The ore is so strong that it is difficult to get out of the water.

"What a high energy density!"

"The toughness of the ore is also good!"

"There is such a special material outside the Star Sea!"

After Yu Tiancang's appraisal, the value of this so-called Frost Spirit Crystal is definitely the level of first-class ore among many minerals.

And for such ore, Lu Jin only needs to use the cheapest alloy material to easily exchange a large amount from those dwarves!

At this time, Yu Tiancang finally understood.

Why did Lu Jin hoard so many cheap alloys in the warehouse!

At first, Yu Tiancang complained that Lu Jin bought so many cheap alloys, which not only took up space, but also made it difficult to get rid of them.

But he never expected that these so-called cheap alloys.

On this planet full of wealth, he actually achieved a reversal of his worth!

"Lu Jin, you are a genius!"

Yu Tiancang had already foreseen that if they exchanged all the cheap alloys in the warehouse for such precious Frost Spirit Crystals.

And then sold them to the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce!

The wealth that could be obtained would be an astronomical figure!

And Xue Liya next to him also saw the value of these Frost Spirit Crystals.

The energy contained in them alone made her feel tempted.

After all, in the diet of patrolling star dragons, any energy-rich substances are their favorites.

It is precisely because of this that Xue Liya could sense the energy contained in those ores at the beginning.

Lu Jin smiled faintly and released all the fang drones with a wave of his hand.

With the starship as the center, Lu Jin spread the fang drones, the main purpose of which was to search all the surrounding dwarf gathering places.

As local natives, these dwarves knew the mining locations of Frost Spirit Crystals better than them.

Instead of looking for it yourself, it is better to trade with these dwarves.

Use cheap alloys to exchange for the frost spirit crystals in their hands, so as to maximize the efficiency of obtaining!

Soon, Lu Jin found one of the tribes.

"Xue Liya, you go to the dwarf tribe with me."

"Yu Tiancang, you continue to stay on the starship."

After assigning the work, Xue Liya immediately changed into her original flying dragon appearance.

She grabbed Lu Jin and quickly approached the nearest dwarf tribe.

Soon, Lu Jin arrived at the door of the dwarf tribe.

The sudden appearance of Lu Jin immediately aroused the vigilance of the guards of the dwarf tribe.

But soon, Lu Jin relied on the attraction of cheap alloys to the dwarves to trade!

For these dwarves, these frost spirit crystals are far less useful than the cheap alloys in Lu Jin's hands!

They replaced the stones on the axe and replaced them with the cheap alloys they had just obtained.

It seems that with such a replacement, the lethality of these weapons will be stronger!

Lu Jin doesn't care at all about how these dwarves use these cheap alloys!

After the transaction was completed, Lu Jin controlled the Fang UAV to collect the Frost Spirit Crystals and sent them back to the warehouse of the starship.

Then, under the leadership of Xue Liya, he continued to the next dwarf gathering place.

When Lu Jin arrived at this dwarf gathering place, he immediately noticed that something was wrong with this gathering place.

The dwarves in the entire gathering place looked listless.

Even when Lu Jin approached, the dwarves showed very fearful expressions!

Seeing this, Lu Jin tried to trade with them.

But no matter how he concealed it, these dwarves seemed to have suffered a huge shock and dared not interact with Lu Jin.

Encountering this situation was naturally within Lu Jin's expectations.

For these dwarves, encountering various crises is a normal thing.

Lu Jin did not delve into what these dwarves encountered.

He came to this planet to plunder Frost Spirit Crystals, not to be a savior.

These dwarves don't speak the same language as him, so even if Lu Jin wants to help them, he is powerless!

After determining that this gathering place has lost its trading value, Lu Jin turned and headed for the next gathering place of dwarves!

Fortunately, in the second gathering place, Lu Jin harvested a lot of frost spirit crystals!

In this way, at the end of the day, Lu Jin and Xue Liya joined forces to directly plunder a large number of frost spirit crystals!

Yu Tiancang, who was stationed in the starship, watched more and more frost spirit crystals being sent into the warehouse, and his eyes became brighter and brighter!

In his eyes, these ores are no longer frost spirit crystals.

Spirit crystals, but a series of credit point numbers!

In just one day, the Fang UAV brought back nearly 10 tons of Frost Spirit Crystals.

If these 10 tons of Frost Spirit Crystals were sold on the market, the value would be inestimable.

After returning to the starship, Lu Jin went back to his room and took a hot bath.

In this galaxy covered with ice and snow, even with the isolation of protective clothing, Lu Jin still felt a little stiff after running for a day.

Every time at this time, Lu Jin couldn't help but envy Xue Liya.

As a patrolling star dragon, her physique is extremely strong, and this severe cold is nothing in her eyes.

The most important thing is that the patrolling star dragon has powerful spiritual energy in its body.

She can convert spiritual energy into heat energy, so that her body temperature is always kept at a comfortable level.

After gathering the materials needed for interstellar navigation, Lu Jin's first plan was to obtain a spiritual energy seed with strong enough potential.

The strong tribes in the endless star sea basically have the ability to control spiritual energy at will.

And humans are definitely not a strong race in the endless sea of ​​stars.

If you want to obtain psychic power, you can only rely on external objects.

Psychic props, or psychic seeds!

Thinking of this, Lu Jin felt a wave of fatigue in his heart.

For the upcoming assimilation war, he must work harder.

In this way, it was until the next day.

The sound of the alarm clock woke Lu Jin from his sleep.

Checking the time, it was already seven o'clock in the morning on Blue Star time.

Lu Jin stretched and began to stretch his muscles.

Everything was ready, just when Lu Jin was about to wash up, his door was knocked very hard.


Early in the morning, the other party sounded very anxious.

When he opened the door, the first thing that came into view was Yu Tiancang's anxious face.

"Not good!"

"Our fang drone was hijacked!"

The fang drone was hijacked?

This sudden situation did not make Lu Jin panic.

Lu Jin asked Yu Tiancang to calm down, and then called up the control panel of the tusk drone.

As expected, the control panel showed that 5 tusk drones had lost contact!

And their coordinates before losing contact all pointed to one of the dwarf gathering places.

Could it be that these dwarves were so bold that they destroyed his tusk drone?

But then, Lu Jin ruled out this possibility.

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