The only way to save lives is to find a cure.

With the antidote formula, they can use the laboratory in the base to mass produce it.

In this way, they can relieve the madness of those crazy people.

When these citizens return to normal, they can launch a counterattack against the Black Stone Pirates!

But at this time, Hartley, as the commander-in-chief, became suspicious of Lu Jin.

"This blood mist has only appeared for a short time, why do you know its composition and the antidote formula?"

For a while, everyone's eyes were focused on Lu Jin.

At this moment, they even suspected that Lu Jin was a spy sent by the Black Opal Family.

But Lu Jin was not in a hurry. He had sufficient human and material evidence to prove his innocence.

Moreover, this blood mist was naturally a symbol of the blood clan.

In his previous life, Lu Jin had been attacked by blood mist countless times, and the blood mist in his previous life was stronger than the current blood mist.

Its effect is not only to make people crazy and grow fangs and claws.

After the blood mist is inhaled by creatures in large quantities, the creatures will even gradually be transformed into real blood servants!

Lu Jin had long anticipated the means of the blood clan, so he developed the antidote in advance.

But now it seems that his antidote is many versions ahead of the blood mist!

"I don't believe this guy, he may be an undercover sent by the Black Opal Family!"

"I don't believe it either. It's too suspicious to send us the antidote at this critical moment!"

"I suggest arresting this guy first!"

Almost all the senior officials of the Jade Family expressed doubts about the sudden appearance of Lu Jin.

There were even guards of the Jade Family approaching.

Facing the Jade Family senior officials with such an attitude, Lu Jin chuckled and then directly tore off his disguise as a good man.

"The Black Opal Family alone cannot command me!"

"If I have hostility towards you, believe me."

"Everyone here has been beheaded the moment I stepped into this place."

Before he finished speaking, Xue Liya and Yin Yue behind Lu Jin suddenly burst out all their psychic pressure.

The violent psychic pressure was like a storm, sweeping the entire room in an instant.

All commanders felt the violent psychic pressure that was like a boulder pressing on them!

At this moment, they immediately understood!

There was no lie in what Lu Jin said!

The two powerful psychics behind him could indeed kill them all on the spot in an instant.

Hartley knelt on one knee and knelt directly in front of Lu Jin.

And his attitude changed 180 degrees directly, and he gasped for breath.

If it weren't for the protection of his power armor, I'm afraid Hartley would have been lying in front of Lu Jin now.

"Sir, our Emerald Family is arrogant."

"I sincerely apologize to you!"

The other commanders were unable to breathe and speak at this moment.

Lu Jin waved his hand, and Xue Liya and Yin Yue both put away their psychic pressure.

At this moment, everyone seemed to be drowning and began to breathe heavily.

What a terrifying psychic pressure!

Just as Lu Jin said, when Lu Jin stepped into this place, he could have killed everyone.

After all, although they were all high-level members of the Emerald Family, they had no means to deal with psychics.

The only one who could defeat a psychic was another more powerful psychic.

"If you still don't believe it, you can find a madman to experiment."

After leaving the last sentence, Lu Jin left the room directly.

At this time, if he continued to stay here, it would affect the performance of the Emerald Family.

Walking out of the room, Lu Jin looked up at the sky.

Looking at the planetary protection system that blocked the entire planet, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He had calculated everything, but he didn't expect the existence of the planetary protection system.

Now, all he could rely on were the items in his backpack, and Xue Liya and Yin Yue beside him.

It takes time to prepare a large amount of antidote. Taking advantage of the free time, Lu Jin came to the edge of the family residence.

The defense facilities of the entire family residence are divided into two layers!

First, the outermost part is the joint shield system composed of energy barriers.

The huge energy barrier covers the entire family residence.

Once the shield system is broken, it will face the second line of defense, a protective fence made of high-strength metal.

The strength of this fence

speed, even if it is bombed continuously with artillery shells, there will be no damage at all!

In addition to these two protective measures, there are crazy crowds, and the Black Stone Pirates who are constantly bombing with various tanks and vehicles behind the crowd.

At this moment, these Black Stone Pirates have not realized the seriousness of the problem.

Under their bombardment, the outermost shield system has begun to gradually show signs of fatigue.

The members of the Jade Family who are responsible for defense can't help but panic after seeing the gradually dimming shield.

"Damn it! These Black Stone Pirates rely on the hostages in their hands and don't take us seriously at all!"

"We, the dignified Gem Family, are actually being bullied like this!"

"If it doesn't work, we will rush out now and fight them to death together!"

Among the crowd, some more bloody family members wished they could rush out and fight those Black Stone Pirates now.

But at this time of agitation, a voice suddenly came from inside the Jade Family's residence.

[Attention all members of the Jade Family, enter the first level of alert! ]

When the voice fell, the ground began to tremble.

Then, Lu Jin saw the rich heritage of the Jade Family as a gem family.

A fully armed armed team appeared in everyone's field of vision.

They were wearing emerald green special warfare power armor, the model and type of which even the knowledgeable Lu Jin did not recognize.

The special warfare power armor was three meters tall and equipped with two thunder double blades on the back.

In terms of long-range, the shoulders of the power armor were equipped with four mini heavy-loaded Gatling machine guns!

The sides of the arms were equipped with five-layer alloy materials exclusively developed by the Jade Family, and the defense power could even confront the firepower of ships!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The armed team was wearing heavy armor, just like a walking humanoid chariot!

The family gate opened with a bang!

The shield system was also shut down!

The unhindered madmen rushed into the family residence like a swarm of bees.

Seeing this, the family members responsible for defense tightened their weapons in their hands and prepared to meet the attack of the madmen.

Seeing this, the Black Rock pirates in the distance also smiled.

"Hahaha, their shield system was breached by us!"

"No, how come their gate is open?"

"Is the Emerald Family ready to surrender?"

"How is this possible? I have a bad feeling!"

Just as they expected, when the Madman approached the family's residence, a group of experimenters holding jets immediately appeared behind the armed team!

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