The lightning bolt hit the mechanical body of the intelligent machine in just a moment. Even though the body was made of precious metals from the Blue Star, it was pierced by the lightning bolt. The remaining lightning bolts were not neutralized by the atmosphere, but continued to enter the mechanical body of the intelligent machine as if they were controlled by humans. This lightning bolt may not cause much damage to the body of a powerful human. But you have to know that the intelligent machine has never been a flesh and blood body, but a solid water-filled structure. Although the metal outside is very hard, the internal parts are not immune to lightning. Despite the exquisite structure, the existence of natural evolution is far more ingenious than what humans have studied. However, some circuits are still afraid of lightning.

These powerful lightning can instantly penetrate some components based on circuit boards.


And this moment passed quietly, even if it was just a moment for any existence!

At this moment.

Bai Yi stood on the shoulder of the shadow giant. When Tianxie was about to cross the border to the Swiss border, Bai Yi saw a yellow lightning when he was about to use his ultimate move.

This figure seemed to be an old friend in Bai Yi's cognition.

Golden flash? The Flash?

None of them.

It was a Chinese committee member that Bai Yi seemed to have met twice. He had some impression... but not much!

As this figure stopped, Bai Yi saw a figure turning slowly towards him again.

And Tianxie behind him also fell slowly.

When Bai Yi saw this scene, it looked like a close-up shot in some American blockbusters. It would be better to add slow motion and BGM, which would be very different.


"How was it? Was I handsome just now?!"

"Record it and show it off when I get back."

"I grabbed a boss's head. I'm lucky today."

After a series of words, Zhi Qiufeng casually took out the smart watch from his insulated pocket and took a photo of himself and Tian Xi behind him.

This is not over yet.

He pressed the photo button and took dozens of photos directly. When they were connected together, they looked like a slide show.

Bai Yi looked a little speechless.

He couldn't comment.

However... according to the general routine, Tian Xi would definitely not die so easily this time.

Bai Yi raised his hand and pointed at the paralyzed mechanical body of Tian Xi.

As if he understood Bai Yi's meaning, Zhi Qiufeng quickly put away the smart watch and released the skill.

B+ level skill - combat space!

In between greed.

A slender giant sword that was two or three times taller than a person appeared out of thin air and was directly held in Zhi Qiufeng's hands.

The next moment.

Zhi Qiufeng exerted force in his hand, and the slender giant sword was wrapped with huge potential energy, and it smashed directly into the paralyzed body of Tianxie.


A violent collision sounded, and a big hole was smashed in the body of Tianxie.

Then, Zhi Qiufeng flipped his hand again.

The slender giant sword in his hand disappeared, and was replaced by a scepter made of the spine and skull of a humanoid creature.

The next moment the scepter was swung.

A large amount of water flowed out of the nostrils of the skull, and in an instant it poured into the gap of the hole in Tianxie.


Flipped again.

Two daggers with yellow electric light appeared, and Zhi Qiufeng directly inserted them into the Tianxie version of the reservoir.

For a moment.

Lightning flashed in all directions, as if a disco was playing music.

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