The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.


Bai Yi knew about this.

"Warn the other jackals when you are about to die?"

Raised his eyebrows, this matter is indeed not easy to solve.

Suspicion will always exist.

Even if Bai Yi is here, and asks the shadow jackals to call their companions again, it is probably not likely to attract a large number of jackals here.

After thinking carefully, Bai Yi finally came up with a solution in his mind.


Before that, the key thing to do is to use the professional skill-shadow extraction on the dozens of jackal corpses around.

Waved his hand.

All the shadows began to work in an orderly manner, and the degree of tacit understanding of their collaborative work was better than that of workers who had worked for more than ten years.

Not long after.

All the jackal corpses and materials were moved together.

Bai Yi first put away the materials and put them in the storage backpack of the professional system.


He used his most commonly used professional skill-shadow extraction on this large number of jackals.

"Stand up."

The next moment.

A scene that made people feel scalp tingling appeared.

The stacked corpses actually began to wriggle.

Looking closely.

You will find that it is not a corpse that is wriggling, but the black shadow below, which begins to slowly float in the air.

All the jackal corpses are piled together, and their shadows are also piled together.

The shadows that appeared as a pool began to twist, and dots of black shadows emerged from them and appeared in front of you.

It only took a few blinks of an eye.

The shadows on the ground continued to gather in the air, and in an instant they became real.

The shadows emerged from the quagmire-like shadows and formed a rough shape of a jackal.


The fierceness of his eyes was even greater than that of the body, and wisps of black shadows drifted from his side, which seemed full of demonic energy.

Almost at the same time.

These thirty-one shadow jackals appeared at the same time.


Some began to stand in a line, and some began to pick up the weapons arranged beside them.


These thirty-one shadow jackals were successfully organized into the shadow army.

Looking at this group of shadow jackals, Bai Yi's combat power was undoubtedly strengthened.

But what was needed now was to hunt more jackals in order to gain the maximum amount of experience.

Bai Yi still remembered.

He was currently undergoing the entry test of the Hanxia Alliance, the largest and most powerful alliance in the entire Dragon Country.

I think.

This test is to see how good you are at hunting monsters, right?

After all, they are elites selected from all over the country. If they can't kill monsters across several or dozens of levels, then what kind of elites are they?

Throw those elite professionals here to participate in the test of joining the alliance.

It's not like they just need to save themselves and survive, right?


Absolutely impossible!

Thinking about it, Bai Yi decided to show all his strength.

Hiding things has never been his style.

But this place is no longer suitable for hunting those jackals.

After all.

Before this, the jackal had clearly issued a warning of "don't answer".

Whether those jackals believe it or not, they will plant a seed of suspicion in their hearts.

Even if they call their companions over again, it will probably have little effect.

For example: your roommate joked that he was gay one day. Even if you didn't believe it and he acted straight, you would still think he was gay.

"No choice, let's go fishing somewhere else."

Bai Yi shook his head and ordered the shadows to return to the Shadow Kingdom.


The shadows attached themselves to Bai Yi, leaving only the shadow wolf as a mount.

After randomly choosing a direction, Bai Yi drove the shadow wolf and ran forward. With the buff of the King's Domain, the speed was not slow.


In the assessment room.

Seeing this scene, everyone was silent for a moment.

"Why did you leave here?"

"Yeah, wouldn't it be better to stay here and harvest the gnolls in waves?"

"No, if you pay close attention to the last gnoll, you will find that it is giving away information."


"Then how did this guy know about it when he was so far away?"


Maybe... the shadows under its command still have the characteristics of their original species and can understand the language of the jackals. "


This performance really surprised the examiners.

Yan Jing was calm on the surface, but he was actually happy in his heart.

Thinking in his heart: "This kid is just like a treasure, it really surprises me again and again!"

"I thought the first two shadows were his limit."

"But I never thought that he could drive hundreds of black shadows!"

"I thought driving hundreds of black shadows was an exaggeration, but the shadows under his command could still retain the characteristics of the original creatures!"

"From this point of view, continuous combat, explosive power, and comprehensive combat power are all extremely powerful. This talent is simply against the sky!"

"Excellent! It's really excellent! "

Although Yan Jing was extremely excited, he remained silent and watched the scene in front of him quietly.

Together with all the examiners, he observed Bai Yi's specific performance.


At this time.

Bai Yi sat diagonally on the back of the Shadow Limb Wolf and rushed at a rapid speed.

Not long after.

He climbed over one hill after another and crossed the boundary just now.

In the distance, a river flowed slowly.

The water was not very clear, but you could vaguely see a lot of fish swimming in it.

And one Generally, places with water sources are very suitable for the development of biological populations.

This is the case with the dominant creatures in this copy - the gnolls.

Looking into the distance, Bai Yi indeed saw a lot of gnolls, roughly about a dozen.

Beside the river, there were many gnolls holding harpoons, fishing.

Seeing this.

Bai Yi couldn't help but feel the harmonious and beautiful scene between the gnolls and nature.


He summoned a whole army of shadow gnolls.


Bai Yi gave an order casually, and immediately this half-hundred shadow gnolls began to attack and kill the gnolls in this area frantically.

Facing their own kind who were buffed by the King's Domain and in shadow form, this group of gnolls was not an opponent at all.

In a flash.

The battle ended quietly, and the process of this battle can only be described as crushing.

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