The fish was buried in the river, and the river was in chaos.

There was no other way except to drag itself with the black shadow tentacles beside its own pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein.

The original body was a monster that could not move.

Although the current shadow extraction can optimize part of the existence.

But no matter how much it is optimized, it can only turn the fish tail into fish legs at most, and it has not yet made the shadow have two more legs out of thin air.


The decaying heart that was originally embedded in the wall, after the shadow was extracted and became a subordinate, it actually had no ability to move.

Bai Yi took a look and tried to find a way to make up for it.

[Shadow Henchmen: Shadow Decay Heart]

[Level: Level 52]

[HP: 60w1150\\60w1150]

[Comprehensive Attack Power: 11000+]

[Status: (Special Amplification Buff·King's Domain)]

[Skills: A-level [Rapid Recovery], B+-level [Strive to Whip], A+-level [Same Source and Oneness]...]

That's right.

There's also an A+-level [Same Source and Oneness], so why not try it now.

Otherwise, this Shadow Decay Heart is just a waste.

"You, come here."

"Try to combine."

Bai Yi waved his hand and pointed at Shadow Decay Eye, asking the two to use [Same Source and Oneness] on each other.


The two entangled with each other and gradually began to merge.

Shadow Decay Eye has three tentacles below.

Shadow Decay Heart has five tentacles above.

The eight tentacles entangled and merged with each other until they could not be separated and then began the next move.

The outer shell of the Shadow Decay Eye gradually expanded, wrapping a part of the Shadow Decay Heart inside.

After connecting to the Shadow Decay Eye.

The Shadow Decay Heart had the B+ level ability called [Floating].

Then, the two combined Shadow Special Decays changed again.

Its entire shape gradually floated in the air.

The Shadow Decay Eye was on top and the Heart was on the bottom.

And below the Heart, four tentacles grew out, swaying at a distance on the ground.

Bai Yi blinked when he saw this scene, and found it very interesting.

Just like kneading mud when he was a child, there are really many changes.

At a glance.

The data after the combination was displayed in the eyes again.

[Shadow Henchmen: Shadow Decline·Mind's Eye]

[Level: Level 52]

[HP: 82w4400\\82w4400]

[Comprehensive Attack Power: 13000+]

[Status: (Special Amplification Buff·King's Domain)]

[Skills: B+[Floating], A-level [Rapid Recovery], B+-level [Striving to Whip], A+-level [Same Origin and Oneness]...]

It seems that the fusion is relatively successful.

The specific advantages of the two have indeed achieved a compatible state.


"Not bad?"

Bai Yi raised his eyebrows and made an inaccurate attitude.

Although it feels good, it is somewhat sanity-destroying. These two things are not very good-looking to begin with, and they are even uglier after being combined...

"Forget it, don't worry about it."

"Let's go to the second portal cave."

Bai Yi waved his hand again, put this matter aside, and directly ordered all the shadow men to go to the second portal cave.

But it was at this time.

'Boom! '

'Boom! ! '

'Boom! ! ! '

The whole land began to shake violently! It was as if it was going to collapse in an instant!


Bai Yi looked up.

A piece of cave debris was falling from the top not far away.

It seems that the heart of decline is the lifeblood of the entire cave. Without it, the entire cave will collapse.

Bai Yi was not too surprised.

Many movies and TV shows will express this for dramatic purposes. For example, after defeating the boss, the entire boss base will explode or self-destruct, killing the protagonists who are still in the base.

But here, it may be another situation.

A large part of the Heart of Decay connects everything in the entire cave.

Without the support of the Heart of Decay.

The entire cave cannot survive and is about to collapse.


Fortunately, Bai Yi has the incredible ability of [Shadow Swap], so he can evacuate directly!

Some shadow subordinates who are close to the entrance of the portal cave ran directly to the entrance.

And Bai Yi.

He had already used [Shadow Swap] to transform himself

Teleported to the second portal cave.

And the natal shadow here.

Directly copied the ability of the king Bai Yi, and replaced the shadow subordinates with higher combat power one by one.

The execution of the shadow subordinates was very fast.

Before the entire cave collapsed, they all escaped, including several shadow subordinates who were replaced.


Moved to the second portal cave!

The white bone decline relied on its huge body and was killing all the shadow subordinates.

Bai Yi took a look and could see its data.

[Monster: Decayed Bones]

[Level: Level 53]

[HP: 37w2350\\44w8860]

[Comprehensive Attack Power: 23000+]

[Skills: A-level [Gray Bone Armor], A+ level [Same Origin]...]

This time, the Decayed Bones have pretty good data.

Even stronger than Heart and Eye.

But it's a pity.

The opponents it encounters are never ordinary people, but a whole army of shadows!

In front.

Hundred Demons Seiyi is fighting desperately. He is one of the few shadows with fast flying ability.

Originally, Fujikawa Kenta's speed was not to be underestimated.

After the shadow was extracted and became a shadow, the speed was simply beyond the conventional level, faintly exceeding twice the speed of sound.

That's it.

The Hundred Demons Seiyi holding the Shadow Blade is constantly harassing the Decayed Bones in the air.

From time to time.

Three balls of blue fox fire were released from the tail, exploding on the core of the head of the Declined Bones.


The Declined Bones waved their hands, and the several-meter-long bone arm swung out violently, but it did not touch the Hundred Demons Seiyi at all.

After all, the speed of the Hundred Demons Seiyi was really fast.


In terms of pure lethality, the Hundred Demons Seiyi is still slightly inferior.

All the directions are focused on functionality, and the attack power is not strong at all, and it is completely inferior to other shadow subordinates of the same level.

But fortunately.

The shadows with strong attack capabilities are here!

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