Suddenly, the giant scythe mantis jumped up and clung to the wall. Then the two giant scythes came together and began to accumulate power.

The two extremely long and powerful legs suddenly bounced, crushing the rocks under their feet into pieces, and the body jumped into the air with this force.

The giant scythe mantis is not too big, about the same size as Lu Feng, so it is also very fast in the air. It does not rush forward blankly, but jumps back and forth in the space.

And the speed is getting faster and faster, and gradually it becomes a piece of afterimage, gradually approaching Lu Feng and the others.

The two huge scythes that beat and swung rapidly made a shrill scream like a meat grinder. Judging from their momentum, they wanted to chop Lu Feng into pieces.

Lu Feng's eyebrows twitched as he looked at the approaching giant scythe mantis.


I saw Linghua standing up first, the long blade in her hand condensed the icy frost, gathering a burst of terrifying frost, and finally released it.

Sure enough, the cold frost instantly slowed down the giant scythe mantis and made its movements sluggish.

Although it didn't cause too much damage to the hard armor on its body, it was enough.

"Butterflies start a prairie fire!"

Immediately afterwards, Hu Tao rushed up and swung the fiery ghost with all his strength. Following Hu Tao's movements, a blazing fire of karma burned onto the giant scythe mantis.

When Walnut's butterfly fire collided with Ayaka's frost, a powerful reaction occurred!

The giant scythe mantis seems to be able to withstand only one of them, but the combined reaction of the two elements is completely overwhelming.

The fierce attack overwhelmed the giant scythe mantis. In the end, the two scythes were broken and the body fell into a pool of blood.

"It's all fancy." Lu Feng patted the dust on his body disdainfully, and then said to a few people: "Everyone, let's go separate ways and clean up the monsters here. I'll make a feast for you when we get back!"

Lu Feng felt that if everyone was crowded together like this, they would definitely encounter monsters here no matter where they went.

Therefore, it is better for everyone to act separately to clear out some of the monsters and make the road clear.

"But if you encounter a strong enemy, remember to pull away first and wait for support, okay?"

"Is there a possibility?" Youla looked at Lu Feng expressionlessly.

"Huh?" Lu Feng turned to look at her.

"We all have more combat experience than you."

"You're right." Lu Feng couldn't refute this sentence for a while, because what Youla said was true.

After everyone separated, they quickly entered into their own battles.

Lu Feng walked straight and walked into a long corridor.

"Huh? This is."

Suddenly, Lu Feng saw something glowing slightly in a dark corner. When he got closer, he saw that it was the reflection of a soda can illuminated by a torch.

"Very coke? What kind of fake brand?"

Lu Feng turned the can over and found that there was still Coke left in it, which meant that someone must have come in here!

Continuing to walk forward, Lu Feng saw a lot of garbage again, but most of it was wrapping paper, fruit cores, etc. produced by humans.

It doesn't look like anyone has come in. Are you sure someone isn't living here?

Lu Feng decided to take a deeper look, but he was afraid of being discovered, so he put out the torch, gently threw it aside, and continued walking inside.

"Oh, wait a minute." Lu Feng stopped quickly, then took out his mobile phone, recorded all the surrounding scenes, and then sent it to Shangguan Qunhua.

Then we continued to go deeper inside.

At this time, in a hidden corner, a pair of eyes stretched out from the wall, and then twisted to look at Lu Feng.

The pair of black eyes twisted and twisted, staring at Lu Feng's back. Then, a whole face gradually emerged from the wall.

The mouth was curled up at an incredible angle, looking at Lu Feng's back, smiling crazily.

"Ah owe!!"

Lu Feng felt a chill on his back and sneezed uncontrollably. His sixth sense made him look back, but there was only an empty corridor.

Looking at the long corridor, Lu Feng had never felt that he had walked so far.

"Have I walked this far?" Lu Feng frowned and asked.

Maybe it's an illusion. After all, this corridor is too empty. It's normal to have this illusion.

But the moment Lu Feng turned his head, he discovered that the road ahead had turned into a wall at some point! !

"Obviously, I'm on the right track." Lu Feng immediately understood that the people inside had already been targeting him.

Sure enough, when Lu Feng tried to summon everyone back from farming outside, he discovered that his skills were sealed and could not be summoned.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Feng saw three groups of black mist appearing around him.

After the three groups of black mist slowly dissipated, three figures appeared.

Although it is said to be a human figure, from the appearance, it looks like a monster, but its body shape is like a human, and it also stands on two legs.

When Lu Feng lit up the flashlight and illuminated the entire corridor, he realized that in front of him were three lizard men with blades in their hands.

It's just that they are a little different from the lizard people Lu Feng saw in the Ancient Emperor's Secret Realm. They look less wild and more humane.

"Kill him to death"

Suddenly, one of the lizardmen spoke.

Although the accent was very innocent, distorted, and very cold and mechanical, Lu Feng still understood him.

"Can you actually speak human language?"

Just when Lu Feng was surprised, three long knives struck at Lu Feng one after another.

Lu Feng did not choose to retreat, but rushed forward, kicked away the lizard man who rushed up first, and then took out his naginata and swept away the other two.

Then he quickly rushed forward and stabbed the lizard man in front of him into the chest with his knife. Blood spurted out instantly and flowed along the tip of the knife to Lu Feng's wrist.

While Lu Feng was dealing with this one, the other two had also slowed down, and the sharp blades were coming from behind.

Lu Feng reacted quickly and turned around to prepare for a counterattack.

As a result, at this moment, his feet suddenly tripped on something, and he stumbled directly into two sharp blades. The cold sharp blades were only ten centimeters away from Lu Feng's eyes.

Fortunately, Lu Feng was quick enough and grasped the two blades with both hands, then rolled past the two lizard men.

"Damn, how could I make this mistake?"

Lu Feng got up from the ground and looked at the two wounds on his hands. Dark red blood poured out of his hands.

And two lizardmen had already charged forward.

This time, Lu Feng rushed forward quickly. After the sword flashed, the two lizard men fell to the ground and turned into four petals.

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