The more you look at it, the more you can see.

The thing that pulled out the flying device was none other than one of the larger black tentacles of the Extreme Decline.

After stabilizing itself in the air again.

The Sky Device was also stunned.


Has this thing always been so strong?

It was beaten up by you before it was strengthened, and it is still beaten up after it is strengthened. Isn't it a waste of strengthening the Sky Device? !

'Damn it.' The Sky Device cursed.


The two flame beams instantly reversed direction, turned directly in the opposite direction, and flew directly in the opposite direction.

Bai Yi wanted to continue to fight, but seeing the Sky Device like this...Is it going to run away?

Run again?

Bai Yi raised his hand, and the two strings of Decaying Flowing Beads returned to his hand.

But it was obvious.

It had just been used once, and now this thing had entered the cooling time. Bai Yi had not expected the cooling time.

But it was okay.

The cooling time meant that this thing was not disposable and could be used repeatedly.

With a casual move, he put the two strings of Decaying Flowing Beads that were in the cooling time into the storage backpack.


Bai Yi set his sights on Tian Xi again, and the back of the fleeing figure was so decisive, without the slightest hesitation.

Tian Xi, it turned around and ran away, without even a little hesitation.

Bai Yi held his forehead.


With a single word, Bai Yi's order was instantly issued to the consciousness of every shadow subordinate.


Falanxi, border location.

At a circle of walls guarding the border, dozens of soldiers were strictly guarding this important road.

"I say, the country is about to fall, is it useful for us to guard the border here?"

"What do you know,"

"If the leader of the intelligent machine breaks through the border, then..."

"What will happen?"

The two soldiers were talking, and suddenly there was a burst of sound outside the sky, followed by a series of sonic boom clouds hanging behind.

An object with an extremely fast speed passed through the sky, which made the two soldiers stunned.

"What will happen? I haven't finished talking yet." The soldier came back to his senses and reminded.

"All networks in Falanxi are closed. If the leader of the intelligent machine escapes to the outside world, he can use the network to upload his consciousness to the whole world..."

"Is that so? It's really scary."

"By the way, what just flew over?"

"I don't know, maybe a fighter plane or something..."


The two soldiers continued to scan the surroundings, but when they finished speaking, the ground began to shake violently.


The two soldiers looked towards a position and couldn't help but cast their eyes.

A huge dark cloud made of black shadows appeared from that location, instantly attracting the attention of all the soldiers.

It was simply covering the sky and the sun.

But if you look closely, it is not difficult to find that these things have various shapes, dragon people, giants, indescribable...


These black shadows mixed together, making it look like a black shadow group covering the sky from a distance.

"That... that is?!" A soldier shouted loudly.

"Not good! This is a BOSS-level monster! Go and notify the headquarters!"

"Can't stop it! Everyone get out of the way!"

The soldiers were in order. When they saw the black shadow group, they knew they were invincible. They retreated instantly and made way for a large road.

The rest of the soldiers directly began to communicate to the headquarters, reporting everything incredible they saw.

As for Bai Yi's stay or departure.

No one dared to stop it...

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