The snow elf in the field that turned into a tiger snow ape also let out a shocking roar at this time!


As this roar sounded, the whole air seemed to become distorted.

The half-dragon's figure was out of control, and he couldn't help but tremble all over.

Then, he fell straight to the ground.


The snow elf in the field who turned into a tiger snow ape roared again.

At this time, the half-dragon's body fell again.

Pressed hard on it!

'Crack! '

The half-dragon's body was directly cracked at this moment.

But soon.

There was a new force emerging in its body!


The half-dragon's body also stood up suddenly and rushed towards the tiger snow elf.


Finally, the half-dragon's strength was exhausted and relaxed.

And the tiger snow elf took the opportunity to climb up.


Turned around and left.


Halfway through, it was surrounded by Black Barton, Hundred Demons, Extreme Decline, and Shadow Giant!

These shadow subordinates have become representatives of high combat power, and can be said to be the earliest to follow Bai Yi.

The strength has reached level 60, or even more.


As for Jidao Decline, he is the first existence without level. It is hard to say whether he is a super level or a special existence.

Terrifying strength.


No matter how much this level 60 domain snow elf changes, it is only a level 60 BOSS.

Which of the shadow subordinates present is not at the BOSS level? !

And at this moment.

This group of shadow subordinates stopped joking and united together. The situation of this tiger snow elf became critical!


Half Dragon rushed into the field again, wanting to solve the trouble of the tiger snow elf.

This kind of battle lasted for a while.

Half Dragon's figure, the shadow on his body gradually floated, and then retreated behind the shadow subordinates, ready to fight in a group.

This time.

Black Barton, Baigui Zhengyi, Jidao Decline, Shadow Giant all attacked!

"Swish, swish, swish..."

One after another offensive, like a meteor shower, poured towards this snow elf.

This snow elf also fought hard, trying to resist such attacks.

But what can he do.

These attacks were too dense and too powerful.

This battle lasted for a while, and the half-dragon figure quickly flashed back behind the shadow men, ready to fight in a group.

Black Barton, Hundred Demons, Extreme Decline, and Shadow Giant all took action.

One after another, the offensive poured down like a meteor shower, instantly trapping the tiger snow elf.

This snow elf fought hard and tried his best to resist the attacks, but these attacks were dense and powerful and could not be resisted at all.


With a loud bang, the tiger snow elf's defense was completely broken.

Almost torn to pieces by the shadow men.

The half-dragon howled excitedly, feeling that he was one step closer to upgrading.

His body appeared in front of everyone, full of confidence and fighting spirit.


The defense of this tiger snow elf was broken.

Then, he was almost torn to pieces by the group of shadow minions!

The half-dragon's body emerged, and it let out an excited howl.

At this moment.

He felt that he was one step closer to upgrading.


After the body of the Lord Snow Elf was shattered, pieces of snowflakes fell quickly.

The falling of snowflakes symbolized that the body of the Lord Snow Elf had been completely shattered.


At this moment, a slender and anthropomorphic figure appeared again.

That was the real body of the domain snow elf.

It raised a pair of deep snow-white eyes, and its gaze pointed directly in the direction of Bai Yi, as if it was looking for the existence of the enemy through thousands of miles.

The appearance of this body made Bai Yi's heart tighten.

He understood that this was the real threat.

The previous battle was just a body transformed by its skills.

And now, facing the real domain snow elf, they felt tremendous pressure.

The half-dragon suddenly stopped, staring at the domain snow elf with a serious look.


The duel between them is about to begin.

This is a crucial battle, victory or defeat will determine the direction of the entire battle.

The atmosphere on both sides is extremely tense, as if the entire air has solidified.

In this quiet battlefield, both sides are silently preparing.

Countless eyes are intertwined, and the depressing atmosphere seems to crush the entire world.

The shadow men exude a fighting atmosphere.

The domain snow elves exude a powerful domain power, making people feel as if they are in a world of ice and snow.

This decisive battle is about to begin.

Both sides are ready to meet the challenge of this moment.

The shadow men are not afraid. Facing the powerful opponent of the domain snow elves, they vow to fight to the end with all their strength.

The domain snow elves are not weak at all, staring at the enemy in front of them with murderous eyes, and they are determined to catch these disruptors in one fell swoop.

In this silent battlefield, the battle is about to break out.

Both sides have gathered their strongest forces, and they will fight a life-and-death duel to determine the fate of the entire world.

I don't know what the outcome of this battle will be.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that the battle will be thrilling, and who will laugh last is still unknown.

At this time, Bai Yi felt this gaze and instantly understood it.

"This is the real domain elf!"

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At the same time.

After kicking the ground, the figure moved violently.

The whole person turned into a phantom and rushed towards this domain elf.


In Bai Yi's hand, the greatsword Twilight swung.

In an instant, he came to the front of this domain elf.


The sword edge passed through the void, leaving a string of afterimages, and finally slashed on the body of this domain elf.

This domain elf had just broken the transformation shell, and its body was weak.

At this moment, even dodging was very limited.


Blood splattered, and the domain elf let out a scream.

Its body trembled violently, but it did not fall down.

On the contrary.

A hint of madness and anger flashed in its eyes.

Bai Yi retracted the greatsword Twilight in his hand, and stared at the domain elf with a serious look.

He could feel that the power of this domain elf was being stimulated, and it was not going to let Bai Yi go easily.

At this moment.

A strong cold air suddenly burst out from the body of the domain elf, and the whole space was frozen.

S-level [Ten Thousand Miles of Ice]!

A-level [Thousand Miles of Snow]!

B+ level [Freezing Ray]!

B-level [Vulnerability]!

S+ level [Near-death Evolution]!

Bai Yi felt a cold breath coming towards him, and his movements became slow.

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