The battle was over, and the battle was over.

227 Post-War Summary! New Shadow Henchmen are about to appear

Immediately afterwards.

A muffled sound!


The Shadow Snow Elf was hit hard into the bottom of the water by a huge ice ball!

Powerful ice power.

It instantly spread to the Shadow Snow Elf's body!




With the crisp sound of freezing, the ice sculpture gradually solidified.

A sneak attack? !

Facing the anger of the Shadow Snow Elf, there is only one way to go.

The same is true for the big ice dragon lizard!

At this moment.

Their only chance to survive was to rush to the shore while the Shadow Snow Elf was trapped under the water!


Leave this damn place!

Immediately, the two Ice Armored Dragon Lizards wanted to take advantage of the Ice Armored Dragon Lizards and rush out directly from the shore.

After all.

Their speed was obviously faster than that of the Shadow Snow Elf!


With a low roar, the Shadow Snow Elf closed his claws.

In an instant.

The surroundings surged.




The sound of wind and ice and snow, mixed in, was like a death knell.

The two Ice Armored Dragon Lizards changed their faces!

Damn it!

Looking at the churning lake water around, one of the Ice Armored Dragon Lizards cursed.


As soon as the voice fell.

The ice released by the Shadow Snow Elf was completed.


A ripple appeared on the lake.

But the feet of the two ice-armored dragon lizards were frozen!


The two ice-armored dragon lizards frantically flapped their tails, trying to break free from the layers of restraints!

But it was in vain.


The two ice-armored dragon lizards struggled in the ice-blue ice sculpture for a few seconds.

They turned into stiff corpses!

[Copy: [Island of Distress]]

[Level: LV.42-LV.50]

[Degree of Danger: Very Low]

[Congratulations on killing the monster [Big Ice-armored Dragon Lizard], experience +11w1230]

[Congratulations on killing the monster [Big Ice-armored Dragon Lizard], experience +12w2380]


The Shadow Snow Elf ended perfectly with such a victorious attitude!


And Bai Yi was thinking about something.

Thinking of this.

Bai Yi then focused all his attention on the center of the island.

It cannot be found anywhere else.

It is basically in the center of the island, and it is related to the strange black rain and invisible monsters.

This is Bai Yi's expectation.

And among them.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there is no information about the second key in the entire copy.

If this is really the case.

Then Bai Yi came here in vain, but in the end, it is not really in vain anyway.

After all.

Let's not talk about anything else.

Bai Yi got a lot of experience from these monsters directly.

Directly from the previous level.

Soared all the way to the current level 66.

At this time.

Bai Yi waited for a group of shadow subordinates to send the monster corpses from the edge and sea area of ​​the [Island of Distress] in the Iberian Strait.

He was not idle.

He directly opened the panel and glanced at the current specific data.

"Professional system, open the panel."

As Bai Yi finished speaking, the professional system seemed to sense it and a panel appeared.

Whether this panel is seen from the visual perspective.

Or from the spiritual level.

In short.

A panel was directly displayed in front of Bai Yi, allowing Bai Yi to easily see the data on his panel.


The data showed Bai Yi's current approximate data.

[Player: Bai Yi]

[Profession: Shadow King]

[Level: Level 66 (25w2495\1674w8980)]

[HP: 78w8120\78w8120]

[Basic attack power: 24000+]

[Spirit: 660]

[Equipment: Jackal Mutation Machine Gun x2, Water Cube, Decay Stream x2, Shadow Guardian...]

[Shadow subordinates: [Birth Shadow (only)], [Extreme Decay], [Shadow Water], [Black Barton], [Shadow Giant], [Half Dragon], [Hundred Demons], [Shadow Naga King]...]

[Skills: Shadow Extraction (Level 3), Shadow Kingdom (Level 6), Born Shadow (Level 4), Shadow Blade Transformation (Level 3)

, Invisibility (Level 3), Murderous Aura (Level 3), Power of the Ruler (Level 3), King's Domain (MAX), Shadow Devouring (MAX), Shadow Swap (MAX)]

Seeing these data, Bai Yi felt relieved for no reason.

There is not much distance to the top of the profession.

Of course.

After a certain level, the experience requirement will inevitably increase significantly.

At that time.

Upgrading will probably be much more difficult than it is now.


Bai Yi doesn't care, he doesn't care whether upgrading is difficult or not.

For ordinary professionals, upgrading may be as difficult as climbing the ladder step by step.

But for Bai Yi.

It is easier than eating and drinking.

This is not only the help of the SSS-level hidden profession, but also the characteristics of this profession.

If it is placed on other professions of the same level.

Maybe you still have to fight alone.

It can't be said that it is difficult to move forward, but the power of one person is still limited after all.

One person, slowly getting stronger.

Of course, the speed of upgrading is slow and full of hardships.

Unlike Bai Yi.

He has a group of shadow subordinates under him, and they upgrade like crazy with a snowball.

Anyone who sees Bai Yi's crazy speed.

will be surprised!

If Bai Yi returns to the city where he first awakened, the principals, vice principals and teachers will probably be scared to death.

He just left school a few days ago.

After coming back, he has become a top professional? !

If they see.

Those people probably can't understand, and they may not even believe what they see.


Regardless of whether those people see it or not, Bai Yi has already reached level 66.

I think.

It won't be long before he will enter the top sequence of professionals and stand with a group of committee members!

Level, top!

Thinking of this, Bai Yi can't help but be full of reverie again.


The current situation does not allow him to think too much.

Because, those shadow men who transported the corpses of the entire island have returned!

The reason is simple.

After Bai Yi waved his hand and let the natal shadow do whatever he wants.

That natal shadow.

directly exchanged positions with a random shadow man in the distance, and then used the space of the Black Shadow Kingdom to directly transport the shadow man.

Of course.

Those corpses cannot be transported.

However, some shadow men who are good at transporting corpses and moving can be transferred instantly.

With the help of those shadow men.

The entire transportation route has become several times faster.

Until now.

Although the [Island of Distress] in the Iberian Strait is huge, the shadow men can easily step over it.

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