After leaving the tavern, Lu Jin went straight to the largest trading market in the Brilliant Galaxy.

Now, the Black Opal Family has noticed Lu Jin's existence.

They have even begun to plan how to make Lu Jin disappear quietly in the Brilliant Galaxy.

Lu Jin naturally can't sit and wait for death. It's time for him to purchase some things to prevent the Black Opal Family from counterattacking more fiercely.

When he came to the trading market, a website popped up on Lu Jin's microcomputer immediately.

This website records all the goods in the entire trading market!

When you open the product list of the website, thousands of different types of goods pour out like a tide.

It takes at least a day for ordinary people to read through these product lists!

But when Lu Jin was resting in the tavern, he had already made a list of the materials he needed in his mind.

Next, Lu Jin only needed to search and purchase materials according to this list.

[Ding, congratulations on your successful order of 50 tons of triple composite metal! ]

[Ding, congratulations on your successful order of 20 tons of liquid alloy! ]

[Ding, congratulations on your successful order of 50 tons of high-energy ore! ]


As Lu Jin kept clicking, Lu Jin's balance began to be consumed rapidly.

Yu Tiancang, who was sitting next to Lu Jin, couldn't help but raise his eyelids slightly when he saw Lu Jin's inhumane shopping spree.

No wonder Lu Jin said before that 10 billion credit points were small money.

According to his spending method, this is really small money!

After a crazy shopping spree, Lu Jin finally stopped the movement of his fingertips.

Seeing this, Yu Tiancang breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought Lu Jin would fill the entire ship with materials before he would stop.

But at this time, the electric train they were riding on sounded a broadcast.

[Ding, the place you specified, "Brilliant Treasure Pavilion", has arrived. ]

Brilliant Treasure Pavilion?

Just hearing this name, Yu Tiancang felt a little uneasy.

The door opened, Lu Jin walked out of the door directly and walked towards the so-called "Brilliant Treasure Pavilion".

When Lu Jin and his party came to the store, Yu Tiancang knew why it was called "Brilliant Treasure Pavilion"!

The goods here are not ordinary expensive!

[Customized ship main gun, the base price is 10 million credit points, and there is a free warranty for ten years! ]

[Star Sea Rare Beast Tentacles, priced at 50 million credit points, no refund once sold! ]

[Civilization Relics Coordinates, priced at 100 million credit points, only one of this kind of honest business! ]

[Emperor-class large battleship, priced at 1 billion credit points, no reason to refund within one year! 】

From the most basic biological materials to the customization of weapons for large ships.

This so-called Brilliant Treasure Pavilion has everything.

But although the types of these things are very complete, the prices are not affordable for ordinary people.

As soon as Lu Jin walked into the store, a human salesperson came over immediately.

"Hello, welcome to the Brilliant Treasure Pavilion."

Obviously, this is a human clerk specially recruited by the store to better serve customers.

Lu Jin glanced at the goods in the store and turned to look at the human clerk in front of him.

"I want to buy a material called Mithril."


After learning about Lu Jin's needs, the clerk turned on his microcomputer and started searching.

Soon, the human clerk looked at Lu Jin with an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, Mithril is a material that is out of stock in the Brilliant Galaxy now."

Out of stock?

Hearing this answer, Lu Jin seemed to have expected this result long ago.

Because mithril is the nemesis of the blood race.

Weapons made of mithril can cause great damage to the blood race!

Unfortunately, the races in the universe at this time were not aware of the restraining effect of mithril on the blood race.

Therefore, mithril often appears in the list of materials that are pressed for inventory in the market.

And now, the lack of mithril further proves that the Black Opal family has been secretly operating in the dark.

"Since there is no mithril, are there ordinary silver mines and blessed holy water from the Holy City in the warehouse?"

"There are!"

These two things are considered to be the most common materials.

And the blood race of Black Opal may not know that ordinary silver mines plus the unique blessed holy water of the Holy City.

Can refine materials that are more restraining than mithril!

Holy silver!

This synthetic material

The restraining effect of silver is more than 10 times that of mithril!

Lu Jin decisively bought all the ordinary silver mines and blessed holy water stocks of the entire Brilliant Treasure Pavilion.

When all the materials were purchased, Lu Jin immediately returned to the ship.

For several days, Lu Jin locked himself in the ship.

Yu Tiancang and Xue Liya were directly given a long vacation.

With the combat power of the two, even if the Black Opal Family sent people to target them, they might not be able to succeed easily.

While Lu Jin locked himself in the ship, the date of the Brilliant Festival was approaching rapidly.

Until this morning, the exhausted Lu Jin had not woken up yet, and he heard a reminder from the ship system.

[Ding, an outsider was detected outside the cabin door, do you want to open the cabin door? 】

Hearing the sound, Lu Jin stretched and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

After opening the ship's surveillance screen, Qin Mowu was already standing in front of the cabin door.

Why did Qin Mowu come to his ship so early?

Without thinking too much, Lu Jin went straight to the cabin door.

After opening the cabin door, the first thing Qin Mowu saw was Lu Jin, who was extremely sloppy.

There was also a multi-function wrench on Lu Jin's waist.

Seeing Lu Jin like this, Qin Mowu was also a little stunned for a while.

What did Lu Jin do in the ship these days, and why did he become like this?

But after just a moment of daze, Qin Mowu immediately thought of the purpose of his visit to Lu Jin.

"Lu Jin, you should not have forgotten that today is the day of the gem auction!"

Gem auction?

Lu Jin thought for a moment, and then the relevant details of the auction suddenly emerged in his mind.

Seeing Lu Jin's sudden enlightenment, Qin Mowu knew that Lu Jin must have forgotten.

Before the grand event begins, the Gem Family will collect rare treasures from all over the star sea to set up a grand auction as the prelude to the grand event.

Today is the first day of the Gem Auction, and Qin Mowu is afraid that Lu Jin will forget about the auction, so she came to remind him.

"It just so happens that I got two tickets for the auction..."

Before she finished speaking, Ming Cuixi's figure appeared in Lu Jin's sight again.

And Ming Cuixi's intention to visit Lu Jin at this time is naturally self-evident.

"Mr. Lu Jin, my sister asked me to invite you to participate in this gem auction."

"If possible, can you go with me to the gem auction site?"

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