The sky was dark, and the sky was dark.

At this moment.

Bai Yi slowly stepped into it, and the moment he touched the dark blue vortex, he disappeared.

There was no reminder of entering the dungeon.

There was no movement in the professional system in the body.

Just like that.

Suddenly, he entered the dungeon directly, without even a little reaction time.

In the blink of an eye.

The world around him has turned upside down.

One look.

Knowing that he had entered the dungeon, Bai Yi looked at the scenery in front of him and couldn't help feeling a little mediocre.

Some of the atmosphere similar to that between towns surrounded him.

Bai Yi was in a forest. The trees were not very tall, and the tallest was probably less than 4 or 5 meters.

Look up.

It was already approaching dusk, and the light was getting a little dim.

The sunset glow made the ordinary scenery around here more intoxicating.

"Come out."

Bai Yi waved his hand, and the shadow under him changed instantly.

The natal shadow separated from the main body and materialized.


Some shadows appeared directly from it, but there were not many.

It was not clear what the situation was, so it was not necessary to mobilize all the shadow subordinates.

The current shadow subordinates were basically General Ikuhara.

The natal shadow, ninja, black Barton, a few scattered shadow elements, shadow mutant jackals, focusing on quality rather than quantity.

If all were summoned, the number of hundreds of teams would be too exaggerated. Bai Yi did not plan to do so before he had figured out the details of this copy.

"You guys, go search the surrounding area."

Bai Yi gave a command.

Then the shadow elements and shadow mutant jackals began to act.

They scattered and broke into pieces.

All these shadow subordinates moved forward from all directions, and only the most critical shadow subordinates ensured Bai Yi's safety.

But it was not too important.

After all, Bai Yi's several supernatural skills were all here. Just a shadow swap was enough for him to leave this area in an instant, and even leave the entire dungeon directly if necessary.

But for the time being, Bai Yi really didn't plan to leave this dungeon directly.

I still have a little understanding here. If I swap positions with the shadow subordinates outside the dungeon and bump into Commissioner Ye who hasn't left yet, it would be embarrassing.

Commissioner Ye: You came out! ?

Bai Yi: Nothing else, only shadow swap.

Thinking about that scene, Bai Yi felt that there was a three-bedroom, one-living room, and one-bathroom house under his feet. Don't ask, if you ask, it's just the awkward toe buckle.


Bai Yi was walking in this dungeon.

This dungeon, as it looks now, is nothing out of the ordinary, and it couldn't be more normal.

It's totally different from other dungeons.

Even in the first dungeon [Iron Jungle] that Bai Yi entered, there was a thick metal floor hidden under the mud.

Not to mention the next few dungeons, where either the stones themselves were monsters or jackals swarmed in.

But anyway, these dungeons seem to be... quite normal on the surface?

See here.

Bai Yi could feel the passage of time, and the night sky was getting darker and darker.

It seemed that night was coming soon.

And after such a long time, those shadow men who were sent out didn't send back any news?

It's not that they have completely lost contact.

The connection between the shadow men and Bai Yi is an inseparable relationship. Unless there are special circumstances, they can pass information to each other.


Now, the dozens of shadow minions that were sent out didn't even get any information about the monsters.

"It can't be that there are no monsters in this dungeon at all?"

After thinking about it, Bai Yi shook his head with amusement.

It shouldn't be.

Even if this dungeon has lost the feature of not rejecting time, it is impossible that there are no monsters.

The people of the Hanxia Alliance had calculated before that as long as they killed the BOSS of this dungeon, they could get out.

And this premise is that there is definitely a BOSS.

If there is no BOSS, how can we kill it?

You can't create a BOSS and then kill it, right? That's not a joke.

Time passed slowly.

Even though it was approaching night, there was still no news from the shadow minions that were sent out.

This also means.

With such a long distance in all directions,

There is not even a single monster?

"Strange, very strange."

"Nine out of ten are strange."

Bai Yi frowned, but he couldn't figure out what was going on.

In the end.

There are only two conclusions to draw, either the monsters in this dungeon have not been found yet, or the mechanism that triggers the monsters to appear has not yet been reached.

There are only two explanations, and there is no other way for the time being.


Bai Yi accepted this strange setting, built a camp directly, and began to prepare to take a break here.

Set up camp.

The surrounding woods were directly cleared out by Black Barton and other shadow men.

It is not difficult to build a campfire.

After all, Bai Yi had purchased some survival supplies such as lighters before.

At the same time, some food, water and other resources were also purchased.

The storage backpack of a professional is a very magical thing. No matter what is put in, it will be the same when taken out.

Put hot rice in, and it will never get cold when you take it out.

That's it.

Bai Yi took out some camping items here. This was the first time he used these things.

When he entered the dungeon before, it was synchronized with the time of Blue Star. He entered in the morning and came out before the evening.

But this time was different. The time of this dungeon was a little off.

While eating, Bai Yi looked up at the completely dark sky.

The shadow men around him just watched. They didn't need to eat, so it was natural.

Time quietly accelerated.

Finally, the shadow men around him found the enemy!

Through the eyes of a shadow mutant jackal, they were several monsters with more mutant looks.

They were even stranger than this group of shadows!

They were monsters that were as tall as dwarfs, their bodies seemed to be made of purple mud, and their surfaces were covered with gray-black dust shells.

Bai Yi didn't see it with his own eyes, so he couldn't use detection.

But judging from the battle between the shadow men in the distance, the strength of this group of monsters didn't seem to be too strong.

Just as they started fighting.

These somewhat bizarre monsters were at a disadvantage.

The shadow-mutated jackal released various skills, directly beating several purple mud monsters to a low health.

These monsters didn't seem to have the concept of running away.

They just fought to the death.

So it didn't take long for these monsters to be completely defeated.

At this time, the prompt from the professional system came:

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