The enemy was just a bunch of pirates.

"Damn, these iron sheets are endless!"

When the fire faded, all that came into view were the broken corpses on the ground.

Meng Lifeng just glanced at them, and without waiting for his crew to rest for a moment, he immediately began to urge them to move on.

And the crew he hired, facing Meng Lifeng's oppression, dared not speak out.

They thought that a new generation of captains like Meng Lifeng.

The enemies they faced were at most some interstellar pirates.

But they never expected that Meng Lifeng would go straight to this desolate planet just after leaving the solar system.

The most important thing is that there are such powerful mechanical life forms on this planet.

From the landing site to here, they have lost more than half of their personnel.

It is difficult to guarantee whether they can leave here safely.

Lu Jin, who is standing in the outer area, has a panoramic view of everything that happened in the inner area through the vision of the fang drone.

The closer to the core position, the more apocalypse creatures there are.

Unlike the apocalypse creatures in the city ruins, the apocalypse creatures in this building are more powerful.

Even on these apocalypse creatures, we can see various weapons with the symbol of apocalypse civilization!

This also confirms Lu Jin's guess!

The only intact building in front of us must have the most important things of apocalypse civilization!

And according to the information obtained by Lu Jin in his previous life, the two most important things of apocalypse civilization.

One of them is the cornerstone of apocalypse civilization.

The formula of apocalypse crystal fragments!

The second is the origin of apocalypse civilization!

The cosmic treasure that can create apocalypse creatures, the apocalypse fire!

No matter which one, for Lu Jin, it is a rare ultimate treasure!

Thinking of this, Lu Jin took a step and approached the core area of ​​the building.

As he went deeper, more and more apocalypse creatures appeared in Lu Jin's field of vision.

Some of them were in the posture of beasts, howling to the sky!

Some were standing, holding long swords, with solemn expressions!

The postures and expressions of these apocalypse creatures were different.

But the same thing was that there was no energy fluctuation on them.

Lu Jin looked at the thousands of apocalypse creatures around him, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

If all these apocalypse creatures were revived, what a huge fighting force they would be!

It's a pity that just like a person's heart will die completely after it stops beating.

Apocalypse creatures will also die completely after losing their energy supply.

Before death, apocalypse creatures will delete all memories to prevent their bodies from falling into the hands of the enemy.

Because of this, even if the Apocalypse creature is reactivated, it will lose its original soul and completely become a newborn of the Apocalypse civilization.

[Ding, weak energy fluctuations detected...]

Just as Lu Jin was about to leave, the Fang UAV actually detected an extremely weak energy fluctuation.


Are there any Apocalypse creatures that survived?

Lu Jin took a look at the intensity of the energy fluctuations.

The energy fluctuations were very weak, almost to the point where they were barely noticeable!

This also showed that the Apocalypse creature had fallen into a dying state.

Following the signal coordinates provided by the Fang UAV, Lu Jin quickly found the Apocalypse creature in a dying state.

I saw his huge mechanical body leaning against the corner of the wall, and half of his body had disappeared.

The exposed wire tube was constantly gushing out dark oily blood!

Lu Jin mobilized a Fang UAV to approach, but even when the Fang UAV approached, the Apocalypse creature did not react at all.

Seeing this, Lu Jin's eyes lit up!

Such an opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

You know, most mechanical creatures will clear all their data memories before they die.

To prevent the enemy from obtaining their bodies and extracting their memories from them!

But the Apocalypse creature in front of him is in a half-dead state.

In other words, as long as Lu Jin is lucky enough, he may be able to extract his stored memories before he dies completely.

Maybe, he can solve the mystery of the disappearance of the Apocalypse civilization!

Or he can get the synthesis formula of the Apocalypse Crystal from his memory!

No matter which kind of memory it is, it is extremely precious to Lu Jin!

Facing such a treasure trove of memories, Lu Jin dare not be negligent.

He immediately manipulated

The fang drone used the engineering mechanical arm installed inside to cut open the head of the Apocalypse creature.

After finding the hardware part where the memory is stored, Lu Jin immediately took out a data cable.

Connect to the microcomputer!

Crack the internal firewall of the Apocalypse creature!

Extract the memory stored in the brain!

As a large amount of data poured into the microcomputer like a tide, Lu Jin's eyes became brighter and brighter!

[Downloading the historical data of the Apocalypse creature...]

[Extracting the formula information of the Apocalypse crystal fragments...]

[Analyzing the body data of the Apocalypse creature...]

And at this moment, a term that he was very familiar with appeared on the screen of Lu Jin's microcomputer.

Void Zerg!

The destruction of the Apocalypse civilization is actually related to the Void Zerg?

How is this possible?

Won't the Void Zerg appear on a large scale in the assimilation war a year later?

Just as Lu Jin was puzzled, a warning popped up on the microcomputer screen in front of him.

[Warning! Biological signal lost! 】

Seeing this warning prompt, Lu Jin decisively disconnected the data cable.

The apocalypse creature in front of him finally ushered in the real death!

It’s a pity that Lu Jin did not fully grasp the information about the apocalypse civilization.

Lu Jin is a contented person. Being able to accidentally obtain so much information is already a good result.

At least, now Lu Jin knows what the treasure in this building is.

The treasure guarded in this building is the origin of the apocalypse civilization, the "Apocalypse Spark"!

The Apocalypse Spark, like the Origin Battleship, its source cannot be traced.

But one thing is certain, the Apocalypse Spark, like the Origin Battleship, is a cosmic treasure!

It is rumored that the Apocalypse Spark absorbs the surrounding energy autonomously, and when the energy reaches a certain level, it can breed a substance called "Spark Source".

The Spark Source can give mechanical life a soul, making it a different existence from other mechanical life!

And this is the origin of the Apocalypse civilization!

At its peak, the Apocalypse Civilization had a total of one hundred Apocalypse Fire Seeds.

But at some point, the Void Zerg invaded.

The Void Zerg not only devoured all ninety-nine Apocalypse Fire Seeds, but also drained all the potential of the planet!

Lu Jin was not surprised by this result.

On the contrary, he admired the Apocalypse Civilization even more. Under the invasion of the Void Zerg, he was able to retain one Apocalypse Fire Seed!

Lu Jin calculated the time in his mind. Meng Lifeng should have reached the storage area of ​​the fire seeds.

In this case, it is time to harvest!

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