At that point, it became clear to everyone that Kyon Stone was no wimp, and his victory over Arsen and Cait was well-deserved. It wasn't about dirty tricks or pure luck. Now the spectators understood why Kyon had been ignoring Arsen's taunts: he didn't give a damn about the real weakling. Also, they knew now why he was so self-confident with Cait: she would have never hit him! Herman was wrong! The Browns had slandered the Stones for no reason!

With every second of the battle, patriarch Brown was getting paler. Even if Kyon died, he wouldn't get away with it! He needed to get ready for the humiliating apology and leaving the post of patriarch... Anyway, it was no biggie. He would appoint Timothy as the new patriarch. He'd been planning this for years.

Cait watched the battle with an empty look in her eyes. As for Kara, she had a gut feeling that Kyon didn't move so deftly a short time ago. She did not understand the difference between 11 (at the party) and 13 battle fists, but her intuition never failed her. Had he really improved his skills in a couple of months? She was growing strangely fond of Kyon.

Those who knew at least something about martial arts were experiencing cognitive dissonance, watching Kyon's incomprehensible style of moves and techniques. Their attempts to compare his actions with any fighting style or predict his next step gave them a headache.

Meanwhile, Nargise and Seva received a call from the deputy head and got the "approval." Both envoys trembled nervously, getting the jitters, their backs drenched in a cold sweat. In the most fierce battles, when their lives hung by a thread, they didn't experience the thrill they were having now.

The thing is, the sect envoys had fulfilled the instructions of the highest priority: they had found a heavenly genius, who was as rare as a phoenix feather. Now the greatest sect leaders were going to test Kyon's talent through a special miniature portal. Both sect envoys were eager to find a worthy successor to their responsible positions.

Earlier, Nargise hesitated if she should send a request, given that the heavenly genius was a guy. It was the Virgo sect, after all... There was no place for hairy men. However, the instructions did not specify the sex of a heavenly genius. Taking into account the fact that Kyon could fight opponents a phase stronger than him, she decided not to take any risk and sent a request...

In the end, both envoys had to activate the portal exactly a minute after they received the approval. The green triangle, about five-centimeter across, could create a hole in space for an hour and receive a certain amount of energy, e.g., an aura, natural vibrations, images, sounds... The price of the device was outrageous. Only ultra-wealthy people could afford it.

When the time was up, Nargise and Seva simultaneously activated the portals and pointed them to Kyon, who is fighting with Kiyan in his incomprehensible style.

Many dozens of thousands of miles from Boston, a woman of incredible beauty that could destroy kingdoms saw the arena through the gap in space. She crossed her delicate legs, squared her delicate shoulders and made herself comfortable on the soft seat. Her name was Lana, the great leader of the Dance sect (1), the one who single-handedly turned the outcome of the grand battle with the demons during the world war. Her authority among people and demons was even higher than of certain emperors, sometimes in a bad sense.

Many dozens of thousands of miles from her, another woman, opened her beautiful eyes to watch the battle. She was the greatest leader of the Virgo cult (2), named Gina. She had an enormous impact on the whole world. She was a powerful force in the empire, the leader of the sect that was committed to her to death, but what's more, she was a woman of surpassing grace and beauty. Gina was considered a symbol of purity and virtue, the embodiment of female beauty and chastity. She could drive kings crazy and win emperors' hearts, but she despised men, especially fat and hairy ones. Gina's sworn enemy Lana, the leader of the Dance sect, was no rival of her beauty.

Thus, two persons added to the spectators of the tournament, whose power and authority could turn the whole event into dust. If someone in the audience found out who might be watching them, they would go crazy with worry.

«Pff…» – Kiyan snorted coldly, not wanting to humiliate himself in front of the audience. – «You're a quick little bastard. Let's see how quick you will be now!» – He tapped his hands on the surface of the arena, releasing a stream of water. In a few seconds, a shallow puddle flooded the entire battlefield. Another second later, it instantly froze. Now the whole arena turned into a smooth, shiny skating rink.

The Browns and other haters grinned maliciously.

Kiyan smiled triumphantly and stepped forward. – «Let's get started!»

«Wait a moment!» – Kyon exclaimed, raising his hand. His stunned opponent was taken aback by such impudence and stopped. Kyon took off his shoes and put on ice cleats with metal spikes.

His unceremonious changing shoes in the middle of the battle shocked everyone, especially Kiyan. Kyon's infinite impudence made him forget that he could actually attack while the opponent was defenseless...

«I'm ready. Shall we resume?» – Kyon asked carelessly, scratching the ice with the toe of his cleat.

At this moment, Kiyan's expression was completely indescribable. It was as if Kyon had spat right in his face, turning him into a laughing stock. How could he... How did the bastard dare to pull it off right under his nose?

