The two families were very busy, and the two families were very busy.

Facing the questions from the two family heads, Lu Jin's mouth corners slightly raised.

It seems that the two family heads did not take his words to heart.

However, Lu Jin also understood.

The material of mithril is usually inconspicuous.

With the deliberate purchase of the Black Opal Family, the two gem families, Tasang and Tafi, probably don't have much inventory.

"The equipment we use is naturally made of mithril."

"Although the material of mithril is usually inconspicuous, it has a natural restraining effect on dealing with these vampires."

Mithril equipment? !

The two family heads suddenly felt their cheeks hot.

They never thought that mithril would have such a miraculous effect on dealing with these monsters.

But even if they regretted it, it was too late. Now they could only follow the Emerald Family.

With the equipment they were using now, they would have to blow the vampires into pieces.

Otherwise, with the vampires' own strong recovery ability, they might not be able to take them down.

Soon, the Emerald Family's troops had arrived at the Planetary Protection Center.

A huge tower building appeared in Lu Jin's monitoring screen, and the drone was looking at the tower in front of him from all directions.

But before Lu Jin could see the details of the Planetary Protection Center, the drone screen suddenly disappeared.

Lu Jin immediately transferred the screen to other drone screens.

Looking up at the sky, he saw countless members of the Blue Cone Family, stepping on flying vehicles and holding guns.

Facing these drones that wanted to spy on the Planetary Protection Center, they launched an attack directly!

Seeing this, Lu Jin did not hesitate any more!

"Launch a general attack!"

With an order, the Emerald Armed Team rushed directly into the Planetary Protection Center.

But just as they stepped into it, a cannon shot burst out directly from the inside!

The violent shock wave directly blasted out all the armed teams.

Then, a large number of chariots appeared inside the planetary protection center.

A full five combat mechas, marching in huge steps, came directly to the front of the Gem United Army!

And the defenders of these planetary protection centers are also jointly defended by the Black Opal Family, the Blue Cone Family and the Black Stone Pirates!

At this point, Lu Jin is also very clear.

This is the turning point of the war!

As long as they can dismantle the planetary protection system, the Gem Fleet of the Brilliant Galaxy can quickly support Gem Planet No. 1.

Of course, as long as the opponent defends the planetary protection system, the blood mist will sooner or later swallow the entire planet.

By that time, the Gem United Army will not only face the current enemy.

There are also a large number of crazy innocent citizens!

Therefore, they must fight quickly in this battle!


A family member standing in the front silently activated the fully loaded system of the Emerald Special Warfare Power Armor.

Pulling out the Thunder Blade from behind, violent energy fluctuations flowed on the surface of the power armor!


This family member took the lead and charged directly into the blood clan coalition!

The Thunder Blade swung out with one strike, and the terrifying electric current instantly penetrated the entire blood clan coalition.

But before he could swing the second knife, a power armor with the Blue Cone family's mark on his head blocked him in front of him with lightning speed.

The powerful shield made of double composite metal directly blocked the attack of the Thunder Blade!

The power core was running, and the entire Blue Cone Power Armor suddenly exerted force to push the opponent away!

When the two sides pulled away, the Blue Cone Power Armor raised its other hand, and the heavy hammer directly hit the armor of the Emerald Family.

For a moment, sparks flew!

Even inside the power armor, the Emerald Family member felt a sharp pain.

Just as the Blue Cone Power Armor was about to pursue the victory, a large number of bullets fell on him like a rainstorm.

Such fierce firepower made him step back several steps!

The armed members of the Taffi family drove the firepower vehicle directly into the battlefield.

Although they did not have Mithril equipment, they used the most fierce firepower to cover the armed team of the Emerald Family to launch an attack!

But at this moment, a shell directly hit the firepower vehicle.


The fire splashed, and the firepower vehicle was directly turned into countless fragments.

With the roar of the engine, the heavy tanks of the Black Stone Pirates were like a wild bull tearing through the battlefield and participating in it!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several high-explosive bombs exploded around the battlefield.

Come on!

Just as the Black Rock Pirates were bombing the battlefield recklessly, a large number of high-energy reactions appeared on their radar.

The heavy-duty loading trucks of the Tasang family were deployed on the spot and directly transformed into a temporary take-off platform.

The armed helicopter in the center of the platform took off directly with a series of flame missiles.

The flame missiles aimed at the Black Rock tanks and fired directly!

"All the flame missiles have been bombed, and they are ready to return to the take-off platform to replenish ammunition!"

Before the voice fell, several engineering transport trucks with the Black Opal family logo appeared in the field of vision of the coalition forces.

Before the engineering transport truck stopped steadily, the behemoth in the truck could no longer be restrained.


The engineering transport truck was directly torn apart, and the large war mecha with extremely wild shape stepped directly into the battlefield!

Family armed members!

Power armor!

Fire bomber!

War mecha!

Both parties played their trump cards, and the chaotic battlefield made Lu Jin a little dazzled.

Fortunately, the Emerald Family has the blessing of Mithril equipment.

Mithril equipment can be said to be a real restraint for those vampires!

With the blessing of Mithril equipment, the Gem Alliance Army quickly broke into the interior of the Planetary Protection Center.

"Mr. Lu Jin, we have found the control room of the Planetary Protection Center!"

Have you found the control room?

Hearing this news, Lu Jin stood up decisively.

Next, it is very simple to close the Planetary Protection Center, just destroy the control room.

But as the core area of ​​the Planetary Control Center, it must be heavily guarded.

After finding the control room, the troops of the Gem Alliance Army launched a series of attacks on the control room!

But an hour has passed, and the defense line of the control room has not been broken.

Looking at the blocked control room in front of him, Hartley couldn't help but curse inwardly.

Damn it!

Who designed the Planetary Protection Center so airtight in the first place.

Now, it is difficult for them to get in even if they want to.

But at this moment, Lu Jin's voice appeared behind Hartley.

"Leave this to Xue Liya."

As soon as the voice fell, Xue Liya directly used her psychic power.

In full view of everyone, she directly used the power of space transmission to walk into the control room.

After waiting for a long time, the door of the control room was opened.

The control room was in a mess, and all the enemies fell to the ground!

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