The dead are still alive, and the dead are still alive.

These decaying monsters are bloated and slow in movement, which is completely different from those decaying monsters that are as tall as children.

These monsters are obviously different.

Just like the stone monsters, there are also differences in blue cores, white cores, and purple cores.


In Bai Yi's eyes, these differences are nothing more than an analogy of dying early or late.

Just see.

Bai Yi casually stretched out his hand and waved it, which was enough to crush these decaying shadows, and then the nest was dispatched.

One shadow after another, emerged from the shadow.

Although it was not all the shadow subordinates, it was enough to use.

Nearly a hundred shadow elements and shadow nagas emerged one after another. With their size, they could still shuttle through even a small forest.

Unlike the huge Black Barton, if they encounter dense forests, they have to destroy them to move forward.

It's just like a person walking in an unripe corn field:

Although they can walk, they are very irritable and have to break a few corn stalks from time to time to relieve stress.

Those small shadow subordinates were sent out to quickly kill the group of tall, bloated and decadent ones who had just been discovered.

A prompt appeared in front of Bai Yi:

[Kill the monster [Fat Decline], experience +11w5960]

[Kill the monster [Fat Decline], experience +11w5960]

[Kill the monster [Fat Decline], experience +...]

[Drops (to be picked up): Decline Core x11]

These corpses and drops were also handed over to Bai Yi.

It does not take too many shadow subordinates to transport these resources back and forth, just a few scattered ones are enough.

Not long after.

These things were delivered to Bai Yi.

Those bulging and deformed bodies in life, after death, seemed to shrink as small as water balls.

Looking at these decaying corpses, Bai Yi did not hesitate at all and directly launched the shadow extraction.

The next moment.

The shadows under the corpses instantly turned into substance and slowly separated from the plane.

The only difference is that these shadow decays are obviously a little bigger, more than one or two circles bigger.

The group of short decays is less than one meter, while these decays are about one and a half meters.

Although they are still not very tall, they can be completely distinguished.

[Monster: Shadow Decay (Fat)]

[Level: Level 41]

[HP: 12w1049\\12w1049]

[Comprehensive Attack Power: 3100]

[Status: (Special Amplification Buff·King's Domain)]

[Skill: C-level [Collision]]

Again, the data is a little low, but at least there is an additional C-level skill called collision.

There are about a dozen of this group of slightly tall decays.

Bai Yi waved his hand and ordered him to continue looking for monsters in this dungeon.

He had a hunch that as long as he continued to look, he would definitely find clues to the BOSS in this dungeon, or even find the BOSS directly.

However, this is just a thought.

If it is really that easy, wouldn't the hundreds of professionals from Dragon Country have already left?

Glancing at the fallen objects left by the corpses of the decayed, Bai Yi sent a ninja to sort them out.

Unlike the straightforward drops in the past, these things are buried in the center of the corpses of the decayed, and often when they are taken out, they will be covered with purple muddy water.

The small decayed are one drop, that is, the [Core of Decline].

Some of the larger ones have two, and some have three.

Bai Yi didn't know what these things were for, but he collected them anyway.

It's because he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't pick up the dropped objects.

Just like the money dropped on the ground, it's always a bit wrong if you don't pick it up.


In one night.

There were hundreds of deaths and injuries in the entire copy of the decayed.

At the same time.

Bai Yi also expanded hundreds of shadow decays, and collected a lot of experience and drops.

After counting by the professional system, Bai Yi had a clear summary.

There were as many as 79 weak Shadow Decay.

And there were 285 fat Shadow Decay, which was already a large scale.

During this period.

A lot of Shadow Nagas and Shadow Elements were injured, but after taking turns to play and entering the Shadow Kingdom to recover, there were no casualties.

In other words.

In this almost one night, Bai Yi almost got a small shadow army for free.

At this moment.

There is still some time before dawn, and the whole sky has become a little brighter.

But it is only a little brighter, not much.

It is just enough for ordinary people to open their eyes and see far away.

Bai Yi estimated that the sky in the dungeon at this time is about four o'clock in the morning in winter.


Several shadow declines sent messages. Bai Yi took the message and his eyes changed immediately.

They actually found...

- A group of professionals who are being attacked from all sides!


Team Osha:

It is composed of three melee, one meat shield, one mage, one nurse, and two ranged members.

The average professional potential is above A+ level.

But even so, they are still slightly defeated.

And their enemies are those groups of declines!


On a small hill with a slightly raised terrain, there are simple wooden walls built with trees on all four sides.

There are also watchtowers on the north and south sides for remote professionals to operate conveniently.

But even in such a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the wooden wall in the east is completely destroyed, and a large gap looks so empty.

Such a huge gap, reflected in the eyes of the Osa team, makes their confidence drop exponentially.

It is precisely because...

The monsters that keep attacking from the gap in the east are declining!

One, five, ten...!

This is just the ones that just rushed in from the gap. The whole hill is surrounded by decline!

As long as you take a casual look, it is not difficult to see that there are at least five hundred declines besieging this place!

Just the heads of the monsters that are tightly packed together make people feel a little numb.


A burst of authentic Mao Xiong Chinese burst out: "Damn it, it's brewed, no matter how hard you try, you can't kill them all! These beasts are getting more and more!"

It was a Mao Xiong country man, not tall, but he erected a shield as high as a gate and stood firmly in the front.

"One by one, are they all gone?!" The long-range female professional in the team cursed.

"Damn it, we shouldn't have accepted this mission, do you really think we are favored by God?"

"Forget it, take a sip of vodka before you die, Allah!"

"Ulla! Allah!"

These Mao Xiong country professionals knew that they might not be able to hold on, so they drank the remaining liquor hard, trying to numb themselves a little.

But it was just this last carnival.

The professional in the distance suddenly rubbed his eyes, looked at the distance in disbelief, and shouted in astonishment:

"What is that!?"

"Am I drunk?!"

Following her gaze, everyone in the team saw...

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