It was late in the evening.

Kyon returned to the central zone of the Stone family, entered the elite residential building, came to a certain room, and knocked on the door.

A massive fat guy let him in: - «Gods, Kyon! You scared me!»

«What's the matter?» – Kyon looked confused.

«I thought it was Cornelia.» – XiaoBai answered, scared.

Kyon shook his head, firmly shook his brother's big hand and asked cunningly: «Did you get the money?»

«I did!» - The fat guy said with a smile. His eyes sparkled when he held out a little bag. – «Your fifty thousand. Half of the money I received from the prince for the information. How did you find the elusive girl?!»

«I got lucky.» - Kyon answered modestly, taking the money. Fifty thousand isn't much, but it's better than nothing. Now he had only money, the diamond token, and sound transmitters left. The insolent, unceremonious theft made him think of ways to protect his spatial ring in the future. His extensive knowledge gave him a hint to acquire impermeable scan proof fabric. He would wrap it around the ring and hide it under the artificial skin.

«I envy your luck! I don't have any, especially with my sister. She doesn't want to pay back her debt. Can you imagine?! I have to find a way to make her get the money from grandpa and stop her evil habit to bug me for more…»

Kyon coughed dryly. – «You should be harder on her. She's out of control, you know.» - Kyon said, recalling the day when Juno put on her most pitiful face, and her grandfather slapped him in the face. She was gloating then, bitch.

«You know what I am talking about!» - Xiao Bai exclaimed, patting his brother on the back. They talked a little more, and Kyon said goodbye to the fat guy. He phoned his mother Diana, who worked as the head of the plantation, and asked her to get him pills of enzymes that he needed for his body development. He usually took three daily doses (pills) every day, something that others can't even dream of. But they had been stolen together with the ring.

Fifteen minutes later, a servant came to his room and brought in a ring, as well as a message from Bai. It said Kyon should come to his office as soon as possible. Kyon left his room with a pensive face and entered the central building...

Stephan, Tsayan and Kaizen's father quickly discovered the absence of the little jerk and the girl in the library. They left and parted ways, frustrated. Then one of them had a brilliant idea. It was easier to bribe the Stones to get to Kyon than waste time searching for him. The boy was of the third rank, his parents were killed on a mission (the Browns overheard the conversation at the party and reported to the elders). So, Kyon was a helpless orphan. The Stones had an informer who occupied a high post. The Browns had used his service more than once. If offered a nice sum of money, the informant would gladly gift-wrapper Kyon and hand him on a silver platter. Then the Browns would decide his future fate.

The father, the son, and their guard contacted the informer at once and agreed to meet him on the Stone territory. They were welcomed as dear guests. However, when the newcomers entered the luxurious central part, they had a bad feeling about it. The meetings were usually held in a secluded place.

The guests calmed down a bit after they met the informer. The man led them to the central headquarters and sent them straight to the main office, which shocked them beyond words. They could not show aggression or try to escape. The building was teeming with guards. Stefan had to come up with an ostensible logical tall tale on the way to the main office.

In the office, they found the elderly head of the family. The whole appearance of the patriarch inspired respect. Stephan got down to business right away.

It was strange indeed to offer Bai money for one of the Stones. Only a rotten person would sell a family member for one hundred thousand. On the other hand, there were at least two reasons to expect success. Firstly, the position of the Stone family was deplorable. They needed one hundred thousand. Secondly, the tall tale they had made up for the old man implied a reasonable, altruistic motive. Say, Kyon must publicly apologize for his dirty lies about his victory over Tsayan. It would also give the Stones a little honor. Besides, the kid would come back safe and sound! The Browns could hardly hold back laughter at their brazen deceit.

They were proud of their nice honorable offer: they promise not to cripple the boy, restore damaged family honor, and give a hundred thousand to boot! The patriarch must agree to that!

Of course, the boy wouldn't live. They would make up another story, for example, he died of fear, or crushed under the weight of guilt, or they might even ignore it and say nothing at all. It didn't matter. Bai would do nothing, anyway. His pathetic family was an old sick tiger whose life was hanging by a thread. No one respected them. They could hold a grudge till the last of them died. The old patriarch Stone meant nothing to the Browns.

The patriarch kindly listened to their tempting offer. He responded surprisingly with humor, laughter and understanding. He even offered the Browns a cup of tea to pass away the time while the servants brought in Kyon to make a deal.

What a greedy, naive idiot! The elders and Tsayan had expected anything from Bai but handing his family member over to the enemies? What a rotten bastard! The Browns rejoiced inwardly and at the same time, they despised the patriarch. He was a pathetic loser for them, whose destiny was to rot away.

The boy entered the patriarch's office.

