The enemy was hit by a huge explosion.


Another round of missiles came!

And Frank the Alligator was no longer arrogant, he quickly turned on all the interception guns of the pirate starship.

"Damn it! Why is the firepower of a small battleship so terrifying!"

"Is this the power of the Origin Battleship?"

"I must get it!"

Frank the Alligator looked at the precarious shield system in front of him with an ugly face!

He didn't expect that just a small battleship would have such terrifying firepower.

He was careless and underestimated the enemy!

But now, even if he realized it and regretted it, it was too late.

The interception guns blew up some missiles in advance, but some of the missiles still fell on the pirate starship.

For a moment, fire splashed everywhere!

The armor of the pirate starship also began to fall apart.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jin smiled faintly.

Next, every attack of his will directly cause damage to the pirate starship!

The Eldar laser macro cannon is activated!

The alien insect armor-piercing missile is launched!

All the artillery fire poured down on the hull of the pirate starship like a rainstorm!

And the opponent did not choose to sit and wait for death!

The more violent artillery fire was also constantly opening one gap after another on the hull of the Prometheus.

But soon, the crocodile Frank discovered!

Every time he caused damage to the Prometheus, those gaps would begin to heal within a minute.

The entire starship was like a living being.

Any damage caused by the pirate starship to it would heal extremely quickly!

This discovery made the crocodile Frank feel desperate.

Facing a starship that can heal itself, how can he win?

"Damn it! Where are those guys who landed on the ship?"

"Why is there no news at all?"

At this time, the crocodile Frank remembered that he had sent a group of crocodile pirates to land on the other side's ship in order to take over the Origin battleship quickly and with minimal losses.

But now, his ship has reached the end of its strength, and the other side's ship has not made any movement!

With so many crocodile pirates, can't they take down two people?

Facing the boss's questioning, many crocodiles were timid and no one dared to answer directly.

Because long before, they had lost all the news of the crocodiles who landed.

And there is only one possibility for this result, that is, all the crocodiles they sent out have been killed by the other side!

The bridge door of the Prometheus opened!

The strong smell of blood penetrated into Lu Jin's nasal cavity, and Lu Jin looked back at the door.

Yu Tiancang walked over with blood all over his body and was very tired.

He threw a series of equipment on the ground, and then sat directly on his seat.

It seems that he has dealt with all the pirates.

But Lu Jin observed Yu Tiancang. Although he was covered in blood, there was no trace of injury on his body.

Is this the strength of a five-star warrior of the Sun Alliance?

It seems that his choice was not wrong!

"The pirates in the cabin have been dealt with."

"How long will it take for you to finish?"

Facing Yu Tiancang's inquiry, Lu Jin did not choose to answer. His finger was placed on the ship's attack system.

Press the attack button!

A new round of attacks hit the pirate starship again!

However, this time the pirate starship had no shields or armor!

Facing the attack of the Prometheus, they could only use the hull to resist desperately!


Accompanied by a laser beam accurately hitting the bridge.

The entire pirate starship was paralyzed in an instant and turned into a pile of scrap metal floating in the starry sky.

Yu Tiancang glanced at the time. It had only been an hour since the battle began!

In one hour, a medium-sized battleship could be easily dealt with!

I don’t know whether I should admire the power of the Origin Battleship!

Or should I be shocked by Lu Jin’s strong ship control ability!

Even if Yu Tiancang personally took action, he could not guarantee that he could easily resolve this battle within an hour.

At this moment, Qin Mowu’s signal came from the public channel.

“Lu Jin? How are you now!”

“You must hold on. I have brought people to support you!”

“People have also been sent from the Pluto Outpost. You must hold on!”


Yu Tiancang next to him felt a little ridiculous.

What's the point of coming to support now?

Come to clean up the battlefield?

"You don't need to come, the Crocodile Gang has been completely dealt with."


Qin Mowu was stunned for a moment when he heard Yu Tiancang's voice, and he didn't react.

Lu Jin has dealt with those interstellar pirates?

He has dealt with the Crocodile Gang?

How is it possible?

Aren't the Crocodile Gang interstellar pirates from the endless sea of ​​stars?

Were they defeated by Lu Jin so easily?

Lu Jin didn't communicate too much with Qin Mowu. His attention at the moment was all on the wreckage of the medium-sized battleship left by the Crocodile Gang!

For his "Prometheus", this medium-sized battleship in front of him is an excellent evolutionary material!

Lu Jin controlled the starship to approach the pirate starship. After approaching the pirate starship, several engineering arms extended from the inside of the starship.

They began to dismantle the pirate starship in front of them and sent the dismantled parts to the warehouse inside the ship.

[Ding, decomposing ship parts...]

[Ding, decomposition completed, ship upgrade progress increased to 1.15%...]

Looking at the ship upgrade progress rising, Lu Jin's inner joy could not be concealed.

Sure enough, if you want to upgrade the Origin Battleship quickly.

Defeating other starships and devouring other starships is the fastest and most effective process!

And at this moment, Lu Jin found a large number of ships on the radar.

No need to guess, these ships must be the new generation fleet led by Qin Mowu, plus the ships sent by the Pluto Outpost for support.

When they saw the scene in front of them, they all thought that they were dazzled?

In their expectation, Lu Jin had no room to fight back against the attack of the Crocodile Gang.

But now it seems that the positions of the hunter and the prey are somewhat different.

The engineering arm of the Prometheus is like a fang, constantly biting the pirate starship of the Crocodile Gang!

Now, a lot of areas of the entire pirate starship have been bitten off.

This means that the battle was over long before they arrived!

"Lu Jin, can you let us go on your ship for a tour?"

At this point, both Qin Mowu and the support captain of the Pluto Outpost were a little bit unbelievable.

They wanted to go on board to further confirm that Lu Jin in the ship was himself!

And Lu Jin was very straightforward and opened the docking hatch directly!

Qin Mowu led many new generation captains to land on Lu Jin's starship.

Even the support captains of the Pluto Outpost boarded the Prometheus!

The hatch opened!

In an instant, a strong smell of blood hit us.

What came into view was a large number of crocodile pirate corpses!

They were lying in various cabins, and even in the aisle, you could see space fighters broken into two sections.

Everyone looked at the tragic interior of the starship and couldn't help but take a breath.

When they arrived at the bridge area, they saw Yu Tiancang covered in blood and Lu Jin directing the engineering arm in front of the control panel.

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