The annoying knock on the door made Kyon open his eyes. He sighed heavily and broke the embrace, leaving his dear naked girl on the bed. He put on some clean clothes and quickly left the room. A few seconds of forced ignoring Dinah cost him half the supply of Synergy. It's a pity he has so many things to do. He would gladly spend every day only with her.

Beautiful Anna was standing behind the door, stamping her foot impatiently. Something was wrong with her. Light tight stockings? A short skirt? Shoes? No... Her full lips glistened with gloss. It was hard to tell.

«Would you have sandwiches or toast for breakfast, sir?» – Anna asked. There was a hint of mockery in her voice.

Kyon rubbed his eyes drowsily.

«Ms. Anna, you look surprisingly cheerful and refreshed for such an early morning. Did you sleep well?» – Kyon asked sarcastically in reply.

Anna's face turned a couple of shades pinker. She frowned her thin eyebrows.

«I clearly told you to find me yesterday, young man!»

Before she could finish the sentence, Kyon put in:

«Ms. Anna, when you say sir to a servant, it does him too much honor. If the highest maid continues pampering me with breakfast in the morning and gentle treatment, I might enjoy the forbidden taste of power and become completely unruly. You don't want me to have my eye on you, or hit on you in the dark of the night, do you?»

Anna's face added some more shades of pink. She suddenly remembered that it all started with his hitting on her sister, and now they slept in one room! What if he started to do the same with her? How should she react, respond to his provocations?

Anna suppressed these strange thoughts and blurted out:

«How are you talking to me, brat?!»

Kyon smiled pleased.

«That's more like it. Now I feel a miserable servant. It makes me want to kneel and apologize. So, what did you want to talk to me about?»

«About your behaviour!»

Kyon did not like being scolded. He remarked casually:

«Oh, I don't know about that. I'm not a peeping Tom!»

Anna's eyes nearly popped out of her head. His words left her unhinged. She instantly nailed the boy to the wall and looked around to make sure there were no witnesses. Then she turned her bloodthirsty eyes to Kyon's calm, impassive face.

«Are you trying to get yourself killed, jerk?!»

Kyon knew that Anna wouldn't do anything to him, and yet, he wanted to bite his tongue for the words he had said in the heat of the moment. With his modernized eyes, he could see perfectly well what the maid had been doing on the tree, watching him having sex with Dinah. How horny she was!

«Me and my big mouth. Ms. Anna, I would apologize to you, but we both know the truth, and empty apologies will not change anything. You'd better temper your ardor. I will forget about your peeping into my room, and you will forget that I mentioned it. Lady Juno would be very unhappy if her talented personal servant was crippled. There is no need to upset her for nothing.»

«For nothing?..» – Anna was about to explode with rage. However, the words "into my room" gave her some hope. – «You... have you seen much?» – She muttered slowly, hissing like a snake.

Kyon shook his head.

«When I was leaving my room, you quietly slipped by. I would be an idiot if I didn't smell your perfume. I hope you didn't see much, or I will die of shame.»

Anna clutched Kyon's collar so hard that her fingers crunched. She hesitated what to do next. The girl did not know herself why she decided to visit him in the morning. She just wanted to see him! If she had met Dinah in his room, she would have the legal right to ask them about their relations. But when she met this bastard, everything went against her plans! And now she was fuming with anger and shame. However, he said he didn't see much, so she didn't have to think where to bury his dead body.

Anna let him go and took a deep breath. Her face was still like thunder.

«Okay, let's forget about this misunderstanding and never bring it up again.»

Kyon nodded in relief.

«All right. So what did you want to talk about?»

For a moment, Anna was lost for words. She coughed awkwardly, glanced embarrassed aside and asked:

«So, you're Dinah's boyfriend now?»

She was about to ask him a couple of hundred thousand questions to find out what he was like! However, Kyon ruined all her plans with one phrase.

«Didn't we agree to forget about this misunderstanding!»

«Ah... Yes, sure…» - Anna cleared her throat again, glanced at Kyon, choosing words for further conversation, but then just left with her little ears red with shame.

