After returning to Kyoto University, Qin Yun immediately found the counselor Cao Dehua and submitted an application for leave to him.

"What?! You want to take two months off?!"

However, when our Cao University counselor learned of his purpose, he was dumbfounded and did not dare to agree: "Classmate Qin Yun, this... I don't dare to criticize him!"

If it was only two or three days of leave, then he could still make the decision and approve his application easily. But this leave is only for two months... His little counselor does not have such great authority!

Not to mention, Qin Yun is the one who ranks first in the whole grade, attracts much attention, and is far ahead!

If something happened, he couldn't bear the responsibility!

The matter was so important that counselor Cao hesitated and could only suggest that he apply to his superiors.

Qin Yun thought about it and felt that this was the case. The vacation he applied for was too long. With his position as a counselor, he really did not dare to approve it easily. He should find someone with a higher position.

Therefore, after rejecting Counselor Cao's offer to take him to the dean, Qin Yun ran directly to the principal's office.

He felt that the serious dean might not easily approve his application. It would be too troublesome to ask questions and ask for reasons, so he chose to skip the other party and go directly to the old principal to ask for a long leave.

Boom, boom, boom!

Qin Yun knocked on the door of the principal's office. He didn't know if the other party was there?

"Please come in!"

He was lucky, the old principal was actually in the office.

Opening the door and walking in, he saw the other party sitting at his desk, flipping through some documents, and seemed busy.

"Principal, I want to take two months' leave!"

Qin Yun directly explained his purpose of coming and looked at the old principal with serious eyes.


The old principal was also a little surprised by what he said and looked at him doubtfully: "Qin Yun, I remember you, you are the best freshman in our grade!"

"But, what happened that made you take such a long leave?"

The old principal frowned for a while. He had a very good impression of Qin Yun. He knew that he had great potential and had great expectations for him. He was very optimistic about his future and was very curious about why he suddenly made such an application.

You know, the school has regulations. It is not a trivial matter for a student to take two months off, let alone the best student like Qin Yun!

Moreover, it is now less than three months before the end of this semester.

In other words, if Qin Yun's application is approved, it will almost be equivalent to the end of his semester, leaving only a dozen days of final assessment.


Qin Yun had already thought about how to answer this kind of question, and directly said that he was going to go on a nationwide tour to see the dungeons in each main city, to experience the mechanisms of various dungeons, and to experience various types of tests to enrich himself. life experience.


Faced with such an answer, the old principal was obviously hesitant because this reason was not sufficient.

Even if he wants to approve Qin Yun's application, this reason is still somewhat problematic.

"Principal, I have completed the third revolution!"

Seeing that the old principal seemed hesitant, Qin Yun thought for a while and took the initiative to show his current level panel and the number of awakening and job transfers.

The bright Level 60 and the third turn representing the third awakening almost blinded the old principal!

"What?! actually...returned to Level 60 for the third time?!!!"

The old principal was so shocked that he jumped up from his chair. Looking at the personal career panel he took the initiative to display, his eyes widened and his tone was unbelievable: "How is this possible?!"

You know, among all the previous graduates of Kyoto University, only a very small number of the best students can pass the threshold of Level 60 for third transfer!

As for Qin Yun, he has only been in school for less than a year and has not even finished his freshman year yet, but he has done what only the best graduates can do!

Is this upgrade speed too fast?

Even SS Level Talent students can’t do it!

The most outstanding performers in the past, such as Jiang Yue and Sun Zhengyang at SS Level, had to wait until their junior year at the earliest to cross the threshold of the third transfer. I have never seen anyone complete the third transfer in their freshman and sophomore years. of!

Is he an S Level Talent or an SSS Level Talent? !

The old principal thought that he had lived so long, what things had he not seen before? But he has never seen such an outrageous thing!

Even for the most powerful guy at SSS Level back then, it seemed that it took him more than a year to upgrade from his awakening to level 60!

