After the goddess had disappeared with Dinah, Kyon stayed on his knees, falling into despair.

«Damn it! Why did you take the girl I love away?! I hate you, goddess! I HATE YOU!» – Kyon roared and banged his fist on the floor.

Dinah was a real treasure that he didn't recognize. With her help, his development could have skyrocketed in a matter of months, and in a couple of years, he might have reached the top of the world hierarchy. Now the girl had been taken away. If the goddess unleashed the full potential of her innate body, what would she do with her then? Could she give her to another man?

{NO!} – Kyon frantically pounded his fists on the floor. He wouldn't let anyone sleep with his dear girl! He must get her back, but how?! He might have to become more powerful than the goddess. How long would it take? Was it possible at all?

An idea flashed across his mind... A good old way of getting things his way.

«Goddess! I know you can hear me! I won't give Dinah to anyone! Here's a deal, if I defeat her in the battle, she will be mine! It's only fair because my life will be at stake! Can you hear me?! TELL ME!»

«Shut up! People are sleeping!» – Someone screamed from the window.

Kyon took out a gun, looked out of the window, and shot ten times into the sky, frightening the whole neighborhood to death. No one else dared to complain.

The goddess didn't reply.

Kyon growled into the sky like an angry devil. The situation looked hopeless. A blind rage swept over him like a raging sea. Love is a strong feeling, especially when it's chronic. Even more so, if it's on the verge of insanity as in his case. He could control himself, but the burning issue was breaking his heart: was anyone else going to sleep with Dinah?

{What other options are there? Think hard!} – Kyon couldn't think of anything better than of proving to the arrogant bitch from above that he was the worthiest candidate for the role of Dinah's sex partner. There were lots of geniuses with legendary innate or cultivated unique bodies in this world. All of them were gifted, destined to develop and know the world. They were born to change history. Kyon had to surpass them all.

Kyon used to be driven by his boundless ambitions that his masters had been carefully nurturing. Well, his childhood spent in the orphanage also contributed to that. Now he was totally motivated by fierce reluctance to give the girl he loved to another man. It was the first time he had experienced such a strong feeling that inspired him to continue on the path towards achieving excellence.

Besides, today he had found out that the goddess was watching him. She was an unpredictable bitch who could intervene in his plans like a bolt out of the blue, and turn them upside down. This random factor was at odds with Kyon's nature, who loved to keep everything under his control. It was driving him nuts.

To keep his depression at bay, Kyon went to bed and forced himself to sleep.

In the morning, Kyon felt much better. He tried to be an optimist and look on the bright side of yesterday's situation. He had a great time with Dinah, received 5% of the darkness in his core, figured out the approximate strength of his skin, and also made a powerful enemy in the face of the girl he loved and who longed to finish him off!

{Fuck.} – Alas, optimism was not his thing. Kyon was an incorrigible realist.

Suddenly he heard a conversation in Patriarch Bai's office.

«Bad news, Sir!» – A servant ran into the patriarch's office.

«Tell me.»

«Your superior maid, Ms. Dinah... The formation on her wrist has just worked! It sent a signal of her death!»

Bai turned pale and jumped to his feet. - «It can't be! She's in the mansion!»

«The control center reports that she was in Boston for the last three days... Her formation went off in the Dark Light district. Our guys are already on the site getting a better understanding of the case…»

«NONSENSE! She couldn't have died! I can't believe it!» – The patriarch roared like a wounded beast. Then he grabbed his sound transmitter and called Dinah. There was no answer. Then he dialed Anna and found out that her sister had left the mansion a few days before.

It hurt to look at the old man. The aura of hopelessness emanated from him. His eyes had lost their shine, his face froze like a stone. He shook his head, refusing to accept reality. – {No! My dear little Dinah is alive… She couldn't have died. I know she's all right. The formation must be out of order.} – He had not recovered after the death of King Michael, his former best friend, when another announcement arrived, worse than the previous one. It was a burden beyond bearing.

Another servant entered the office and handed Bai an envelope with a letter.

When Bai saw Dinah 's initials, he grabbed the envelope and tore it open. His eyes followed the lines of the letter intently, anxiety pumping through his veins.

"Dear Mr. Bai! I have served you faithfully for many years. I've always taken care of your grandchildren, protected Lady Juno. I would never dare to lie to you, and even more so to betray you. Please believe my words...

...Four months ago, Flitz brought in a slave named Kyon. My first impression of him was horrible to put it mildly. The boy had no manners and didn't know his place. He was ogling me like a lustful animal...

...Miss Juno saw his huge potential and protected him from me. Our differences should never concern her wishes. However, it turned out later that it was Kyon's doing that my underwear was stolen. Therefore, I decided to eliminate the bastard at all costs. I was going to selfishly leave the lady without the talented, promising servant because I thought it would be better for her. The rotten boy could have ruined her light aura. He wasn't worthy of being near her...

...He tied me to the bed and committed sexual assault. I experienced unimaginable moral pain and hated Kyon down to the marrow of my bones. He had become my sworn enemy...

...In the morning, he complained to Juno that I had violated the terms of the agreement. The lady ordered me to obey him until she revoked the order. She was unaware that her order turned me into a sex slave of the nasty villain. Lady Juno sincerely believed in her servant's good intentions. She knew nothing and can't be blamed for what he's done...