«It's him! We've been looking for him, ha-ha-ha-ha!» - Stephan laughed with a malicious look in his eyes. - «It was wise of you to hand us the boy, Patriarch! You will restore your family honor and add a hundred thousand to the treasury after he apologizes!»

Tsayan clapped his hands with a broad smile on his face. He looked at Kyon and saw his dead body. He was trembling with impatience to thrust something pointed into the flesh of his sworn enemy. His father was a saint! He had made his son's dream come true!

Kyon looked at the guests and narrowed his eyes at Bai. A question was written all over his face.

«Ha-ha-ha…» - Bai laughed hoarsely in a composed, dignified manner, as if he had heard an interesting joke for the first time in many years. – «Give me the money, and the deal is closed.»

Stephan gladly handed over the bag with money and shook the patriarch's hand. - «It's been a pleasure working with you, Bai the Great!» - With a happy smile, he headed toward Kyon to grab him. Tsayan followed along with impatience to get him when two powerful, tall guards appeared near the desired target, protecting the boy.

Stephan stopped. He turned to the patriarch with a frown on his face. - «What's the matter, Mr. Bai? You aren't taking your words back, are you?..»

Bai laughed hoarsely. He sounded old. – «Dear guests, do you really think you can buy the life of my grandson for miserable hundred thousand of spheres? You think I am so stupid and naive. Don't be so sure.»

«Your grandson?! Ha-ha-ha! I get it. You're kidding! Very funny, Mr. Bai. You got me good. A greenhorn in the first phase of development, who ruined the honor of the Stone family can't be grandson. Nice joke...» - Stephan turned to Kyon with a smile on his face, but the guard didn't move. His smile froze and faded.

«This prank has gone too far, Mr. Bai!» - Stephan expressed his concern after a pause.

«Show them your token, grandson.» - Bai asked kindly.

Kyon took out his diamond token and showed it to the father and son, who were completely shocked. They gasped for air. The little jerk was the patriarch's grandson?! Was he fooling everyone at the party wearing a token of the 3rd-rank and talking about his parents' death? No... Stephan got it at once, the Stones adopted the genius boy. The absence of his parents just proved it.

«It's impossible! I saw your token at the tournament! It was of the third rank, scum! A dirty liar in the first phase!» - Tsayan yelled, pointing his finger at Kyon.

Kyon made a tsking sound. - «How dare you insult the patriarch's grandson? Are you trying to get yourself killed, buddy… By the way, why are you so afraid of me? Stop trembling like a sick dog.»

«YOU!» - Tsayan barked.

Stephan slapped his son upside the head and stared at Bai fiercely. - «We just wanted a public apology for his blatant lie to restore the honor of the Stone family. We had even offered you the ransom! However, you have deceived us! You don't give a shit about the Browns' good intentions! Give the money back at once, or the whole kingdom will know about your dirty trick! Everyone will hate you!»

Bai grinned. – «Good intentions? Oh well, sooner the moon will fall from heaven than the Browns will show good will to the Stones! Unlike you, the patriarch of the Stone family never fools friends or enemies. I have complied with the terms of our deal. Kyon is here. You can take him away.»

Stefan turned to the guard, and then to the patriarch again. - «Are you messing with me?!» - He was almost foaming at the mouth. – «The guards are protecting him! We can't take him away without a fight! You promised…»

Bai interrupted him:

«I promise to put him at your disposal, not to tie him up and throw at your feet.»

Stephan and Tsayan turned red with anger. It was outrageous! The patriarch was openly taunting them! He had deceived them for one hundred thousand spheres! It was a lot of money, even for an elder!

Bai added:

«But I am a generous soul. Guards! Protect my grandson only from Stephan and his guard. If Tsayan tries to take the boy, dead or alive, don't interfere.» - Bai gave the guests an icy look. – «I allow a peer to take my boy away. No one from the older generation with an unjustified advantage in strength will ever touch him. It's only fair, in my opinion.»

Stephan was speechless. - «Are you serious…»

Bai nodded. - «Unlike the Browns, I never make empty promises. I swear by the honor of the Stone family and my life that neither my people nor I will keep Tsayan from seizing Kyon.» - He gave a signal to the guards to confirm his words.

The two guards stepped away from Kyon and stood beside the elder and his guard, ready to get in their way if they headed to the patriarch's grandson.

Stephan looked at his frightened son, who was shaking his head almost imperceptibly. His eyes begged his father not to agree.

«What are you waiting for?» - Bai asked with a mocking smile. Kyon's gun in the ring gave him confidence. – «Cat got your tongue? I have things to do. Or maybe you lied? Maybe Tsayan really lost to Kyon at the party, and the Stones' lies are only a figment of the Browns' imagination?!»

The father and the son looked like two stone idols.

