The two men were so angry that they were killed.

"Are they dead?"

Watching the two people in front of them gradually turn into ashes and dissipate in the wind and snow.

Even Yu Tiancang and Xue Liya, who had seen the world, couldn't help but show a trace of surprise in their eyes.

And Lu Jin knew the blood clan very well, so he naturally explained the reason to the two.

The blood clan has a strict hierarchy, and even the followers are just chess pieces that can be wiped out at will in the eyes of the True Ancestor.

Once the followers mention the identity of the True Ancestor, they will be noticed by the True Ancestor immediately.

And the result of this is naturally to be directly wiped out by the True Ancestor of the Blood Clan!

Because the only one who really holds power in the entire blood clan is the True Ancestor of the Blood Clan.

If the True Ancestor of the Blood Clan is killed, his followers and blood servants will be destroyed.

Therefore, among the several races in the assimilation war, although the blood clan is not the most powerful clan, it is definitely the most difficult clan!

Unless it is a critical moment, the blood clan's true ancestor will not reveal his true identity!

After learning a series of news, Yu Tiancang couldn't help but ask Lu Jin.

"So, are we going to the Brilliant Galaxy next?"

As one of the best financial centers in the outer area of ​​the Star Sea.

Many interstellar voyagers will include the Brilliant Galaxy in their navigation routes.

The Brilliant Galaxy not only has a large-scale star port, which can maintain and repair ships.

Even its market often has rare treasures from the endless star sea.

What's more, the Brilliant Galaxy is about to hold a Brilliant Festival held once a century.

At that time, the Gem Family will also bring out many treasures that are rarely seen on weekdays.

No matter from which aspect, they have no reason to refuse to go.

But now, the secret of the Black Opal Family has been discovered by them. If they go to the Brilliant Galaxy, wouldn't it be a sheep walking into the tiger's mouth?

Yu Tiancang's worry is not without reason!

But Lu Jin just smiled faintly and answered Yu Tiancang's question very calmly.

"Of course I have to go!"

"The gem family in the Brilliant Galaxy is not just the Black Opal Family!"

The Brilliant Galaxy plays an indispensable role for him, or for the assimilation war a year later.

Now, although the war has not yet begun, the contest between Lu Jin and the blood clan has already been brought to the ring.

Lu Jin does not think that the Black Opal Family will let him go easily at this point.

What's more, even if the Black Opal Family gave up the investigation of this incident, Lu Jin would not let go easily!

If he let go today, then the probability of his survival in a year would be infinitely close to zero.

Facing a group of monsters that can overturn the entire universe, Lu Jin must seize every opportunity to weaken their living strength as much as possible.

Thinking of this, Lu Jin's eyes were on the fallen cargo ships.

I hope that these cargo ships can give me a lot of upgrade progress after being swallowed by the Origin Battleship!

Back inside the starship, Lu Jin directly controlled the Fang UAV to start dismantling these cargo ships from the Black Opal Family.

The cargo ship parts and the Frost Spirit Crystal were sent into the starship!

And Lu Jin did not hesitate to put all the cargo ship wreckage and the newly obtained Frost Spirit Crystal into the Origin Core.

With a large amount of materials being put into it, Lu Jin could clearly see that the ship's upgrade progress was soaring like a rocket.

[Analyzing new materials...]

[Ship upgrade progress reached 25%...]

[Ship parts are being decomposed...]

[Ship upgrade progress reached 31%...]

After reaching 31%, the ship's upgrade speed slowed down.

Seeing this, Lu Jin was also very clear.

The key point of ship upgrade lies in the preciousness and diversity of swallowed materials.

Although devouring a large amount of ship materials in a short period of time can improve the progress of ship upgrades, it is far less efficient than devouring precious materials.

At the beginning, Lu Jin only used less than a box of star dragon scales to increase the ship's upgrade progress by 10%.

Now, Lu Jin estimates that after these cargo ships are completely devoured, plus some frost spirit crystals, the ship can barely reach 40% of the upgrade progress.

The fact is just as Lu Jin expected, the ship upgrade progress is slower after breaking through 35%.

Until all the cargo ships were devoured by the origin battleship, the ship upgrade progress remained at 38%.

Lu Jin put the frost spirit crystals he obtained into the origin core, and finally broke through the upgrade progress.

[Ding, detected

Select the upgrade route, please select the ship upgrade progress...]

Opening the ship upgrade panel, Lu Jin first saw two upgrade routes.

[Upgrade route one, unlock the "dimensional space warehouse", the upper limit of the ship's storage materials is greatly increased! ]

[Upgrade route two, unlock the "origin main gun compartment", unlock the main gun "stellar lament"! ]

Unlock the main gun?

After seeing the upgrade route two, Lu Jin did not hesitate at all.

Decisively chose the second upgrade route!

Although the upper limit of storage materials has been greatly increased, it is a huge improvement for the ship's endurance.

But as the flagship, the Prometheus must have a strong enough combat power.

As for the upper limit of storage materials, you can choose to add a few cargo ships to the fleet to increase it in the future.

After choosing the upgrade route, the entire starship began to upgrade autonomously.

This upgrade is different from the previous one. The appearance of the entire starship has undergone an unusual change!

In the core position of the starship, a very deterrent giant cannon appeared.

And this giant cannon is the main cannon "Star Elegy" that Lu Jin just unlocked!

Compared with other artillery, the charging time of Star Elegy can be said to be extremely long.

Just the lowest energy emission of 10% requires charging for an hour to meet the minimum emission requirements!

When Lu Jin checked the specific data of Star Elegy, he found that in order to use the current energy output efficiency of the ship to charge the energy of Star Elegy to the highest level, it would take at least 72 hours!

When seeing this data, Lu Jin only felt a burst of joy.

Because the more energy the main gun requires, the greater its power when it is released!

Such a long charging time also shows the powerful power of Star Elegy!

After putting away the data panel of Star Elegy, the hatch opened at this time, and Yu Tiancang also walked into the bridge.

"All the Frost Spirit Crystals have been collected."

"All the cargo ships of the Black Opal Family have also been recovered."

"Next, are we going to the Brilliant Galaxy?"

Of course!

Lu Jin opened the ship's control panel with a wave of his hand.

Input coordinates!

Brilliant Galaxy!

"The event is coming, there is no reason for us not to participate."

As Lu Jin pressed the start button, the engine of the entire ship began to roar again.

Yu Tiancang and Xue Liya quickly returned to their positions.

After everything was ready, the Prometheus, loaded with frost spirit crystals, took off!

Next, they were going to the territory where the blood clan Black Opal family was located.

The financial center on the periphery of the star sea, the venue for the brilliant event.

Brilliant Galaxy!

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