The more the people moved, the more they moved.

It seems that they have caught up with the time.

The hundreds of shadow men stationed here have almost cleaned up the decline of the purple mucus here.

According to this process.

When the decline of these outputs has been almost cleared.

As expected, these purple mucus fled to a land again.




‘Boom! ! ’

The whole land began to beat with the heart of decline in the depths.

Once it started.

It never stopped.

The purple mucus began to gather towards one place again, and the speed was still fast.

Bai Yi looked at the end of his vision, which was where the purple mucus disappeared collectively.


The strange sound came from a distance as usual, and then a new large special shadow slowly appeared.

As soon as he poked his mouth out, Bai Yi felt a little uncomfortable.

Just because.

This monster, this shape is really weird.

It's just like a skinned worm, or a super enlarged version.

Hundreds of gray teeth grew in the mouth of this decaying worm, which looked a bit sharp and was really a good fighter (this monster is attached with a picture, click here to view the comment area, if not, it is under review).

Just a glance, the data of the monster's decline was displayed.

[Monster: Intestines of Decline]

[Level: Level 50]

[HP: 37w1690\37w1690]

[Comprehensive Attack Power: 8700+]

[Skills: B+ [Blood and Flesh Devouring], A+ [Oneness of One Source]]

This monster's data is not as good as that of Bones of Decline. In addition to the core A+ [Oneness of One Source], it only has one attack ability.

I have to say.

It is relatively easy to deal with.


It was a scene of the strong bullying the weak, and the strong side was naturally the Shadow Legion.


Shadow Decline·Double Heart Eye Bone appeared directly, and several tentacles directly entangled the Intestines of Decline, and then the shadows behind him attacked fiercely.

The half dragon released the dark flame.

Hundred Demons used the ability of the tail to make its dark flame more concentrated and the damage further increased.

Ninjas and shadows directly attacked the vital points, and a series of damage prompts were issued one after another.

Black Barton, Shadow Naga King, and Shadow Giant directly blocked the retreat and directly output.


A series of damage prompts overflowed directly, allowing Bai Yi to see a beautiful scene.

Intestine of Decline HP-14100!

Intestine of Decline HP-18758!

Intestine of Decline HP-21890!

Intestine of Decline HP-23100!

Intestine of Decline HP-32250!

In just a trance, this worm-like Intestine of Decline was directly annihilated by more than half of its health.

The Intestine of Decline kept wriggling, swallowing several Shadow men directly, trying to fight back.

But unfortunately.

In Bai Yi's eyes, its counterattack was tantamount to a dying struggle.

Although it was a bit big, it struggled very weakly. As time passed, the Intestine of Decline followed the footsteps of its kind and was killed.

HP reset!

Monster, Intestine of Decline, dead!

[Kill the monster [Intestine of Decline], experience +18w8700]

[Drops (to be picked up): Decline Key Core x1]

Without any more nonsense, Bai Yi directly used his professional skill - [Shadow Extraction].

"Stand up."

Then, the shadow below surged.

Then, a huge worm-like monster as black as ink surged to the ground.

Bai Yi waved his hand.

This newly appeared shadow subordinate, Shadow Decline Intestine, directly merged with Shadow Decline Double Heart Eye Bone.

Shadow Decline Intestine was below.

Continuously climbed upward until it was completely fused.

After the two merged, the shadow became much more pleasing to the eye. Bai Yi had an inexplicable feeling in his heart that it seemed to be just a little bit away from the complete appearance.

Unfortunately, it was just that little bit that made the current shadow subordinate not so perfect.

"What a pity."

"Just a little bit away."

Bai Yi sighed and looked at his shadow subordinate as a whole, and his eyes were probing.

Data presentation:

[Shadow subordinate: Shadow Decline·Double Heart Eyes Bones and Intestines]

[Level: Level 56]

[HP: 128w8


[Comprehensive attack power: 40000+]

[Status: (Special amplification buff·King's domain)]

[Skills: A-level [Rapid recovery], A-level [Gray bone armor], A+level [Same source], B+level [Floating], B+level [Striving to whip], B+level [Shadow tentacles entangled and swallowed]]

This new Shadow Decay has become more full below.

The whole is more like a real complete body. Although it is still a little short, it is close to "perfection".

Although this aesthetic view may be biased towards the side of curiosity.

But it is undeniable that the current Shadow Decay is really excellent.


A trace of excitement flashed in Bai Yi's eyes, and then disappeared in an instant.

What he wants to do now is nothing more than hunting some large special decay monsters to make his Shadow Decay merge into a complete body.

Bai Yi is looking forward to it.

What kind of existence can this complete Shadow Decay become?

As Bai Yi's order was issued.

More than a hundred Shadow men in the portal cave began to explore the entire cave rapidly.

As usual.

In the side of an inconspicuous cave, a huge Decay Heart was embedded.

The heart of Decay caused the entire world to tremble with each beat.

Not long after.

Bai Yi ordered the entire Shadow Army to march towards it.

The only difference is that the entire world... seems to be different!

Looking around, at a glance, you can see layers of purple mucus appearing, and purple Decay Cores appearing on the surface.

Just like eyeballs.

If ordinary professionals come here, they will probably be scared without fighting.

At this time.

Bai Yi also understands why no professional has cleared this dungeon in so many years.

Not to mention that only professionals of level 30-40 can enter this dungeon, the huge number may also make up for this fatal weakness of the level.


In this dungeon, the endless decline monsters are not something that ordinary professionals can cope with.

Not to mention those large special declines, hundreds of small declines can tire out a large number of rare professionals.

If super-standard professionals like Aaron and Fujikawa Kenta come here.

Although they can wipe out all the weak declines.

But facing a large special decline, although they can probably defeat it, what about the next decline heart?

What about the second large special decline and the successive decline hearts?

What's more.

There are more than two such portal caves!

This is not for professionals to break through, it is simply a huge abyss. It swallows every professional who comes!


Fortunately, Bai Yi has never been alone!

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