After the incident, Bai Yi returned to his original purpose.

This matter was completely over, and Bai Yi returned to his original purpose.


Although his upgrade speed would scare several rows of professionals in the eyes of others.

But Bai Yi, who was in such a speed, had already gotten used to it.

During this period of time, several shadow limb wolves spread out to the surroundings and had already discovered the exact locations of many monsters.

As they got farther away from H City, the levels of these monsters gradually increased.

Even some level 17 and 18 monsters of the same level as Bai Yi could be seen.

But just from the aspect of numbers, even the high-level professional Sato Sangu died under the siege of the shadow army, not to mention these monsters.

The shadow men that Bai Yi brought out from the [Iron Jungle] dungeon are now almost damaged.

There were already a lot of losses in hunting the alienated wild dogs, and under the siege of Sato, most of them were completely killed and wounded, resulting in the current number of shadow armies not being particularly large.


There are pros and cons. Most of the ones brought out are level 4 shadow limbed wolves.

Nowadays, the shadow army has replaced the level 12 shadow alien dogs. Although the overall number is much less, the overall strength has increased a lot.


A shadow limbed wolf that ran a little further found a lot of human gathering traces, which made Bai Yi a little concerned.

After a little association, Bai Yi remembered something.

In the distance of this wild area, there is a dungeon, which is under official management and is much more dangerous than the novice dungeon [Iron Jungle].

Bai Yi left without staying for long.

It was too low to continue hunting the alienated wild dogs here. It was better to go to the difficult dungeon nearby to hunt some monsters, so that experience could be gained faster.

Not long after.

The natal shadow beside Bai Yi returned behind him, and all the other shadow subordinates stayed in the shadow temporarily.

Looking from a distance.

Through the special glass outside the official building, a brilliant blue dungeon entrance could be vaguely seen. Just by looking at it, it could be felt that it was a circle larger than that of [Iron Jungle].

Building a building here was built to prevent monsters from being accidentally teleported out, and to record every professional who entered it.

Although it was not as grand as the novice dungeon in the city, there was still a hall.

At this time.

Many professionals dressed in gorgeous clothes were temporarily recruiting team members.

"We are short of one, come here, priest, we have both the battle and the tactics!"

"Find three logistics, mainly as human backpacks, and share 6% of the team's profit."

"Let's get a control, taunt, suspend, etc., come here! Five wait for one!"


These independent professionals who have not joined any guild or alliance are temporarily recruiting team members.

Maybe they are really short of teammates, or maybe their fixed teammates died in the last dungeon.

Seeing Bai Yi's arrival, it attracted the attention of many independent professionals.

"Oh my god, look at him, he doesn't even have a piece of plate armor!"

"A newcomer? How can he not have any equipment?"

"No, it's impossible. There are many monsters along the way. How can a newcomer make it?"

"Are you crazy? Is he lucky and didn't encounter any monsters?!"

"That's not right. It doesn't make sense. Could it be..."

"Is he a hidden professional? He doesn't care about using external equipment?"

"Damn, he can actually be here..."


The crowd reacted from the conversation, the discussion gradually subsided, and slowly forced their eyes away from Bai Yi.

Although they guessed some.

But one thing was wrong.

Is Bai Yi disdainful of wearing equipment?

Of course not!

He didn't disdain to wear equipment, it was just because... he didn't have any!

Before becoming a novice professional, everyone was an ordinary person and had no money to buy equipment.

Generally, after the novice period, monsters above level 10 will drop materials, which can be sold for money or made into equipment, so you can have a few pieces.

But what about Bai Yi?

He has just become a rookie professional for dozens of hours, and has no time to change equipment.

Thinking about it, Bai Yi shook his head. How could he disdain to wear equipment and wish for twenty-one amplification rings.

"After this dungeon, go buy some equipment."

Bai Yi murmured, not caring that he had accidentally set a flag, and walked towards the dungeon reporting office without haste.


After paying some not-so-high fees, Bai Yi stood in front of the dungeon entrance.

Some dungeon information appeared automatically:

[lv.12-lv.30 dungeon: Youdang Shiling]

Without stopping for long, Bai Yi took a step and entered the dungeon directly.

"Oh my god! He entered the dungeon! Alone!"

"Solo? This... this is too arrogant!"

"Is he a high-level professional? No! Why would he come here with a high level!"

"He's just going to die! He's just going to die!"

"No, don't look at it with your short-sighted eyes. What if he has that ability?"

"Hiss... That's true."

"Who lost the detection spell just now? What kind of profession is this person?"

"Well, I was nervous and forgot..."


Bai Yi, who entered the dungeon, naturally didn't know about the discussion among the casual professionals.

Of course.

Even if he heard it, he wouldn't care at all.

As soon as he entered this dungeon, the empty mountains came into Bai Yi's eyes. The desolate mountains were made up of millions of stones of all sizes.

This time, there was no smell of rust, but instead a cold and slightly old smell.

It was ancient stone.

Before Bai Yi turned his head, he had already sensed the breath of the monster behind him.

His mind flashed quickly like an electric current, and his natal shadow materialized, followed by the 40 alienated wild dogs.

Two shadow armored bears blocked the front, as magnificent as the ancient red-painted city gate.

At this time, Bai Yi slowly turned around.

His eyes passed over the shadow subordinates and were placed on the monster about two meters tall, and the exploration began.

[Monster: Blue Core Stone Monster]

[Level: Level 16]

[HP: 26880\26880]

[Comprehensive Attack Power: 860]

[Skill: Split]

It was a monster made of light gray stones, with a huge irregular stone on the top acting as its face, and a faint blue light flickering around its chest.

As expected of a monster in a dungeon, these data were not inferior to those of Bai Yi.

But Bai Yi never fought alone.

He pointed with his hand.


As this order was issued, dozens of shadow dogs instantly broke away from the standby state and attacked the blue core stone monster.

While dealing with it.

In front of the blue core stone monster, Shadow was frantically attacking with a walker dagger in his hand.

Behind it, a dark ninja figure quietly appeared.

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