The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

Looking at Bai Yi who disappeared, everyone was not too panicked, after all, Bai Yi appeared so suddenly.

At first, he appeared almost instantly.

It seemed very reasonable that he disappeared suddenly at this time.

It was just that the small shadow that remained in the original place was fading, and its body was completely made of shadows. It looked a little weird and mysterious, like the product of some special profession.

It seemed that it was a special existence bound to Bai Yi.

Before everyone could think about it, the shadow fading suddenly drilled into Huo Zuo's shadow and disappeared on the surface.

"??!" Huo Zuo was a little surprised.

But thinking that the other party should not have the ability to cause harm to him, he was relieved a little.

Just treat it as Bai Yi's special way of "contacting".

After all, there seemed to be quite a few of these little monsters in the shadows of the five Shaohao brothers, which was probably the coordinates of Bai Yi's teleportation.

Thinking about it.

Huo Zuo nodded, and was about to set off to the next place to inform the rest of the combat forces while cleaning up the intelligent machinery factory.

At this time, Qingda's timely voice sounded:

"Will Brother Bai be in danger?"

"Yes, after all, isn't the backup guaranteed to be level 60? Even Brother Bai shouldn't be able to beat it if he meets it?"

"Ah, stupid, can't you run away if you can't beat it?"

"The key is, what if you can't run away? Then it's definitely over."

After listening.

Huo Zuo stopped his steps and said, "Don't worry. The probability of picking a backup factory of intelligent machines in a land as large as Falanxi is very low."

"Generally speaking, it is unlikely to come across one."

Qing Si's expression changed, as if he had thought of something, and he proposed a wonderful metaphor:

"Is it like eating coins in dumplings during the Chinese New Year?"

Hearing this slightly weird but slightly related wonderful metaphor, everyone's face suddenly became a little strange.

Think about it carefully...

It seems that this is really the case, huh?

A plate of dumplings is like all the intelligent machine factories in Falanxi.

And the dumpling with the coin is the factory that descended on the backup of the BOSS.

I can only say.

This metaphor is very subtle, and there is a hint of rationality in the weirdness.

"You kid, you are really a talent." Qing San covered his face and said such a sentence that he didn't know whether it was a compliment or a criticism.

"Should I say it or not, this metaphor really seems to be true." Qingwu echoed.


Qingda remained silent, wondering what the brain circuits of his brothers were.


It is really impossible to understand with the thinking of normal people. After getting along for a long time, Qingda often wondered if he was also a weirdo in the eyes of normal people who was with this group of brothers.

At this time.

Hearing the conversation between the five Shaohao brothers, Huo Zuo, who was about to leave, stopped.

Turning his head, he said two words casually:

"Logically speaking."

"It's almost the same meaning." Huo Zuo stopped and replied after thinking for a second or two.

Then, Huo Zuo left.

After he didn't step on the pillar of a certain art gallery to fly away, he jumped away directly, just like the Superman who couldn't fly but pretended to be able to fly in some versions.


He had the strength to throw out the pillar, jump on it and fly away.

He had the strength to jump away from here.

Flying on the pillars.

It was just for the sake of prestige. After all, whether it was stepping on a flying sword or riding a broom, it was always more stylish than leaving with a big jump.

But at this time, he didn't have so much time to choose.

Looking at Huo Zuo's back as he left, the five Shaohao brothers hesitated.

"Cool, when can we have this physique?"

"But, I still think it's cooler to be able to fly..."

"That's true, if you can fly, who needs to jump."

Looking at Huo Zuo leaving in the distance, the five Shaohao brothers complained without any hesitation, and then a cold wind blew past, and they thought about the current situation:

"Let's go home?"

"What home to go home, go and destroy the intelligent machine factory."

"What if we meet a backup? We can neither beat them nor run away."

"This... is indeed a good question."


"Go home?"

The five Shaohao brothers began to think about this question, but then handed the question to Fa

Soldiers of Lanxi.


The five of them decided to follow the example of Commissioner Huo and warn the friendly forces of Lanxi around them that the crisis of the intelligent machines was not over.

In this way, they also contributed to the war.



In a factory full of intelligent machines.

The intelligent machines that were originally transporting materials to the factory according to the procedures have been cleared out.

And their cleaners.

It was the shadow intelligent machines that were almost the same, but with a higher number and strength.


The nearly 10,000 shadow intelligent machines destroyed in the Marseille area, Bai Yi never thought of letting them pile up and gather dust.

With such a large number, how could they not be used.

In this way.

A large number of shadow intelligent machines began to look for traces of other intelligent machines that could move.

Those ordinary intelligent robots have all stopped moving.

Able to act.

Most of them are type II omnics that have been programmed and can operate independently according to the program. As long as one is found, it is basically possible to find an omnic factory by following the clues.


These nearly 10,000 shadow omnics were sent to various omnic factories in batches.

Perhaps Huo Zuo was right.

It is difficult to find the backup of the BOSS relying on Bai Yi's speed alone, after all, the probability is there.

The possibility of finding it is really not high.


What if there are nearly thousands of shadow omnics, close to five digits, exploring the entire Falanxi together?

The possibility of finding it will be very different.

At this moment.

Bai Yi's figure used [Shadow Exchange] to come to an omnic factory.

Looking at the mechanical wreckage on the ground, Bai Yi knew that the backup of the BOSS he was looking for was not here.

After all.

If the backup of the boss was here, then what was scattered on the ground would not be mechanical wreckage, but a large group of shadow omnics that were about to disappear with their health at the bottom.

"Stand up."

Looking at the accumulated mechanical wreckage, Bai Yi decisively activated his professional skill - [Shadow Extraction].

Although the backup of the boss was not here, these new shadow minions would be a waste.

It was like picking them up for free.

The omnic factory was building Type II omnics, and Bai Yi sent his shadow minions to destroy them, directly converting them into friendly forces.

This time.

The number of shadow omnics increased greatly, and in a short period of time it completely broke through the five-digit number.

It reached as many as ten thousand!

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