Everything Starts From BTTH

Chapter 432 Anmu Tribe (For Subscription, For Reward)

Above the stone beasts, the more powerful stone beasts are collectively referred to as stone demons, and the weaker stone demons require hundreds of stone spirits to deal with, while the powerful stone demons are even thousands of stone spirits. The tribe can't handle it.

The stone demon that Xiao Xie killed just now was a relatively weak stone demon, but it was also equivalent to a strong Dou Sovereign.

In fact, Xiao Xie is still very interested in the Shiling family. Anmuti and the others have not cultivated Dou Qi, but they are equivalent to Dou King-level cultivators. According to Anmuti, their Shiling family only needs to be adults. Now, the strength is almost at the level of Dou King.

Compared with the Human Race, the Stone Spirit Race is indeed better than the Human Race, but the Stone Spirit Race is only faster than the Human Race in the early stage of Cultivation. In the Late Stage, the Cultivation speed is far inferior to the Human Race.

"Anmuti, I want to ask you, do you know how to leave the barren stone world?" Xiao Xie thought about it and asked Anmu. As the natives of the barren stone world, there is a high possibility that the Shiling tribe knows how to leave. The method of the wasteland.

"Leaving the barren stone world?" Anmuti heard Xiao Xie's words, scratched his bald head, thought for a while, and said respectfully to Xiao Xie: "Master Warrior, I don't know how to leave the barren stone world. However, the high priest of our Anmu tribe is the smartest and most knowledgeable person in our family. Maybe he will know the way to leave the deserted stone world. Lord warrior, if you want to know the method of the deserted stone world, you can go to us with us. tribe, you should get the answers you want from the high priest."

Xiao Xie and Xiao Yixian looked at each other and nodded, Xiao Xie said with a smile, "I will trouble you to lead the way."

"No trouble, no trouble, little guys, clean up the stone demons for me, we're going home." When An Muti heard Xiao Xie's words, he quickly waved his hand, and then greeted the other Anmu people. .

It is not very dangerous to transport river water. If it weren't for the stone devil who didn't know where it came from this time, Anmuti would not have almost died. Usually, there is almost no danger in the river of life. Therefore, among these stone spirits, Anmuti is the oldest. Anmuti belongs to middle-aged stone spirits, while most of the other stone spirits are just adult stone spirits, and some stone spirits are not yet adults.

The reason why Anmuti was almost killed by the stone demon before was not because he was not strong, but on the contrary, he was the strongest among these stone spirits. However, in their Shiling's perception, protecting the younger generation is the responsibility of the elders, because the young Shiling represents hope, so Anmuti will take the initiative to break the post, hoping to protect these young Shilings , buy time to escape.


When An Muti finished speaking, the other young stone spirits cheered, and began to pick up the stone weapons in their hands, skinning and cramping, digging and deboning the stone demon shot by Xiao Xie with a virtual flash just now.

Stone devils are called stone devils only because they are powerful, but in fact they are also stone beasts, and their flesh and blood contain more energy than ordinary stone beasts. For the stone spirits, these stone demon flesh and blood are rare supplements, and a medium-sized stone spirit tribe like the Anmu tribe with only a few thousand people cannot capture such stone demons at all, because catching a stone demon, It will make them lose hundreds or even thousands of people, which is really unaffordable.

These stone spirits are all natural hunters, and within a few minutes, this stone demon, which is several meters in size, was cleaned up by these stone spirits. A young Shi Ling ran over to Anmuti and said, "Anmuti Uncle, we've packed up."

"Well." Anmuti nodded after seeing that all the valuable parts of the stone demon had been taken down by other stone spirits, and then said respectfully to Xiao Xie: "Master Warrior, please come with us. Meet the clan!"

Hearing this, Xiao Xie nodded, and took Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin to the Anmu tribe together.

Following An Muti and the others, after walking for more than half an hour, Xiao Xie and his party came to a valley, but this valley was empty, and no one could see it.

"Uncle Anmuti, why is there nothing here?" Qing Lin asked Anmu curiously as he looked at the bare valley and raised his delicate little face.

In the past half an hour, after the communication with the power of the soul, it was enough for Xiao Xie and the others to learn the language of the Stone Spirit. It's easy, so Xiao Xie and the others are now directly communicating with Anmuti and the others, using the language of the Stone Spirit Clan to communicate with each other.

"Hehe, Qing Lin, in order to prevent powerful stone demons from breaking into the tribe, we stone spirits usually use the enchantment to hide our tribe. Come with me." Anmuti explained with a smile. Then walk towards the stone wall at the entrance of the valley.

I saw that the moment Anmuti touched the stone wall, the stone wall was like a lake, with ripples appearing. In Qing Lin's somewhat novel eyes, Anmuti walked directly into the stone wall.

The other stone spirits also followed Anmuti's footsteps and walked into the stone wall together. When Xiao Xie and the three saw this, they smiled slightly and walked in as well.

After Xiao Xie and the others walked into the stone wall, Xiao Xie found that the stone wall was actually a kind of enchantment that isolated the breath. After this barrier, connected to a cave passage, only three meters high and three meters wide, this is also to guard against stone devils. Ordinary stone demons are relatively huge. Even if a stone demon accidentally breaks into the enchantment, they will not be able to break through the cave in a short time, which is enough for the stone spirits to react.

The cave is about 200 meters away, and after walking for a while, Xiao Xie and his party have reached the end of the cave. It can be seen that there is already some soft light pouring on the exit of the cave.

Walking out of the cave, a loud noise passed to Xiao Xie's ears. Xiao Xie followed the reputation and saw that there was a wide red stone street in front of him. There were various stalls beside the street, and a lot of stone Ling, while picking out her favorite items, bargained with the stall owner.

"Although Shiling and the human race are not the same race, the way of life has a lot in common." Xiao Yixian looked at the market-like street in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

The bargaining appearance of these stone spirits is actually no different from that of human beings, but the appearance is different.

"Master Warriors, please come with me!" After An Muti instructed the young stone spirits, he took Xiao Xie and the others to the heart of the Anmu tribe.

Along the way, Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin were curious about the items on the street stalls. The items that these stone spirits traded were things that Xiao Yixian and the others had never seen before. It is estimated that if there is no urgent matter now, and they don't have the coins used here, I am afraid they can't help going shopping.

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