
A class passed in a boredom, yawning.

As soon as the lecturer left, the girls in the back foot class surrounded a group of girls.

started a brainless conversation, asked questions and even boldly invited Yipei to share a bento together.

"Yipei, let me familiarize you with the campus. "

Take the canna invitation.

The girl next to her saw that the president of the student union took the initiative to ask for help, so she could only retreat unwillingly.

"Okay, I'm sorry for you. "

Finally, the two walked out of the classroom side by side.


The two walked side by side as if they were talking in court, walking leisurely around the campus.

Along the way, he gave a very careful explanation of some of the environment of the college, from the facilities of various colleges, playgrounds, lounges, to lunch breaks, and so on.

I have to sigh at the seriousness and responsibility of this aristocratic lady as the president of the student union.

Slowly, the two of them walked to the shadow on the back of the building, and Cang Na stopped, looked at Yi Pei with a serious face, and said: "The responsibility of the president of the student union has been fulfilled, and now I ask as one of the successor heads of the Sidi family and one of the administrators of the academy, what is the purpose of the paladin from the church to break into our demon's territory without permission?"

Yi Pei was not surprised that he was recognized by the other party at a glance, for the demon clan with extraordinary perception, he was almost unscrupulously emitting the power of light in his body, if he hadn't discovered it yet, he doubted that the demon clan could still maintain the status of one of the three major forces of the Bible.

"Interesting, for you, the status of the president of the student union of an ordinary academy is far higher in your mind than the identity of the pure-blood nobles of the underworld, the successor of the Sidi family. "

"This is not the underworld, it's the academy, as it should be, the identity of the student council president is preferred, and you haven't answered my question yet, otherwise, I can only invade our demon territory for no reason and expel you from the academy." "

Yipei looked at Cang Na with a playful face, and said: "I am the original inhabitant of the town, and I am afraid that the time when I came to this town is earlier than you arrived, so it is too domineering to drive me out in this way, and it is not humane." "

"Generally speaking, it is true, in normal times, even if the bishops of the Church send to the towns, we are the water of the well and not the water of the river, and you dominate the day and the night of the Lord and the Lord, each with a clear division of labor, and each does not interfere".

I don't know if it is okay to take Cang Na's words for Yi Pei, and then, as soon as the words turned, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, and he said: "I also said just now, it is the usual situation, now is a special period, your crazy Holy Son in the headquarters of the European Church is even more cruel than our demons, [Embrace the Holy Son of Darkness], he is cruel to uproot our demon clan, the forces that have been operating in Europe for many years, all of them have been uprooted, and the demons have suffered countless casualties, and even the pure-blooded demon family in the seventy-two pillars of the demon god has been annihilated. "

When he said this, he remembered the madness, cruelty, bloodshedness, and ruthlessness of the demons who met them, and couldn't help but speak.

"Because of his crazy annihilation of demons in Europe, the relationship between the demon clan and the heavenly realm is becoming more and more tense now, not to mention that the crazy holy son of your church some time ago killed the blood relatives of the demon king, the successor sect master of the Astarti family. "

After listening to Cangna's words, the look on Yipei's face was a little intriguing, and at the same time, he understood that if he didn't give the shrewd demon lady in front of him a satisfactory answer, he might really be expelled by him.

Although, with his strength, he can crush the entire academy, however, this is not what he wants to do now.

Fortunately, he was prepared for this as well.

"If I said I was coming home to visit my family..."

Looking at the beautiful eyes of Zhi Yucang, although she didn't speak, her answer was already revealed in her eyes.

Even if you go home to visit your family, there is no reason to transfer to the private Koma King Academy, and you also have a nun with you.

Don't say that Cang Na doesn't believe it, I'm afraid that as long as you are familiar with the church mechanism, no one will believe in such a lame excuse.

His identity is that of a paladin in the church, and the so-called paladins generally stay in one place and rarely leave the location of the church.

"I'm here to protect Althea. "

"Althea is the one who transferred to second year with you. Cang Na questioned: "As a paladin of the church, you at least have the strength of a mid-level demon, and it is impossible for the church to send you out to protect an ordinary nun." "

"Althea is no ordinary nun, she is a saint of the Church. "

"Holy Maiden?!".

The saint of the church is not equal to the holy son, and her status in the church is not low, Cang Na did not expect that the saint of the church actually came to their demon territory.

"In the Church, Althea's status is far higher than that of the other saints, and he is the owner of the artifact [The Smile of the Virgin]. "

"Our Lady's Smile!".

According to legend, this artifact can not only heal humans, but even non-humans, including demons and fallen angels, so the weight of this artifact in various forces is not light.

Don't worry that Yipei will deceive himself, at the headquarters of the European Church, the spy forces of the major demon nobles have been uprooted by that madman, but it doesn't mean that they have no other sources of information and intelligence, as long as they probe a little, they can know the truth.

"Now the saint needs to enter the world to study, so the church sent me, and this paladin is with her to protect her. "

"For the time being, I can believe your words, but there is one condition, you must agree, and it is also a condition that you and the Holy Lady Althea must agree to if you can go to school here. "

She understood that the paladin in front of her who came to the church was hiding other information, and she would not be really naïve to think that for the sake of the saint's entry into the world, if this was the case, it would be completely okay to directly enter the world to practice within the scope of the influence of the European church.

There is no need to come to Japan, especially in the territory of the devil to practice WTO initiation, which is completely unscientific and unreasonable.

"Listen up".

"You must join the Student Council, your whereabouts in the school need to be kept under our eyes at all times, I hope you can understand that this is the only Paladin who can let the hostile forces enter our territory, the biggest concession condition, not to mention that this is the most tense moment between the church and the demon clan since the end of the last war between gods and demons. "

"The safety of the relative saint Aisia in the academy is protected by our Sidi family, and I swear in the name of the successor head of the Sidi family that I will never let Aisia be in the slightest danger in the academy. "

"Yes. "

Yipei replied directly without thinking.

"Okay, I hope you will report to the student union on time tomorrow, and goodbye, Yipei. "

After saying that, he took care of Cang Na and left, and after he left, the figure who was secretly monitoring within the range of Yipei's perception also left, it was a tall girl with long hair, who seemed to be the vice president of the student union.

It seems that it is for the safety of his own master, so he deliberately protects it secretly.


The new book is released, I hope you will support a lot, thank you.

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