«Go and get him…» - Stephan finally hissed. His face turned red face with shame and humiliation. He stared menacingly at his son. His eyes burned like coals in the fire.

«Fa-a-ather…» - The boy's voice was trembling. His father had never pushed him so hard, he had never looked so strict and demanding. He was ready to tear his son. If Tsayan screwed up, his father would renounce him at once.

He tried to take a step forward, but his legs wouldn't obey him. Tsayan looked at Kyon, a flicker of fear crossed his face. A little puppy must feel the same standing in front of a huge lion.

Bai saw Tsayan hesitate and said slowly, savoring every word like his favorite treat. – «I've been wondering why it was you who barked the loudest, Stephan. It turns out that the father was trying to defend the honor and dignity of his spineless offspring. Small wonder. The naked kid had crapped himself in front of the golden youth! If I were you, I would die of shame. Oh well, the Browns have no shame or conscience. How could I forget... Maybe your child is going to prove the opposite? No? Doesn't an advantage in the whole phase give him any confidence? Why is he looking at my grandson like a sheep at the wolf? Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!»

«TAKE HIM!» - Stephan barked at his son.

Tsayan swallowed, took two uncertain steps in the direction of Kyon and froze. His face was as pale as a sheet of paper. He was shaking with fear and despair. The difference in their development was 13 stages at the party. Now it was only 10! He had no chance even to touch Kyon. His father had pinned high hopes on him... Vain hopes... The hateful adversary was about to get an instant victory, and he was about to dishonor the Browns. But... But... But...

Tsayan rolled his eyes. He collapsed on the floor, unconscious. Saliva foamed at his mouth. He went completely blank. He was on the verge of losing his mind.

Stephan looked at Tsayan as if he was a mistake of nature. In his heart, he had already lost his youngest son. Irrevocably. His face twisted with burning grief and humiliation.

Kyon told the guards in an icy cold voice. - «Throw these dogs out.»

«I'll do it MYSELF!» - Stephan barked, grabbed his son by the collar, threw him on his shoulder and quickly left the Stone's territory, lamenting all the way. How could he know that Bai was aware of what had happened at the party and put his face in Kyon. The little bastard was now the patriarch's grandson! It was a bad joke, and it wasn't funny at all... He had never felt such shame and self-loathing.

Bai laughed heartily. He hadn't been so happy in a long time! Stephan, great elder Brown had been morally destroyed, wasn't it wonderful? The best way to end a great day!

The patriarch came up to Kyon and laid his broad palm on his shoulder. - «My boy, sooner or later, all the geniuses find enemies among the envious and the humiliated. You are no exception. Only a powerful defence will help you be yourself and reach your full potential. Don't worry. You can always rely on my protection.»

«Thank you, grandpa.» - Kyon said with a confused expression on his face. He was still a bit perplexed. Bai turned out to be a sly fox! In his youth, he must have been a notorious swindler, he would have left XiaoBai far behind.

«Don't lose your head, though. I'm your grandfather, but don't expect any special treatment. And don't you dare to touch Juno! If you ever make her cry again, I will beat you to a pulp.» - Bai sternly warned Kyon.

Kyon nodded. Well, henceforth, he would hurt his slave more carefully.

«By the way… Did you kill Kirsan?» - The patriarch asked, his eyes hard as flint.

Kyon sighed guiltily. - «When I left your office, I accidentally noticed him following me... I had asked Juno to provide me with secret guards, which I did not regret, otherwise, you wouldn't have a grandson.»

Bai looked Kyon in the eyes and said nothing. His mind approved of his grandson's actions, but in his heart, there was a really unpleasant feeling. It was a serious crime to kill family members, especially family members of second rank. However, the boy was defending himself. That's why the patriarch decided not to say anything, hoping that it would never happen again. The Stones were Kyon's kin, after all.

«Alright, never mind. By the way, the money is yours, all of it. They paid for your life, as such.» - Bai said, pointing to the leather bag on the table.

«Aren't you afraid that they will spread rumors about the brazen robbery?»

Bai pointed to a little ball hidden between books on the top shelf. – «That formation records image and sound around the clock. If only they dare to yap, I will be glad to crush their morale.»

Kyon was greatly surprised. He had underestimated Bai again. The old man had everything covered! The patriarch turned out to be even more cunning than he seemed at their first meeting.

Kyon gladly accepted the money and talked with Bai about the upcoming tournament. The old man named the date of the trials and told him to come and take part in them. He adamantly refused to enroll Kyon in the tournament and skip the trials. Then they said goodbye.

Kyon left the patriarch's office in a good mood. He came, looked at the clowns, and earned a hundred thousand almost in a minute. XiaoBai would envy him bittery...

Moreover, those two idiots had given him two turns of the core of darkness! It makes four together with the jealous boys from the library. Pretty good yield.

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