...All month long, I lived in a cage. I couldn't even talk with my sister. When King Michael, my first master, died, his formation dissipated, and I headed for Boston to get my revenge. I was disappointed when I gathered enough information on him. Kyon is now your adopted grandson! You have appreciated his talent, but he has deftly hidden his rotten, corrupt soul...

...I should have come and see you, tell you everything... But then you would try to solve the situation by arranging a meeting with Kyon. The problem is that he is eloquent like a devil and always lands on his feet. I wanted to get my revenge on the boy, so I decided not to tell you anything and to see justice done...

...When I send this letter, Kyon is still alive. His death is a matter time. When you are reading this, everything will already have happened. Call me. I am ready to accept any punishment, even the execution. I am a bad maid, and I don't deserve such a good, kind and loving master as you are. Thank you for everything."

When Bai read the last words, tears flowed from his eyes. His soul throbbed with a tumult of conflicting emotions. His head became heavy like lead.

The first servant, who had already left the office, had to come back and report:

«Nothing had been found at the crime scene, Sir.»

Bai raised his head in hope. – «What do you mean? Nothing at all?»

«There were no bodies or traces of blood in the room where the death signal went off. There was only a hole of strange origin in the windowpane.»

«The gun…» – Bai figured out, his brain working feverishly. If there was no signal of Kyon's death, unlike Dinah's, then the hole in the window suggested the conclusion: his grandson had killed his dear Dinah's with a gun!

{Gods… No, please… He couldn't… He isn't like this!} – A muscle in the patriarch's chest twitched. If Dinah had died at the hands of his grandson... He wouldn't have the strength to survive such grief in his old age.

Bai began investigating Kyon's true identity. The patriarch could call him and ask about everything directly, but he decided to gather more information first.

First of all, he called Anna to find out the name of the slave that Flitz had brought. She told him the name was Kyon. It hit him like a bucket of cold water. He had already investigated a mysterious servant and found out that he was given freedom. But Dinah was under orders back then. And Juno?! Did Kyon convince his innocent little girl to lie to her grandfather?! She had hated the lower classes of society since she was a child... What if he had reached out to her? If so, she could get all sorts of ideas from him!

The old man felt unwell. He had some shots of whiskey. Then he recalled Yegorka's last words: "You will die with me, dirty slave. You will die for ruining my life!" Apparently, Yegorka was in the know about Kyon's former status... He must have met Kyon before, given his regular visits to Juno's mansion.

Now Bai made sure that his grandson was a former slave!

{But... It doesn't matter who he used to be! Someone of low origin can also be a good person! Social status does not affect personality!} – Bai said to comfort himself. Suddenly he remembered the death of Kirsan, the most influential examiner in the Stone family. He knew that the guards had protected Kyon from him. But how exactly did the examiner die? Did Kyon just up and kill a fourth-phaser? It sounded terrible…

Bai ordered his granddaughter's personal guard into the office to tell him the truth about what had happened. The details should shed light on Kyon's true nature.

«…Kyon kept torturing him! He inflicted excruciating pain on Kirsan for no reason! And then Kyon brutally killed him! We were just carrying out the lady's order, Mr. Bai!» – The senior guard said plaintively.

Bai turned pale. He had a splitting headache. How could his grandson torture the man for no reason and then mercilessly kill him? Revenge was no answer! Bai couldn't get it why Kyon had played on Yegorka's emotions, making him take their battle seriously. Then under the pretext of "it's either he or I," Kyon shot Yegorka from his nasty weapon! Why couldn't he do without unnecessary victims? Yegorka was a valuable member of the family, after all! Kyon must be a demon! As for poor Dinah...

The mere thought of how the superior maid might have died made Bai tremble with rage. The beautiful girl, who had been faithfully taking care of his family, was raped and brutally murdered. Even a vague image of this crime was enough for the patriarch to go berserk.

Now Kyon happens to be Juno's half brother! Satan himself would envy his cruel nature! And this monster is always near his granddaughter. He makes her cry! His dear harmless girl! What if he raped her?! What he killed her on a whim?! Bai had a cold feeling in his chest. Suddenly he realized that he hated the boy with every fiber of his being. The disappointment in the grandson had reached its climax. The carefully created family bonds burst at the seams and transformed into a crazy desire to wipe the bastard off the face of the earth.

«What else did this monster do?» – Bai asked the guards. His voice carried a steel quality.

The three guards had never felt the threat of death so clearly before this moment. Bai emanated icy aura when the senior guard said in a trembling voice:

«When we left the estate to go to Boston, Lady Juno was sitting on the steed behind the boy. She had to hold him tight so as not to fall…»


With a loud racket, the three guards flew out of the office and ran away in every direction, screaming loudly.

The patriarch nearly lost his mind when he realized that the monster was hugging his dearest granddaughter, messing with her head.

«We have more news, Sir…» – Another servant entered his office.

«Tell me.»

«There has been interrogation… People heard loud shots at night…» – The servant could feel a strong bloodthirst emanated from the patriarch. He ran away with a terrified scream.

Bai took out his sound transmitter and dialed Flitz.

«Hello, old friend!»

«Where are you now?»

«Halfway to the mansion, why?»

«Your nasty slave has become my grandson! He has killed Kirsan, Yegorka, and Dinah! COME HERE AT ONCE!» - Bai barked, his whole body trembling in rage.

«I am sorry, buddy. My old mare seems to have twisted her ankle. Oh, she has a bad cold…»

«I told you AT ONCE!»

The line went dead.

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