Everything Starts From BTTH

Chapter 411 Tomb Mansion (For Subscription, For Reward)

"I hate it so much, I just feel a little twisted in my heart." Seeing Xiao Xuan's self-deprecating appearance, Xiao Xie couldn't help but soften his heart and said lightly.

Although the decline of the Xiao family has a lot to do with Xiao Xuan, having said that, breaking through Dou Di is a fatal temptation for Dou Saint powerhouses. Dou Di, I am afraid he will seize every opportunity to break through Dou Di.

"Really? You Little Missy, the Bloodline on your body is very similar to Gu Yuan!" Xiao Xuan sighed helplessly when he heard Xiao Xie's words, and turned his eyes to Xun'er.

"Gu Yuan is my father, Xun'er has met Senior Xiao Xuan." Xun'er heard the words and gave Xiao Xuan a respectful salute.

"Is it his daughter? No wonder you have the bloodline of the gods, you two come with me! I can't leave the tomb, the current me is just a projection, I have something to tell you when I go to the tomb with me." Xiao Xuan With a clear look, he said to Xiao Xie and Xun'er, turned and walked towards the depths of the tomb.

Xiao Xie and Xun'er looked at each other, nodded, followed Xiao Xuan and walked towards the depths of the tomb.

After flying behind Xiao Xuan for a while, the three finally stopped in a pitch-dark space. The surroundings were dead silent, the surroundings were dark, and a primitive tombstone stood alone in the middle.

"This is my tomb, come in with me!" Xiao Xuan pointed at the tombstone and rushed into the tombstone.

"Let's go in too!" Xiao Xie took Xun'er's hand, followed Xiao Xuan's footsteps, and walked into the tombstone. As soon as the two touched the tombstone, a light group came out from the tombstone, wrapping the two of them. Stay, when the light dissipated, the figures of the two disappeared, and this dark space fell silent again.

"Is this the inner space of the tombstone?" The dazzling mask dissipated, Xun'er looked at the quaint hall in front of him, and looked around curiously.

Xiao Xie's eyes fell on Xiao Xuan, who was standing with his hands behind his back in the center of the hall. In front of him was a crystal clear pool, and in the pool were floating green lotuses that exuded a delicate fragrance.

"Can you tell me the current situation of the Xiao clan?" Xiao Xuan heard footsteps, turned around, and asked Xiao Xie.

"The Xiao family has long since disappeared. In my memory, the Xiao family is just a small family that doesn't even have Profound Class exercises. Xiao Xie sighed.

"Did the Xiao family end up here? It seems that Gu Clan did not fully comply with the agreement that he made with me back then." Xiao Xuan couldn't help frowning when he heard the words. A lot of them, there is no Profound Class exercises now, which is a bit abnormal. Except for Gu Clan, it should not be done by others, because if it is done by Hun Clan, I am afraid that these exercises will be stolen. At the same time, the Xiao family will be wiped out.

Only Gu Clan, in the name of protecting the Xiao family, can take these high-level exercises and Dou Technique as his own. In their words, since the Xiao family has declined, then guarding these Top Level Dou Technique and Dou Technique The exercises will only attract enemies to grab them, but they don't think about it. If the Xiao family doesn't have these Top Level exercises and Dou Technique, the decline is not inevitable.

"Gu Yuan, it's a little outrageous." Xiao Xuan looked at Xun'er and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Senior Xiao Xuan, Gu Clan is not the father alone, he has the final say, so..." Xun'er quickly explained.

"That's it, that's it! The old man is already a dead man, why do you care about all this?" Xiao Xuan waved his hand with a chill. Although Gu Clan was not the only one who had the final say, he wouldn't even have a Profound Class credit. You can't even call the law and leave it to the Xiao family! Even one of Gu Clan's servants, Cultivation, can reach the Profound Class, but he refuses to give the Xiao family a Profound Class exercise. If there are no tricks, who would believe it.

It’s a moment and a moment, even the allies of the year, after their death, they will ruthlessly calculate their own family, if not for the blood contract that year, Gu Clan must keep the Bloodline of the Xiao family, I am afraid Gu Clan will. Destroy the Xiao family as soon as possible, and then snatch Tuo She Ancient Emperor's Jade.

The so-called Gu Clan, who protects the Xiao family, is actually just afraid that Hun Clan's people will get Tuo She Ancient Emperor's Jade. Xiao Xuan knows too much about the attraction of the breakthrough Dou Emperor to Dou Saint, otherwise he would not have gathered the bloodline of the whole family. , to break through Dou Di. In order to get Tuo She Ancient Emperor's Jade, to suppress the Xiao family, I am afraid it is not Gu Yuan's instigation, he is also adhering to a laissez-faire attitude.

"Although the facts tell us that the decision you made back then was wrong, I can't completely deny your actions, because if it was me, I don't know if I would do it. But the so-called Bloodline invincibility theory, I do not I don't agree, even without Doudi Bloodline, within three years, I can still break through Doudi." Xiao Xie stared at Xiao Xuan and said lightly.

"Oh, do you really despise Gudi Bloodline at all? Originally, I was going to inject the power of my Bloodline into you." Xiao Xuan looked at Xiao Xie's firm eyes, and there was a hint of relief in his eyes. Then he said jokingly.

"In ancient times, I don't know how many civilian disciples were able to break through to become Emperor Dou. Although the bloodline inheritance is important, it may not be a good thing. For me, the bloodline of the ancient emperor that you value is not a valuable thing. The so-called For you, it may be a lifelong pursuit, but in my eyes, breaking through the Dou Emperor is no different from breaking through the Dou Fighter." Xiao Xie said with some disdain.

For Xiao Xie, the so-called ancient emperor Bloodline, he really does not look down on it, whether it is the bloodline of his current Jiu Ming Xuan cat, the blood of the luck controller or the retrograde person, which one is not far away More than the ancient emperor Bloodline.

"Okay, very good, worthy of being the son-in-law of my Xiao family, the old man will wait and see." Xiao Xuan saw Xiao Xie's look at Dou Di as nothing, and his heart was full of pride. He originally planned to transfer Dou Di's Bloodline to Xiao. After the evil, he can wait to die here, but now seeing Xiao Xie like this, he changed his attention, and he has to wait here to see how far Xiao Xie can reach.

Xiao Xie looked at Xiao Xuan who was laughing and said to him, "I need you to do one thing for me."

"What's the matter? Tell me!"

"I need you to help me elicit the soul of the Heavenly Tomb." Xiao Xiehan said.

"You actually know the soul of the Heavenly Tomb!" Xiao Xuan exclaimed in surprise, isn't Xiao Xie entering the Heavenly Tomb for the first time? Even Gu Clan's people didn't know the existence of the Soul of the Heavenly Tomb, but Xiao Xie didn't know it.

Xun'er on the side heard the words and asked curiously, "Xiao Xie big brother, what is the Soul of the Heavenly Tomb?"

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