Everyone’s job change: Summoner, Ayaka Kamisato at the beginning

Chapter 137 The contrast between cuteness and cuteness

The two of them felt a strong punching wind at the same time. When they turned around, they saw that it was a huge mechanical fist, and it was ejected at an extremely fast speed!

"Junior, you have to be careful!"

Jiang Rouxin smiled slightly, then lightly tapped the ground with the toes of her two little feet. At the same time, she exerted force on her upper body. She looked like a crescent moon and rolled back to avoid the giant mechanical fist.

Lu Feng reacted immediately, but under the pressure of strong gravity, it was very difficult for him to just lift his feet.

Let alone avoid this huge mechanical fist.

As a result, the whole person was bounced away by the giant mechanical fist, but fortunately, the wall and floor were covered with a layer of anti-fall mats, so Lu Feng wouldn't fall too badly.

But the fist is made of genuine materials, and it won't be too painful to hit someone.

Lu Feng climbed up from the ground with difficulty, and then looked at Jiang Rouxin who was snickering next to him.

"How about it?"

"It feels like my spirit and body are not on the same channel. There is an illusion that my body and brain are not very familiar."

Lu Feng smiled bitterly, and then expressed his feelings.

Jiang Rouxin nodded, "That's right! This means your reaction is good, but..." As she said that, she slowly walked to Lu Feng's side.

Then he stretched out his hand and patted Lu Feng on the back, "It's pretty strong."


"It's just that your body isn't good enough."

"Can't you say that my body's strength is not as strong as my brain's reaction? If you describe it like this, I feel like pork in the vegetable market."

Lu Feng sighed, feeling that Jiang Rouxin didn't look like someone so many years older than him, either in appearance or mentality.

"Your meat looks better than pork, hehe."


"You're kidding. In this case, you can watch me from the side first." Jiang Rouxin asked Lu Feng to sit aside and observe her.

"Teacher Lin, continue."

Suddenly, the huge mechanical fist started to work again, and the huge fist fell from the sky.

Jiang Rouxin's eyes quickly positioned themselves, and then she turned sideways to avoid the blow, but the huge mechanical fist suddenly changed direction, trying to catch her off guard!

"Junior, you need to know."

Jiang Rouxin's figure flashed slightly and she spoke to Lu Feng at the same time.

"Sometimes, it is very important to control every subtle operation of the body and every movement. To put it simply, it is the ability to control the body."

While explaining to Lu Feng, Jiang Rouxin easily dodged all the attacks.

Although Lu Feng was stunned for a while, he still nodded. He could see that Jiang Rou's current strength must have been brought about by accumulated training.

A career doesn't give you physical strength, training ability.

"However, these are not achieved overnight. They need to be accumulated slowly. Do you know how desperate I was when I first changed jobs?"

Jiang Rouxin smiled and then sat in front of Lu Feng.

"I'm not really tall, I'm even a little short."

"Yeah, it's okay, she's pretty cute, isn't she?" Lu Feng took a secret glance at Jiang Rouxin and found that she actually looked like the little sister from the neighbor's house next door.

"Yeah, yeah, I think I'm cute too!!"

"Uh, senior sister, you'd better continue what you just wanted to say."

Jiang Rouxin's performance made Lu Feng a little bit dumbfounded, but the contrast still made Lu Feng feel cute.

"Oh, then I will continue. Because the first job change is [Fire Fist]."

"Forget it about Yanyan Fist, you continue."

"Although the profession is powerful, it is very special. Every time I punch, I will bring out flames. In addition to getting myself burned, I also cause some troubles because I cannot control it well."

Jiang Rouxin's black eyes suddenly became hazy, as if she was lost in memories.

"Many people feel that this profession is a waste for me. It is better to let more talented people awaken to this profession."

"Awesome, but this statement is too stupid." Lu Feng shook his head.

"So when I heard these remarks, I had never had such a strong urge to shut everyone up. I started exercising like crazy, practicing physical strength and power control."

"After I can master the power, I will find those who say such things and give them a big slap in the face!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Rou's eyes brightened again, and she even waved her fist excitedly, as if everything was still vivid in her mind.

"It turns out it really makes people shut up." Lu Feng said with emotion.

"By the way, senior sister, you told me so much not long after we met. You are not afraid that I am a villain. When the time comes, I will compile your experience into a book or something."



"Oh, I forgot." Jiang Rouxin patted her head, as if she had just realized the problem, "But, junior fellow student, you are so cute, you shouldn't do this, right?"

Although Jiang Rou said she believed it, her fist filled with fire was still placed in front of Lu Feng.

"Okay, okay, I'm just kidding, hahaha."

"I know, so I'm joking too." Jiang Rouxin stood up, turned her back to Lu Feng, and said, "What about you, as a summoner, you must have received a lot of criticism at the beginning, right?"

"Me? Indeed." Lu Feng thought for a moment and realized that was indeed the case.

"So it's definitely not easy for you to be able to stand up to the crowd. I can understand that feeling."

"Actually, it's not that difficult. It's even quite easy."

"Okay, now it's your turn."

After Jiang Rouxin said this, she moved quickly and Lu Feng saw the huge mechanical fist hitting him.

"Depend on!"

Lu Feng screamed and crouched down quickly. He finally managed to avoid this attack, and he also felt that he seemed to be getting used to the gravity in the training room.

"You can't do this, it's too big a movement." Jiang Rouxin reminded her quickly.

"Really? Oh, let me go!!" Lu Feng listened to Jiang Rouxin's words, but did not notice that the big fist changed direction and swung towards him, and he was hit again.

"See, I told you to pay attention to fine-tuning. Large movements can successfully dodge the first attack. But what if the opponent attacks continuously?"

"Oh, I know this truth, but" Lu Feng sighed. When he encountered monsters, he almost always dealt with them immediately and rarely bothered with fighting methods.

"No buts, stand up and carry on."

Jiang Rouxin's tone suddenly became stern.

"Okay!" Lu Feng nodded, took a deep breath, and prepared for the next test.

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