The crowded crowd did not react immediately, they just saw something falling from the sky.

A few drops of blood fell. Someone touched his face and looked down to see what was sticky on his hand.

But he saw a huge shadow on the ground approaching. When he raised his head again, a sudden force blew the whole person away.

Everyone on the side was dumbfounded. Corpses fell from the sky, and then several more were killed.


"Holy shit, what was that just now? Did the body fall down?"

"Call the police! Call the police! There's been an accident!!"

At this moment, the crowd was completely panicked. The people who were still watching the show immediately dispersed and fled after seeing such a scene to avoid being accidentally injured again.

"My daughter and son-in-law are still up there!! Today is their first day of marriage, can anyone help them!! Help them!!"

At this time, the sky was suddenly filled with dark clouds, and the originally bright weather suddenly turned gloomy.

"Bang!!" There was another loud noise.

I only saw a tall figure on the Ferris wheel, tearing off a seat with strong hands. And there were people inside who stuck out their heads and called for help in a panic.

But no one could pay attention to it. In the next second, the entire seat was lifted up, then swung hard and smashed towards the crowd below.

"I'll go!!" Lu Feng saw this scene and wanted to rush forward to block it, but when the impact came in front of him, he felt fear and pressure.

If you forcefully pick it up like this, your body will definitely not be able to bear it, and it will only be blown into a pulp. In desperation, you can only quickly get out of the way.

"Oh shit."


Lu Feng originally thought he could only watch the people in the car being smashed into pieces, but instead he saw a violent dust rising in front of him.

A figure could be vaguely seen blocking the entire seat, but it was thrown away along with the seat by a strong force.


There was a dull sound behind Lu Feng, and when he turned his head, he found Ning Ziwei with a painful face, and then a trace of blood seeped out from the corner of her mouth.

"Ning Ziwei, what's wrong with you?" Lu Feng quickly walked up to him and asked.

"It's okay. Hurry up and see if the people inside have been rescued!"

Ning Zi shook her head, casually wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and asked Lu Feng to check if the person who had just fallen down was okay.

Lu Feng looked behind him. Behind a long trace were Ning Ziwei's summoned beast twins, also half lying on the ground, unconscious.

It seemed that it was the figure blocking the seat just now, but because the kinetic energy was too strong, Ning Ziwei consumed too much and received a strong impact, so she suffered internal bleeding.

Lu Feng nodded, not wanting Ning Ziwei's efforts to be in vain, so he quickly ran over.

The entire seat had been thrown out of shape. Lu Feng jumped on it, looked inside, and found a mother and daughter lying in a pool of blood.

"Damn it. Don't die."

Lu Feng chopped open the door with a knife, took both of them out, placed them on the ground, and checked to see if their vital signs were still there.

"It's okay. The heartbeat is still in the ambulance!!"

"All visitors to Yuelong Lake Park are requested to follow the instructions of the staff and arrive at a safe place. Do not wander near the Ferris wheel. The task force is on its way."

“Repeat, please all visitors to Yuelong Lake Park.”

At the same time, the sound of an ambulance came from not far away. Lu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and then waved desperately in the direction of the ambulance.

The medical staff also saw it and rushed over to Lu Feng with a stretcher cart.

Immediately afterwards, several black loading trucks also arrived at the scene, and a large group of armed men disembarked from them.

The leader was a tall, strong, and well-armed middle-aged man.

He first directed personnel to go forward to survey the situation, and then began to evacuate the crowd.

Lu Feng also returned to Ning Ziwei and asked, "Are you feeling okay? The ambulance is over there, do you want it?"

"It doesn't matter. I'll just take it easy and be fine. It's up there."

"It's a monster." Ying glanced at it and then pulled out the knife.

"Hey!! Wait a minute!! Ying, don't worry!!" Lu Feng saw this situation and quickly stopped Ying.

Because at this distance, if Ying wanted to kill the monster with one strike, he would probably have to cut the entire Ferris wheel in half.

How much would you have to pay for that? !


Suddenly, the big man noticed here and walked over with a serious face.

"Are you students? Which school are you from?"

"Who are you?" Lu Feng did not answer, but asked the other party's identity.

"Me? I am the captain of the daytime task force, Wang Long." Wang Long smiled proudly, extremely confident in his identity. The two students in front of him might be his fans.

"I haven't heard of it. Where is Shangguan Qunhua?" Lu Feng shook his head decisively. He had indeed never heard of this name. Instead, he asked why Shangguan Qunhua was missing.

Wang Long's face twitched: "Her team can't handle this kind of thing. And you, did you just use professional skills in the city?"

Wang Long was in a good mood at first, but when he heard Lu Feng ask Shangguan Qunhua, he felt instantly unhappy.

Then he took out a small notebook and pen and started the "interrogation" again.


"Sigh" Lu Feng originally wanted to quibble, but Ning Ziwei was a little too honest and it was too late.

"That's because just now."

"Stop it, no matter what, you are using professional skills at will in the city without a license. This is illegal! By the way, which school do you belong to?"

After Wang Long said the first half of his words, he suddenly remembered that the other party hadn't said which school he was from. It would be bad if he accidentally caught students from Beiqing or several other top-ranked schools.

"Holy tree."

"Oh? That's good. It's just the two of you, right? Then get in the car with me and be punished with three days of confinement."

"It's forbidden." Lu Feng sneered, "Ignore him, let's go."

"Stop!! What are you doing! Resisting law enforcement!! If it's serious, you will..."

Wang Long was angry when suddenly something flew over from behind him and hit him directly in the back.

"I'll get it!! What is it? Who? Who attacked me!?" Wang Long got up from the ground and suddenly found that the one who hit him was actually his own man! !

"Well, uncle, I think you should help your men instead of coming to arrest us." Lu Feng pointed forward.

Wang Long quickly pushed the person on him away, climbed up and looked back, only to realize that his team had been completely routed by a monster standing on two feet! !

"What kind of monster is this? There is no record, I'm stupid."

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