The battle was fierce, and the enemy was in chaos.

285 The shadow army attacked! The power of the bullet screen

As time went by, both sides became more and more crazy.


The nameless monster howled to the sky.

The skin on its body cracked, revealing the extremely black scales.

At the same time.

The tail behind it was also swinging constantly.

It looked extremely ferocious.

Even a little scary.

And at this time.

Bai Yi also noticed this scene.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Since you don't let me have a good life, then you don't want to live.

The next moment, he shouted directly:

"Get ready for action."

As soon as the voice fell.

The faces of the shadow men were full of excitement.

They had followed Bai Yi for a long time and had never seen him so excited.

The deformed symbiote turned around and rushed towards the nameless monster.

At this time, it was no longer cautious before the battle.

It was as if it had found its target.


Both fists blasted out and hit the nameless monster directly.

In an instant.

Blood bloomed.

The huge impact caused the opponent's chest to collapse.


This impact was more damaging than any previous attack.

With the continuous fighting.

The strength of the deformed symbiote was also increasing.

From being beaten to death by the nameless invisible monster at the beginning, to now experiencing two nirvanas, it can cause considerable injuries to the nameless monster.

The progress is really scary.

Bai Yi also observed this scene.

It's hard to imagine.

If this distorted symbiote is transformed into a shadow subordinate, how powerful it will be.

If all the shadow subordinates are like this.

Then Bai Yi can basically upgrade easily and become a top professional in seconds.


So far, none of them have died.

Bai Yi is waiting.

Waiting for an opportunity to attack.

And now.

The nameless invisible monster was hit with a lot of damage, and even its body was slightly damaged.

Bai Yi glanced over.

The detection appeared again.

[? ? : B? ? ? T? ? ]

[Level:? ? Level]

[HP: 47w6660\121w6660]

[Basic attack power:? ? ? ]

[Equipment:? ? ]

[Skills:? ? ? ? ? ]

It's still the same reason.

Basically, only those who are much higher than Bai Yi himself will have such strange panel data, which is full of question marks. But there are exceptions. Just like the previous [Decline] panel, it is also full of question marks. "Oh?" "The injury is not light." Bai Yi looked at the panel data with a smile on his face. He had a hunch that it seemed that the time to take action was coming soon. But. For now. There is no need to be too anxious. If you take action in advance, there will be no great benefit. And now. The battle between the nameless invisible monster and the distorted symbiote is still continuing. They are fighting each other. It seems that they have returned to the barbaric behavior at the beginning. However, in the continuous battle, as the distorted symbiote gained the upper hand, it has never evolved any ability. Perhaps. Even if it is not a strong enemy, as long as the two sides are evenly matched, the distorted symbiote will still not be able to exert its full ability. Facing the weak.

The Deformed Symbiote will become even weaker.

Facing the same existence, or an enemy of equal strength.

The Deformed Symbiote will not change much. Only when facing a strong enemy can it stimulate its full potential.


This is exactly what Bai Yi wants to see.

He doesn't want the Deformed Symbiote to become stronger. If the strength is too terrifying, he will have a headache.

After all.

If it is too strong, it means that the opponent is not so easy to kill.

If it is not so easy to kill.

I am afraid that the birth of the Shadow's subordinates will be delayed for some time, and Bai Yi's purpose in this regard will be a little cramped.


As it stands now.

The time to attack is coming soon!

With the continuous attack of the Deformed Symbiote, the invisible nameless monster is gradually falling into a disadvantage.

Once the disadvantage appears.

Then the balance of victory in the overall battle will tilt to one side.

Between the two monsters

The battle between the two was extremely brutal.

The battle dominated by instinct and wildness was like two trapped beasts fighting to the death.

The winner would be able to continue to live.

And the loser.

would not be able to escape death, and would return to dust and earth, and dissipate in this copy.


There would definitely be a third party to intervene in this battle.

And that person.


——Bai Yi!

"Do it!"

Bai Yi was in the distance, sharing the vision with the shadow men. After seeing the change in the situation, he immediately gave the order.

As soon as this order came out.

All the shadow men came out in full force, and immediately surrounded and killed the invisible monster and the distorted symbiote.


This time, the main target of the shadow men was no longer the distorted symbiote.

But the invisible monster!

This is also Bai Yi's idea. After all, the invisible monster is related to the clue of the second key.

If it dies in the hands of others, Bai Yi will feel very troubled.

And now.

The nameless invisible monster has been hurt by the distorted symbiote, and its health has dropped below 20W.

Although this amount of health sounds a lot.

But for thousands of shadow men, basically hundreds of shadow men can kill it directly by attacking it in sequence.

If it is in its heyday.

Then this invisible monster will definitely be able to counterattack, and it is not impossible to escape after the battle is interrupted.


Both of them are somewhat decadent, becoming powerless, or in the last desperate state.

In this state.

They may burst out all their potential to fight, or they may drag their scarred bodies.


The sudden arrival of the shadow army made both of them wilted directly.

Originally, they were full of fighting spirit.

A lot of them were dispersed in an instant.

And now.

Countless shadow minions rushed up and directly surrounded the two monsters.

And the main target of the shadow army.

is the nameless invisible monster with low health!




The sky-wide attacks attacked instantly.

That was not the soft long-range attack of the distorted symbiote, but the real damage with murderous intent.

Although each attack did not cause much damage to the nameless invisible monster.


It can't withstand its large number!

In just a moment.

The sky-wide attacks formed a barrage.

Like heavy snow, it even covered the weird black time rain in this copy.

In an instant.

Countless attacks hit the nameless invisible monster, causing it to suffer a fatal attack!

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