The 235th strike killed everyone! Breaking through five layers of shields

You know.

This kind of restriction is basically inviolable, equivalent to a certain rule.

Of course.

Some special cases are exceptions, but generally such exceptions will not be seen by ordinary professionals.

If you encounter such an accident.

Basically, these professionals will not get out alive.

And now.

That's when the gunner Ryan Remiz, the Strait Guardian Johnny Tepi, and the Knight of the Round Table Galahad suddenly became confused.

The existence of the black shadow in front of them.

Is it an unknown monster or a professional?

Not like.

Not like at all.

This is an existence beyond their imagination, it is too weird.


At this moment, there is not much time for them to daydream.

After all, the battle is real.

Other things that want to explore are not so important in comparison.

Often in the battle, some random thoughts are the key to one's failure.


Often changes in a flash, and there is no room for daydreaming.

"Hmph, I want to see who you are, how dare you sneak attack me!"

Ryan Remiz snorted coldly.

Then he swung his double gun barrels suddenly, and a machine gun was taken out of the storage backpack.

Come out to mix.

How can you not bring some equipment?

It was a long and narrow black-painted huge gun, which was half the length of a person's body.

If it was an ordinary gun.

Ryan Remiz was embarrassed to take it out, after all, guns were very difficult to deal with professionals and monsters.


The [Y38-type annihilation rifle] in his hand is different.

This [Y38-type annihilation rifle] has not only been transformed by his skill blessing, but also has the blessing of professional effects.

It can be said that.

Holding this [Y38-type annihilation rifle] in your hand means unlimited bullets, and each bullet is not much weaker than an attack-type small skill.

The next moment.

This firearm [Y38-type annihilation rifle] is held in the hand of Ryan Remiz.


He Ryan Remiz pulled the trigger, and immediately a tongue of fire spurted out!

Swish, swish, swish——!

Swish, swish, swish——!

Swish, swish, swish——!

In an instant.

Dense bullets shot out.

Ryan Remiz's [Y38-type annihilation rifle] is extremely powerful.

Even in this copy.

The power of this machine gun [Y38 type extermination rifle] is still good, even better than before.


When facing the enemy.

He always habitually opens the energy shield and shoots.


The speed of the black shadow in front of him far exceeded the limit expected by Ryan Remiz.


Ryan Remiz just raised his arms and prepared to pull the trigger.

The black shadow had already rushed out like lightning!


It hit his chest again.


A tooth-grinding bone-breaking sound came, and two or three layers of energy shields were broken one after another.

Accompanied by this huge force.

Ryan Remiz was directly knocked out four or five meters away.


A series of painful howls came, and Ryan Remiz felt that his lungs were about to break.

The intense pain almost made him collapse.

"Asshole! What on earth are you!"

Ryan Remiz roared.


The black shadow ignored Ryan Remiz's roar.

The black shadow jumped up and rushed towards Ryan Remiz again.

At this moment.

Ryan Remiz finally discovered.

This thing can actually fly!


It should be a flying skill!

"Is this the flying magic in the rumors?"

Thinking of this.

Ryan Remiz's eyes were filled with joy.


"God help me!"

Ryan Remiz laughed wildly.

He knew that this was an opportunity!

In the sky, it is much easier to aim than on the ground!

You know.

He, Ryan Remiz, has never practiced fixed targets.

What he faces.

is always a moving target!

This is an opportunity!

Once he seizes this opportunity, he can turn defeat into victory.




Ryan Remiz's heart sank into the valley.

The dark shadow of his natal body stepped forward again and punched out again!


His energy shield was completely useless when facing this thing's attack!


Broken again!

These five layers of energy shields were broken five layers in succession!

Often, the extremely strong energy shields were like paper in front of the natal shadow!

It can be easily broken!

And, most importantly.

Ryan Remiz didn't have an energy shield. If he only relied on his physical body to resist, he would probably be seriously injured now!

He couldn't stop the opponent's terrifying attack at all!

What should he do in this state?

What can he do?

"My life is over!"

Ryan Remiz was desperate.

The [Y38 type extermination rifle] in his hand kept firing, and a series of flames kept spurting out.

Swish, swish, swish!

Swish, swish, swish!

But even if it hits him, the natal shadow doesn't care at all!


To him.

It's just like nothing! There's no need to care at all!

Go forward alone.

With a wave of his hands, the natal shadow directly summoned two black shadow daggers and pressed forward to Ryan Remiz again.


Fortunately, Ryan Remiz has never been alone!

After a few breaths of time.

Johnny Tepi, the defender of the strait.

Galahad, the knight of the round table.

The two also reacted at the same time and immediately prepared a counterattack strategy.

B-level skill - [Protect Hope]!

Johnny Tepi stretched out his hand and a small part of his mana was consumed.

Then this B-level skill - [Guarding Hope] was released and applied to Ryan Remiz.

This B-level skill - [Guarding Hope].

Although it does not have direct defensive power like the energy shield.


It can give the person who is applied some skin toughness and slightly improve the overall defense.

In general.

After being applied with this skill, it is equivalent to receiving a small defense enhancement.

More resistant to attack.


A ray of light emerged from Ryan Remiz's body, so dazzling that he wanted to squint his eyes.

But now is the critical moment of this battle.

He Ryan Remiz did not dare to close his eyes, and could only stagger towards his two companions.


What a coincidence.

The natal shadow directly faced the series of flames from the [Y38 type extermination rifle] in Ryan Remiz's hand and rushed forward!



The black shadow dagger slashed out repeatedly, pointing directly at Ryan Remitz's neck!

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