Everything Starts From BTTH

Chapter 964: Seeing Snow For The First Time (For Subscription, For Tickets)

"It's about the world? It's the first time I've heard a thief give such a refreshing and refined reason!"

When Xiao Xie heard this, he looked at Li Xiaoyao with an idiot's eyes. Fast update without ads.

Li Xiaoyao saw Xiao Xie's expression of disbelief and helplessness.

Although what he said is true, this matter does sound a bit nonsense.

Li Xiaoyao knew that he couldn't convince Xiao Xie, so he didn't prepare either.

Ten minutes later, outside Yuzhou City, Li Xiaoyao stopped, took out the stolen jade pendant, glanced at it, shook his head and said, "It's a shame, but luckily the jade pendant is in hand."

"Xiongtai's speed is not bad. I think when I was supposed to steal something, I was chased a lot. I learned it!"

Just when Li Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief, a joking voice suddenly came out from a big tree not far away.

When Li Xiaoyao heard this familiar voice, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked up at Xiao Xie, who appeared on the tree at some unknown time, and said with a dignified expression, "Who the hell are you?"

Li Xiaoyao's self-confessed strength is not bad. Although he can't compare to the strong ones in the Demon Respect Building, his strength is considered to be the top in the world. Compared with the Qingwei Daochang of Shushan, it is estimated that it is not much worse.

The Xiao Xie in front of him was able to stand in front of him without him noticing, his strength was unfathomable, and he was definitely not an ordinary person.

"Who am I? I'm the owner of the things you stole?"

Xiao Xie didn't seem to hear the other meanings in Li Xiaoyao's words, and shrugged.

"Oh...why do you have to do it!"

Li Xiaoyao sighed, his figure suddenly burst out, leaving an afterimage in the air, with his fingers together, he stabbed towards Xiao Xie!

"It seems that you not only seek money, but also want to kill you! It's time to fight!"

When Xiao Xie saw Li Xiaoyao, he was forced to take action, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, his right hand clenched his fist, and he rushed forward with a fist.


At the moment when the fists intersected, Xiao Xie's fist suddenly erupted with a powerful shock, which directly blasted Li Xiaoyao out.


Li Xiaoyao's legs plowed out on the ground, two deep ditches more than ten meters long, and only then did he stop his body, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Li Xiaoyao was only going to stun Xiao Xie, but he didn't expect Xiao Xie's strength to be so powerful. With his Cultivation Base of the Late Stage, he was no match for Xiao Xie.


In the face of such a powerful Xiao Xie, Li Xiaoyao's face flashed a hint of determination, decisively used a secret technique, pinched a few spells with both hands, turned into a streamer, and flew towards the sky in the distance.

When Xiao Xie saw Li Xiaoyao fleeing, he had no intention of chasing after him. Li Xiaoyao stole the jade pendant, but it was just a fake jade pendant! The reason why Xiao Xie stopped Li Xiaoyao was because he wanted to try his strength!

After all, in the TV series, Li Xiaoyao's origin is mysterious, and I don't know how he travels through time and space, but Xiao Xie now knows Li Xiaoyao's general strength after playing against Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao's Cultivation Base is also around the Late Stage of Transcending Tribulation. With his Cultivation Base, it is impossible to travel through time and space. The reason why he appeared here should be the help of Mother Nuwa.

And if Li Xiaoyao's strength is really strong, I am afraid that the evil sword fairy would have been wiped out long ago, there is no need to wait for Sedum to shoot!

"This time, I lost a lot of money. I forced the use of Forbidden Technique, and the injury was further aggravated. I don't have half a year. It is estimated that it will not get better."

Using the Forbidden Technique, Li Xiaoyao, who escaped hundreds of miles away in an instant, felt the aggravated internal injuries in his body, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.


After Xiao Xie and Li Xiaoyao played against each other, they returned directly to the manor he had just purchased.

"Although it's a small manor, it still seems a bit empty if I live alone. Get some servants out!"

Xiao Xie walked around the manor. Although the area of ​​the manor was not large, it would be too deserted if only Xiao Xie lived alone.

Xiao Xie thought about it for a while, walked to the back garden, dug four peony flowers that were in full bloom and of different colors, and then put a ray of immortal energy into them.

When Xiao Xie injected fairy energy into four peony flowers. The four peony flowers suddenly transformed into four young girls with attractive appearance and enchanting figure.

"Thank you for your kindness, Master!"

The four little flower demons who had just transformed, were at first curious, looked at themselves up and down, and then moved towards Xiao Xie together and respectfully saluted.

"The four of you will follow my surname Xiao in the future. As for the names, it will be according to your own color. They are: Xiao Bai, Xiao Hong, Xiao Fan and Xiao Zi."

Xiao Xie nodded, then chuckled.

"Thank you master for your name!"

When Xiao Bai and the others heard Xiao Xie's words, a happy smile appeared on their pretty faces.

"The four of you, choose the room you like now, and leave the housework to you in the future, understand?"

When Xiao Xie saw the four little flower demons in front of him, he looked at himself expectantly, and said with a smile.

"Thank you, master, the slaves have retired!"

When Xiao Bai and the others heard the words, they bowed to Xiao Xie, then laughed and went to choose their own room.

Xiao Xie looked at the back of Xiao Bai and the others leaving, and shook his head amusingly.

These four little flower demons, Xiao Xie used a ray of immortal energy to help them take shape, and they also knew some small spells, and their strength was not strong. But it's more than enough to be used as a maid.


Early the next morning, Xiao Xie took Xiao Bai and Xiao Hong to the market, while Xiao Fan and Xiao Zi stayed at home to watch the house.

"Clap clap clap..."

Since someone just got married today, the sound of firecrackers and the beating of gongs and drums sounded very lively on the street.

The two Missy, Xiao Bai and Xiao Hong, were very excited to see such a lively scene because they had just transformed.


Just when Xiao Xie and Xiao Bai were shopping for some accessories, the yin and yang jade pendant on Xiao Xie's waist suddenly began to shine and vibrated.

"Then Missy, it should be Tang Xue."

Xiao Xie felt the change of the yin and yang jade pendant, raised his head and looked around, and soon found that standing across the street, the girl in red, and the piece of yin and yang jade pendant on her waist.

As the two yin and yang jade pendants approached, a powerful attraction suddenly erupted between the two jade pendants.

Under this power, Xiao Xie was naturally motionless, but Tang Xuejian was different. Under this attraction, Tang Xuejian was directly pulled by the Yin-Yang jade pendant around his waist and flew backwards.

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