A black vortex appeared in front of him, and two skeleton warriors appeared at the same time, one on the left and one on the right just to block the sharp arrows that were fired.

The sharp arrow landed on the skeleton warrior with a metallic striking sound, but did little damage.

Then the two skeleton warriors lunged straight at the two archers.

"There was more than one summon. "

Zhao Ji's face changed again and became extremely ugly.

He didn't expect that Lin Moyu's summon would be more than one.

However, it is normal for some summoners to have multiple summons.

They have a summoner in their guild who has four summons.

"Block it for me!".

Zhao Ji shouted loudly, and immediately a knight warrior came to block him and blocked the skeleton warrior for him.

Without the danger of his life, Zhao Ji raised his staff and pointed at Lin Moyu, reciting the incantation quickly in his mouth.

Killing a summon is not as good as killing a summoner.

"The Fire Serpent Dances!".

Two seconds later, a fiery snake flew out of his staff and swooped down on Lin Moyu.

"Oh no, this is a skill that can only be learned by a level 20 mage, and it's a very rare skill. "

"Known as the strongest attack skill before the mage's second turn, this time Brother Lin Moyu is going to be in trouble. "

"It is said that less than a third of mages can master this skill. "

Some people behind him were worried about Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu still didn't move, and a whirlpool appeared in front of him again.

This time, a full 20 skeleton warriors came out at the same time.

20 soul fires leap in the night.

The fiery serpent danced wildly and landed on them, exploding with a thud, exploding with brilliant fire.

In the flames, 20 skeleton warriors rushed out in unison and rushed towards the people of the Dynasty Guild.

Zhao Ji's face became extremely ugly, "How can there be so many." "

The appearance of 3 skeleton warriors just now was enough to surprise him, but he didn't expect 20 to appear at once this time.

That's more than they are.

"Team up, line up, face each other!".

Zhao Ji is very experienced, and he did not panic because of this.

The Dynasty Guild is worthy of being a long-established and experienced guild.

The professionals inside have been baptized by a lot of battles and have excellent cooperation.

They quickly assembled.

The knight is at the front, the warrior, the archer, and the mage are at the center, and the back is the support.

In Zhao Ji's eyes, although these summons are strong, their own team is more perfect.

Killing the skeleton warrior also only takes some time.

The team of more than a dozen people shrank into a ball.

The support adds status to each person quickly.

Strengthened, agile strengthened, mentally strengthened.

Speed Activation, Energy Shield, Berserker's Soul.

As long as it can be added, none of it is missed.

In just 30 seconds, all the states were blessed.

It also shows their excellent cooperation.

Zhao Ji's face showed confidence again.

Although they were now surrounded by skeleton warriors, they had not encountered such a situation before.

He firmly believes that he must be the one who has the last laugh.

At this time, Lin Moyu raised his hand, bowed his head and said to Wang Yi and the others behind him, "You guys, retreat." "

So far, no one dares to disobey his words.

Who would have thought that he alone could fight against the men and horses of more than a dozen dynasty guilds.

Everyone immediately retreated, and in the blink of an eye, they were already dozens of meters away.

Zhao Ji saw this situation and had doubts in his heart, but he didn't think much about it.

Then he saw a flash of fire in front of him, followed by a scream from an archer.

The vitality of the archers dropped sharply, and he was on the verge of death in an instant.

Immediately afterward, a healing spell landed on the archer, quickly pulling him back from the line of death.

Lin Moyu used the soul flame and failed to kill the archer in an instant.

The nurse on the other side reacted quickly and directly treated the archer.

Zhao Ji let out a cold sweat, he thought of Lin Moyu's profession.

Lin Moyu is not just a summoner, but a necromancer.

In addition to being a summoner, he is also a mage.

"Pay attention to the nurse, the healing must be fast, and the other party has the ability to attack with spells. "

Zhao Ji commanded loudly, making everyone in the team even more nervous.

Who would have thought that more than a dozen of them would be surrounded and killed by one person.

"Concentrate on attacking one person. "

Lin Moyu looked at the knight with a skeleton warrior on the outermost side.

The knight was also miserable at this time, and he had to withstand the attacks of more than ten skeleton warriors at the same time.

The pressure is even greater than that of the Nightmare Resistant Quest boss.

Although healing techniques continued to fall on him, he still felt extremely painful and felt that he would hang up at any moment.

With Lin Moyu's order, more knives fell on him.

Then a flame appeared overhead.

Out of the instinct of life, the knight began the extreme defense at the first time.

The light on his body flickered, and the pressure suddenly decreased a lot.

However, the Soul Flame ignored his defense and launched a direct attack on the Soul.

Even with his extreme defenses, he screamed.

Fortunately, the nurse reacted quickly, and threw one treatment after another on him.

Under the continuous attacks of the skeleton warriors, the light of extreme defense is rapidly fading.

The extreme defense, which was supposed to last for at least 40 seconds, ended up lasting only 20 seconds.

At the moment when the extreme defense disappeared, Lin Moyu issued a new order.

"Use skills!".

At the same time, he used the soul flame again.

The soul flame exerts its effect, making the knight scream.

More than a dozen furious blows fell on the knight at the same time.

Even the nurse didn't have time to treat, and the knight was killed in an instant.

The gap in the team was opened, and Zhao Ji's face changed greatly, "Run!"

Lin Moyu shook his head, it was too late.

A skeleton warrior tosses the knight's corpse into the air.

Corpses burst!

There was a loud bang.

The knight's body was detonated.

Volley detonation, the most powerful.

With the knight as the center, a range of 20 meters, dealing 200% of the knight's life to all enemies.

Of all classes, the Knight has one of the best life forces.

How powerful is the damage based on his life, and then doubled.

Zhao Ji only heard a bang, and there was no more.

Kill them all!

The corpse burst like earth-shattering thunder, destroying everything.

Only a dozen bombed-out corpses were left on the ground.

None of the Dynasty Guilds survived.

Large items were scattered on the ground.

Lin Moyu didn't even look at it, and took it all away.

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