Suddenly, a classmate shouted, "Look, there's movement in the dark clouds." "

Everyone looked up.

A little fire rose from the dark clouds.

The firelight floats in the air, rising and falling.

There seems to be something else besides the firelight.

And there was a clattering and grinding sound in the dark clouds, which made people feel sore to hear.

Finally, the sharp-eyed classmates saw clearly what was in the dark clouds and was so frightened that they fell to the ground.

"It's skeletons, and the clouds are skeletons. "

As he spoke, the picture in the dark clouds was fully revealed.

Thousands of skeletons were densely packed, and the fire was the soul fire in their skulls.

The skeletons glowed with a miserable white light, hideous and terrifying.

Although they knew that this was just a vision, many students were still frightened and retreated.

One of the soul fires fell from the sky and landed on Lin Moyu.

Then all visions vanished instantly, and everything returned to normal.

[Unique Hidden Class: Necromancer].

Not a rare class.

Rather, it hides the profession.

And it's also a unique hidden profession.

This means that there is only one profession in the whole world.

Unless Lin Moyu dies, there will be no second identical profession.

Hidden classes are rarer than rare classes, and even fewer than legendary classes.

It's not clear whether it's strong or not, it's certain that it's less anyway.

Lin Moyu's necromancer profession is the only one in the world.

"Lin Moyu is so powerful, it has become a hidden profession, and it is a unique hidden profession. "

"How could the luck of the talker be so good, could it be that the magic circle was wrong. "

"Hidden professions are not necessarily powerful, and there have been many people in history whose hidden professions are not very good. "

"Yes, yes, there are only a few hidden professions, and they are not necessarily great. "

"But the vision just now is so scary, and his profession is called necromancer, so he has to deal with dead people all the time. "

"He didn't speak in the first place, and he didn't have to talk when dealing with dead people, so he didn't have to speak. "

Lin Moyu came down from the circle after fully awakening his profession.

The unique hidden profession, he was also a little excited in his heart, and he couldn't tell anything from his face.

Joy and anger are invisible, it is good to have shock and excitement in your heart, why put it on your face.

"Wait a minute. When he passed by Zhang Qian, Zhang Qian suddenly stopped him.

Lin Moyu turned around and saluted towards Zhang Qian, "What do you have to say from your seniors?" "

It's not that he can't speak, but he doesn't talk much.

There will be no less etiquette.

Zhang Qian asked, "Your profession is a hidden profession, and the old man has never seen it, do you show a skill?"

In the face of Zhang Qian's request, Lin Moyu did not refuse.

"Wait a minute, senior. "

I just finished changing jobs, and I'm not completely familiar with myself.

I took a look at my properties.

[Name: Lin Moyu].

[Class: Necromancer (Only)].

[Grade: 1 (0.00%)].

[Strength: 10].

[Dexterity: 10].

[Spirit: 20].

[Constitution: 10].

[Equipment: None].

[Summoning Space: 0/10].

[Skill: Soul Flame (Level 1), Summoning Skeleton Warrior (Level 1)].

[Soul Flame (Level 1): Burns the target's soul, dealing scorch damage, and its power is determined by the person's mental power and skill level. 】

[Summoning Skeleton Warrior (Level 1): Summons a Black Iron Skeleton Warrior (Skeletons can be divided into Black Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Legendary, and God). 】

In terms of attributes, mental power is better than the other two attributes.

This also represents the positioning of the necromancer, which belongs to the profession of the mage department.

The Soul Flame skill also illustrates this.

However, the Summoning Skeleton Warrior skill is somewhat similar to the Summoner class.

The soul flame was definitely not suitable for display, so Lin Moyu chose to summon the skeleton warrior.

The skill was activated, and a black vortex appeared around Lin Moyu.

Then a skeletal warrior with a soul fire came out of the vortex.

The spirit fell from 20 to 10 in an instant, and half of it was consumed.

The bones on the skeleton warrior of the black iron level are gray.

There are many cracks all over the body, and even the knife in his hand is worn and old, I don't know which pile of rags it was picked from.

Not only the knife, but the whole skeleton warrior came out of the garbage heap.

Such a black iron-level skeleton warrior didn't look powerful at all, as if it would fall apart at will.

Lin Moyu also took the opportunity to check the attributes of the skeleton warrior.

[Black Iron Rank Skeleton Warrior].

[Strength: 15].

[Dexterity: 15].

[Spirit: 15].

[Constitution: 15].

[Skill: None].

The four attributes are fairly balanced.

There are no advantages and no disadvantages.

For the time being, there are no skills, and only normal attacks will be used.

It's not that powerful

When the skeleton warrior appeared, the students let out an exclamation and unconsciously took a few steps back.

People are always afraid of terrible things.

There were only a few daring ones, and there was no movement.

Like Gao Yang, on the contrary, there is a hint of curiosity.

Zhang Qian's fingertips glowed, like a gust of wind falling on the skeleton warrior.

The skeleton warrior's eyes suddenly glowed red, and when he looked at Zhang Qian, the soul fire also beat violently.

[The skeleton warrior is attacked, whether to fight back.] (If you don't make a choice for 10 seconds, you will automatically counterattack.) )】

A piece of information suddenly popped into Lin Moyu's mind, and he hurriedly ordered the skeleton warrior not to move.

Zhang Qian smiled, "The vigilance is very high." "

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