Kyon's plan to avoid this conversation was successful, albeit unnecessarily risky. He had led her to the words "let's forget about it," and he referred to them later. Now Anna would leave him alone and save him all possible trouble. Of course, she would definitely try and confront him again because her female curiosity hadn't been satisfied. However, Kyon was going to leave the mansion today, so Anna's question would remain unanswered for many years to come.

He went to the nearest bathroom, wrote a note for Dinah, and put it on one of the shelves. He vaguely remembered yesterday, when he did a crazy thing trying to capture her soul with Synergy. Fortunately, the resistance of her body was high enough, and he simply could not enter another illusory world to try his luck there. He realized now that if he had somehow managed to touch and capture her soul the way he did with Juno, he would either be dead or in a coma from exhaustion. He would experience tremendous pressure comparable to a mountain on his back. He had been left to chance too often recently, and he didn't like it. Everything should go according to his logical analysis and carefully thought-out plans! Unfortunately, no one asked about his opinion...

Among other things, sex with Dinah had filled his core with her hatred by another 5% (total 10). According to his calculations, it was too little! It would take six months, if not forever! Sex no longer activated the nodes of negativity in her brain.

Kyon came to Juno to wake her up and order to organize a trip to Boston with a stop in the mine and a village. She had also to order Anna to redirect any call from the patriarch to Dinah. She would answer all his questions regarding the events in the mansion.

An hour later, he was riding the noble chestnut-maned stallion, and Juno, with no other choice, obediently hugging him from behind.

On the way out of the estate, Kyon took out his sound transmitter and called Dinah.

«Do not say anything. Listen to my command. Go to the second bathroom and take a note from the shelf. Follow all the points, every single one of them as the laws of God. So long, my love. See you in a couple of years.» – Then he finished the call at once.

Juno couldn't hear her assistant's quiet voice because of the noise of hoofs clattering loudly along the road.

Dinah recalled yesterday and felt sorry for herself. He did her in his room, then in the hot-spring, and a couple of times on the bed just before going to sleep... Her body had again succumbed to the strange lewd whisper. It took away the last pieces of her will but granted incomparable pleasure in exchange. It seems so dirty and disgusting now...

Dinah obediently headed for the bathroom. She had a bad feeling. Given Kyon's unpredictable nature, the note might as well say "kill yourself." She really did not want to die. But she heard him say "see you in a couple of years." She still believed that everything would work out even if she felt terrible and was afraid of Kyon. She lost her precious virginity, it's a fact. He dishonored in every sense of this word. But someday, she would finish off her tormentor and turn a new page of her life.

Dinah took the note and quickly read it. When she came to the last point, she froze.

The first point told her what to say in case the patriarch called and asked about what was going on in the mansion.

The second point restricted her from spreading any information related to Kyon. Including hints, notes, subtext, etc. Even her usual communication was minimized.

The third point said that she must reread this note every day and follow it to the letter. She should cherish it like the apple of her eye.

The fourth point regulated her everyday life from taking a shower to talking with her sister as well things to eat, her duties, and even entertainment in the form of reading.

And the fifth point, that stunned the girl so much. It said that she was obliged to play with herself thinking of Kyon half an hour every day before going to bed. She could use oblong objects or just fingers. When Anna, who shared the room with her, got tired of pretending to notice nothing, Dinah should talk to her about sex and give a couple of instructions. And if the sister expressed a greater interest, Dinah must help her. If it came to the questions about her relationship with Kyon, she must stay mum.

{Monster... I hate you so much!} - Dinah thought, folding carefully the note with orders. She was on the brink of tears from humiliation and helplessness. Now she was completely captured by the formation on her forehead. She has no freedom. Any prisoner would dream of her life, but it was little comfort for the girl.

Kyon's last order was not just a whim. He had Dinah prepared for himself, for his perverse love. Their next meeting wouldn't be soon. By then, she would be completely ready to become his favorite hoe.

Kyon was leaving the place where he had met lots of various difficulties, suffering and deprivations. He once again looked around to see the large mansion in the distance. Now everything was in the past. Dinah had become a waste of time. Pleasant, but obviously useless. Nothing would stop his ambitions. And now... It was time to seize power in the empire!

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