Before leaving here, Shangguan Qunhua made a phone call.

"Hello? Well, I've asked someone to check the place. I don't know the actual situation. The little brother I'm looking for is injured, and it's still serious. Let's seal off this place first. Don't say there's not enough manpower. Do we have to wait for the rear to be broken through? Is the talent enough?”

"Obey orders? Sorry, I only obey orders that I think are right. Overstepping my rank? Have you forgotten that I have been wearing multiple hats for a long time. No one told you? That means your level is too low."

"Stop scolding, stop scolding, I need the manpower anyway, you can figure it out yourself, otherwise I will tell your wife that you are having an affair, yes, that's me!"

"Then let's talk about it. I will send you the specific location. Okay, okay, I know we have nothing to do with each other. Okay, that's it."

After making the call, Shangguan Qunhua breathed a sigh of relief. As an old leader, he was still so stubborn and would only stick to his own ideas.

But there is one ultimate weakness, and that is - he is afraid of his wife. He is so afraid that he never dares to go home past seven in the evening.

Although this kind of threat is very bad and will also affect your reputation, it is useful if you can't stand him!

Lu Feng's situation has proven that the situation here is not as simple as described in the intelligence he received.

Even if a large-scale search cannot be carried out yet, surveillance must be carried out.

After completing this, Shangguan Qunhua followed back.

At the same time, deep in the cave.

Ming Yun also learned about the situation outside and that two more cadres and a special agent under his command had died.

But he was not too anxious or angry. Instead, he calmly nodded to Zhao Tong in front of him.

"If you die, just die. However, this Lu Feng is indeed a bit unexpected. The summoned beast can be so powerful."

"The plan against him has not been traced. I heard that someone is protecting him very well."

"So how's the battle going on their front lines?"

"With fifteen consecutive waves of beasts, the frontline can no longer withstand it. There has been a truce for several days. They should be recuperating. However, we don't have enough potions to guide the beasts anymore, and we have reached a stalemate."

"Not enough potion? Is there a production problem at the magic technology company?"

"No, it's because they have recently raised the price of medicines, and a lot of the organization's industries have been seized, so the funds are somewhat insufficient."

"Funding. I have a way. You have the magic company deliver the goods directly. Don't delay. The front line must put enough pressure on it."


Imperial Capital First Hospital.

In a separate ward filled with the smell of medicine and disinfectant, Lu Feng was lying on the hospital bed.

At this time, Lu Feng's wounds had been treated, his blood had been transfused, and his body's various indicators had recovered.

As for why he hasn't woken up yet, it's because the battle exhausted his physical strength and his energy has not yet been restored, so he is unconscious.

At this time, everyone in the consciousness space looked at Lu Feng, who was unconscious on the hospital bed, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Because Lu Feng might not be very cool at ordinary times, and occasionally a little bit mean, but he was also really good to them, and he would really buy something if he had it.

"Brother Lu Feng must be fine, right?"

Keli looked at the unconscious Lu Feng on the hospital bed with worry on her face. Except for Lu Feng, no one had ever indulged herself so much before.

And he often buys things he likes for himself, so Keli quite likes this big brother.

"Don't worry, Keli. Didn't the doctor just say that Lu Feng is completely out of danger? He is just tired now. He can just rest for a while."

Hutao and Keli, maybe because of their passion for fire, they get along very well. So the first one came up to comfort Keli.

"Is it really true?" Keli's voice trembled, and she raised her head, with tears still remaining in her eyes.

"Of course, he and I still have a lot of grievances to settle, and he won't die so easily." Youla also nodded and comforted.

"That's great!" When Keli heard that everyone was so sure, she nodded with relief, and her mood became clear again.

Only Ying looked at Lu Feng without saying a word. Although there was no expression on his face, he felt a little relieved in his heart.

This is the first time that everyone has seen a hospital in this world. It does look very high-end, which makes people feel at ease.

Three days later.

In the past three days, although Lu Feng had woken up, he was still placed in the ward. It was said that he needed to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time to confirm that Lu Feng was completely fine before he could go out.

This is Shangguan Qunhua's arrangement.

Lu Feng was sitting on the bed at this time. The video he had taken had been sent to Shangguan Qunhua, and the money had been obtained.

However, although the money to stay in the hospital does not need to be spent on himself, Lu Feng still feels that life here is very difficult.

"Dong dong dong."

"Can I come in, Mr. Lu Feng?"

An elegant girl's voice came from outside the door. Lu Feng had heard this voice countless times in the past few days.

"Oh, sure." Lu Feng nodded habitually.

What opened the door was a pure-looking female nurse wearing a white nurse uniform and a pair of flat shoes.

It was a nurse arranged by the hospital, named Lin Jia.

Lu Feng also learned in the past few days that Lin Jia was a student who just graduated this year, a few years older than him, and was now an intern at the Imperial Capital First Hospital.

Lin Jia was also born in a small city, similar to Lu Feng. Perhaps for this reason, she seemed very cordial and friendly.

At this time, she was pushing a cart with Lu Feng's breakfast and today's newspaper on it.

"I guess breakfast is eggs and porridge again." Lu Feng has had this kind of breakfast for three days in a row, and it's so bland that it hurts.

"You guessed it, but today it's vegetable porridge, which is very nutritious." Lin Jia smiled and handed everything over.

Lu Feng didn't like this feeling. It made him feel like a useless person when others brought food to him.

This was one of the reasons why Lu Feng wanted to leave the hospital early.

"Your hospital is really stingy." Lu Feng complained, and then he picked up the porridge. When he was about to drink it, it shook again.

Lu Feng didn't hold the bowl firmly in his hand and it fell over, scattering all over the floor.


Lin Jia seemed to be frightened and jumped back several steps.

The funny look made Lu Feng couldn't help laughing.

"I'm sorry. I'll get you a bowl!!" Lin Jia quickly knelt down to clean up.

"Forget it, I don't want to eat anyway." Lu Feng shrugged, then stood by the window, wanting to see what caused the vibration, or was it just a simple earthquake?

"I said, Lin Jia, look what that is."


Lin Jia, who had just packed up, stood up and looked towards the window where Lu Feng was pointing, but she only saw a steady flow of people.

"There's nothing." Lin Jia looked at Lu Feng in confusion, but found that he was gone.

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