With the support of national-level forces, various detailed upgrade plans have been formulated, almost achieving the highest efficiency!

The old principal was really curious, how did Qin Yun do it? Why is upgrading as fast as riding a rocket?

Could it be that he has a special way of upgrading that is even stronger than national support? It’s so outrageous!

"Look, principal, now you don't have to worry about my grades falling behind..."

Qin Yun will naturally not reveal this. He is just showing his current level and will not really tell others his secrets.


The old principal was very speechless and couldn't help complaining in his heart: Behind in grades? Hehe, you can apply for early graduation immediately, but you are still far behind! Do others still want to live?

But then, he seemed to think of something and couldn't help but touch his chin.

"Qin Yun, I have something to tell you..."

The old principal did not tell him about the holiday and turned to other topics: "Originally I didn't plan to tell you, but since you have already reached Level 60 for the third time, it is just right!"


Qin Yun blinked, not knowing what he wanted to say, it was a little strange.

"Qin Yun, do you know about the annual National College League?"

The old principal looked at him with bright eyes, as if looking at a piece of precious jade: "That is the highest-level competition that all schools in the country will participate in!"

“The best talents in the country are brought together to compete for the championship!”

The old principal's eyes looked at Qin Yun, flashing with a light of expectation.

"National College League? Of course I know!"

Qin Yun nodded, of course he had heard of it, and he also knew that his president Jiang Yue was once the most outstanding figure, winning two consecutive national college league championships!

"Originally, the National College League is open to all students. Anyone can sign up to participate, regardless of grade, but often only the best students have the chance to compete for the championship!"

The old principal looked at him with a smile: "So, those who sign up for the competition are usually the most talented students who have successfully crossed the third-level threshold..."

"And you... Qin Yun, you have also reached the third level now!"

The old principal's eyes became eager, as if he saw the hope of winning again: "I believe you will be able to win the championship!"

You know, since Jiang Yue graduated last year, the old principal has been under great pressure and cannot see the hope of Kyoto University winning again.

The talented students of S Level Talent are not only found in Kyoto University. The S Level talents who pop up every year in the transfer ceremony are offered very good scholarships by local universities and even universities in other major cities. Conditions, work hard to achieve.

Therefore, other universities have also recruited many good S Level Talent talents and invested a lot of resources in cultivating them!

Their strength is not much worse than that of Kyoto University, or even stronger!

At Kyoto University today, Jiang Yue, the most outstanding SS Level Talent, has graduated and is no longer qualified to register for the National College League. And the newly recruited SS Level Talent, Su Xiaoyu, is only a freshman, and the level is too different. .

Moreover, she is still a defensive-type Holy Shield Knight, and lacks output methods. Even if she becomes a third-level player in the future, she may not be able to outdo others in individual competitions, but the team competitions are worth looking forward to.

Therefore, Kyoto University’s current S Level juniors and seniors may not necessarily be able to beat many universities and win the first place!

In previous years’ National College League, not all Kyoto University won the championship. Although they ranked first in the country, many colleges and universities had won the championship and were very competitive!

The old principal knew that other colleges and universities had already targeted the great opportunity left by SS Level Jiang Yue after she graduated. They were gearing up and making full preparations, keeping an eye on the championship of the National College League!

Without the strong SS Level Talent players, other S Level Talent talents have a chance to win!

Who will win the championship depends on the ability of each family! Each one’s performance!

A pack of wolves is waiting for you, coming menacingly!

The old principal was so worried that a lot of his hair fell out, and his already thin hair became even more pitiful.

Now, he finally saw hope in Qin Yun!

Although Qin Yun is only an S Level Talent, if he can win the championship in his freshman year, wouldn't he be stable for the next four years?

Coupled with the two championships won by newly graduated Jiang Yue, that is six consecutive championships!

There is hope now for Kyoto University!

It can completely suppress other universities and colleges!

"Me? Participate in the National College League?"

Facing the old principal's expectant gaze, Qin Yun couldn't help but be a little surprised.

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