.

But the next moment the arrow exploded, instantly injuring them.

"Fire." Li Mu ordered again.


Negative energy missiles flew out in unison, and dark negative energy cold air emitted, filling the enemy team.

"How can you be so strong?" The captain was extremely surprised.

What he didn't know was that the skeletons that had accumulated negative energy in the space of the dead for a long time were no longer what they were when they were originally summoned.

After being nourished by the negative energy of the undead space, their arrows and missiles carry extremely cold negative energy, enough to swallow up life!

Swish, swish, swish!

The second round of flying arrows finally defeated the enemy team.

After killing the enemy team, Li Mu summoned the gargoyle team to collect feather materials.

The gargoyle flew up, and the skeleton archers and skeleton mages also kept on attacking, killing the white-feathered birds one after another and collecting the fallen feathers.

Li Mu didn't stop until Feiniao was dead.

The whole process took less than ten minutes, and he had collected nearly a thousand feathers.

But the quality of the feathers is either white or blue, which is far lower than the purple quality of the fire feathers.

But there is no way. After all, it is a low-level bird monster. What kind of good feathers can it drop?

Li Mu didn't pay attention to the girl's request for a phone number in the queue next to him, and Li Mu continued to match.


Swordfish floating island.

Li Mu looked at the small island where he and others were and the faint shadow in the sea, waiting for Chu Yunyue's explanation.

"This terrain requires students to go to the enemy's island and kill them in various ways, or wait for the enemy to come over." Chu Yunyue explained. "The one in the sea is the swordfish. Its body is like a sword and its meat is delicious. Its attack method is to jump up and charge forward. It is very powerful."

"The meat is delicious?" Xu Qiaoer grasped the key words.

"Yes, it's quite delicious." Chu Yunyue nodded, then looked at her teammates lined up beside her, "Ziying, you're here."

"Yes." Xiao Ziying looked at Chu Yunyue and Li Mu with a complicated expression.

As a puppet master, she has puppets and does not need to fight on her own.

But in this profession, the combat effectiveness of the doll determines her combat effectiveness, and her doll is not very powerful because of the influence of her soul.

Even if her dolls are made of excellent materials, the soul is closely related to the will. If the owner's fighting will is not strong, the dolls connected by the soul will not be strong either.

And she is just a puppet master, not a powerful melee profession, so how can her will be so high?

Therefore, she rarely wins and rarely enters the duel arena.

But there is no way. The dolls need good equipment to arm themselves, and the second mission also requires the dolls to be strong.

She needs points.

But there was no way she could win the duel by herself, so she came to try her luck.

As a result, they met Chu Yunyue and Li Mu.

"Senior, what a coincidence." Li Mu looked at Xiao Ziying.

He had some affection for his senior sister. Whether it was the guidance on the first day of school, the teaching of soul knowledge, or the attitudes of Xiao Xiaoke and Xiao Xiaoya towards him, he had complicated feelings towards Xiao Ziying.

Because he knew that the puppets were guiding him because of Xiao Ziying's wishes, but he always felt that the puppets were a little too good to him.

It was obvious that we had only met each other a few times.

"Are you here to earn points?" Chu Yunyue asked.

She and Xiao Ziying were two very famous people in the freshman class.

They are all people rushing to class.

So although they don't have much interaction, they still know each other.

"Well, yes." Xiao Ziying was a little embarrassed.

"How many points are we missing, senior sister?" Li Mu asked.

It’s also a good idea to advance points for learning knowledge.

"I, I'm not far behind." She was still a little embarrassed in front of Li Mu.

And a doll screamed in the doll space, disturbing her mind.

‘I know, I know, I’ll let you out now, but Xiaoke, please calm down, okay? ’ She looked at Li Mu sheepishly and released the puppet.

"Li Mu!" Xiao Xiaoke appeared and immediately threw himself into Li Mu's arms, which made him feel a little strange.

Still so enthusiastic, Xiao Xiaoke.

"Long time no see, have you missed me?" The girl in her arms raised her head and looked at Li Mu with shining eyes.

She and Xiao Ziying had been at odds for a long time since they last saw each other.

But when she saw Li Mu today, she became happy.

"Yeah." Li Mu nodded.

Thought about it.

"You don't even know what my elder sister has been to me these days." Hearing this, Xiao Xiaoke immediately started chirping as if he had been given blood, "She actually punished me not to eat fried chicken legs for three days! How abominable! "

"She looks a lot like me, but she has a very bad heart."

"And she has become more and more lazy recently, and she doesn't even go to class."

"Also, she doesn't actually wash clothes. Sister Xiaoya is taking care of her."

"Every time this happens, I say I will definitely do it next time, and then I dress myself up neatly and look like I love cleanliness."

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