You have to know.

The advantage of silicon-based life forms may be their long life span that will not die naturally, or their ability to think in an instant.

But on some technological planets, the biggest advantage of silicon-based life forms is not their long life span or their ability to think quickly.


They can connect to the Internet!

Once the consciousness of a silicon-based life form enters a certain network, although it will lose its body, it can travel around the world with the invisible body of the "network".

And this moment is the best time for Tianji to connect to the network.


Bai Yi pressed the palm of the shadow giant, and he could not help but see a hard black box flying out with the potential energy of the explosion.

"That is..." Bai Yi felt something was wrong, but the naked eye could not tell what it was.

The next moment.

The probe was released instantly.

[Item: Intelligent Machine Leader·Tian Ji Backup System]

[Durability: 1145/14598]

[Introduction: With this, Tian Ji can use backup skills and indirectly revive. As for whether it is still the same as before... is it still important? ]

The moment he saw the introduction, Bai Yi's mind turned quickly and he read it in a blink of an eye, and then he was shocked.

Good guy.

He knew it was not that simple. This thing actually has a backup.

This matter is really not that easy to solve!

If this thing is really connected to the network and the consciousness is uploaded to the network...

Then there will be more than one Tian Ji backup body causing trouble in the entire Blue Star!

In an instant.

Bai Yi opened his hands, and two werewolf dismantling machine guns flew in his hands.

"At this distance, at this health..."

"I hope it's still in time."

Bai Yi looked at the health of the Tianxie backup system, and then glanced at the distance not far away, feeling a little uneasy.

It was not easy to be able to perceive it.

If it is said that it can be solved instantly with 100%, it is not so realistic.

To be honest.

Bai Yi is not too sure, at most 70% sure.

But if that 30% mistake occurs, it will be a 100% disaster for the entire Blue Star!

At this critical moment!

The whole sky suddenly changed to pink, just like some northeastern regions of China, the stunning sunset-like scenery appeared inappropriately.

Bai Yi almost paused for even a moment, but the attack in his hand was also launched.

Attacking together with it, there are also a large number of long-range attacks from the shadow men, and there are quite a few of them with very fast speeds.

But at the same time.

A piece of pink sky in the sky instantly dissipated, showing a large hole.

It was right above the Tianxie!

In an instant!

The air was visibly twisted, the ground turned red instantly, and the vaporized objects formed a faint smoke appearance.

And the Tianxie backup system reflected below, the black box, instantly melted and disappeared like a marshmallow poured with boiling water.

"Oh, this is..."

Zhi Qiufeng smiled and ate melons while watching the scene in the distance.

At the same time.

[Kill the BOSS-level monster [Intelligent Clan Leader·Tianxie], gain experience +......]

Bai Yi was shocked and looked at the wreckage of Tianxie in a daze.

Is this solved...?


Who made the move? But seeing Zhi Qiufeng's appearance below, it seems that he knows him.

Could it be that he is also one of the thirty-six members of China?

There is this possibility, and this possibility is very high.

At this time.

Some subtle roars came from afar, but Bai Yi was somewhat familiar with it, it was the sound of the individual combat vehicle.

And the first time he saw the person driving this vehicle...

"Is it Commissioner Ye?" Bai Yi looked into the distance and seemed to have guessed who was coming.

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