Loud laughter thundered from the Stone zone. All the tension accumulated from the beginning of the tournament had now transformed into hope pinned on the patriarch's grandson. All the Stones were counting on him, including Bai, Diana, Juno, as well as XiaoBai.

The fat guy laughed the loudest, letting out a happy piggy squeal that gave people in his vicinity severe nausea and migraine.

«DON'T TAKE ME FOR A FOOL!» – Kiyan roared, crimson with anger.

«Don't worry. I won't take you anywhere...»

Kiyan fiercely rushed forward with nothing better than swinging his huge arms like a bear trying to smack down a swift hare.

It soon turned out that the ice surface didn't affect Kyon in any way (thanks to the spikes on his cleats). His movements were as always deft and quick. However, Kiyan had become much more clumsy and received got two deep cuts in his upper torso...

«Grrrr! DIRTY BASTARD!» – Kiyan groaned.

His scratches quickly turned into purulent wounds, causing unbearable pain as if there was a poisonous scolopendra under his skin. Unable to tolerate the pain anymore, Kiyan swept his hand in a wide arch, releasing a stream of water that no one could dodge unless they could fly. – «Ice geyser!»


Kyon was totally drenched head to toe. However, Kiyan didn't intend to push him away or knock him down. The water was infused with the cold element that turned it into an analogue of liquid nitrogen!

Kiyan's unique body of Ice Essence kept water in liquid form even with the cold element inside (no one else could boast of this feature), turning it into a frightening weapon. Liquids conduct temperature (and energy) much better than solids or gases.

In an instant, Kyon seemed to have frozen to death: his clothes were covered in frost, his hair turned white, and his lips turned blue, even his eyes didn't move.

The Stones were horrified by what they saw. XiaoBai clutched at his chest. The Queen, Fernand and the sect envoys were about to intervene when they felt the vibration of... The heat element?

«Playtime is over! Now drop dead!» – Kiyan took a swing at Kyon, intending to smash his head into tiny ice fragments, but at the last moment, Kyon rolled to the side, nearly popping Kiyan's eye in the process. It was like nothing ever happened. Kiyan managed to dodge, but he did get a long cut that started instantly rotting under the influence of the darkness element.

Kiyan hissed in pain. He clutched at the wound and, with a wave of his hand, sent hundreds of heavy hailstones at Kyon, each of them could easily break through a concrete wall.

Kyon dodged most of them, the Scourge smashed the rest.

Kiyan realized that his cold element didn't work on Kyon, just as was the case with Cait! But why? Who the fuck knows! - he chose to take it lightly. Kiyan had no time for this shit, it was time to finish off the annoying Stone.

Kiyan reduced the distance and with a sweeping movement sent dozens of long pointed icicles at Kyon. If he couldn't get him in close combat, let him try and dodge these!

Each icicle weighed only a few kilos, but due to their incredible speed, a fair amount of pure energy, and pointed ends, they could hurt even noble phasers.

{I can't dodge all of them!} – Kyon understood at once. He stood in the area with the least density of the icicle attack to minimize the effect of any possible damage, fending off the rest of them with his sword...

Several ice darts hit Kyon, sending him flying four to five meters away.

Kiyan was about to raise his hands in victory, but then he froze in complete bewilderment. Damned Kyon was already on his feet, not a scratch on his skin! Icicles that could pierce granite with ease failed to penetrate his skin!

Kyon felt his joints painfully crack and bones creak. A few more attacks like these, and things would get really bad, he could even get a serious injury. If Kiyan were a stage or two stronger, Kyon could forget about winning the battle!

Before Kyon could recover, a new portion of icicles flew at him, then another… Ordinary shellfire at a five-meter distance made him wiggle in order to survive no less than in those unfortunate days of his first "sparrings" with Juno the sadist! The difference of 15 stages was too great. Even such uncomplicated long-range attacks may end in disaster, let alone the direct collision when a hefty fist would undoubtedly turn him into mincemeat with a single blow... The opponents whose cultivation was more than 13 stages stronger were too dangerous.

In a couple of seconds of dancing with death, Lovr's body was covered in severe bruising, his bones could crack at any moment... If it weren't for his carbon skin, he would have already been stuffed with icicles.

Soon, he finally managed to grow an adamant shield of the necessary shape. The ice shells ricocheted to the sides, no longer causing much damage and not disrupting his balance.

Before Kyon could rejoice at his small but important victory, he saw Kiyan rushing towards him.

He put his hands in front of him, releasing a water stream a meter thick. It could easily turn into a flood! Kiyan had in store a variety of the most sophisticated techniques and combinations of ice and water, not to mention the two ultimate features of his unique body, but the straightforward thug decided to do it the easy way: slam the opponent to the ground and finish him off with a single blow!

Kyon bit his lip, annoyed. – {Shit!}

This unpretentious fountain without additional acceleration (that is, no manipulation from Kiyan's side) was quite weak per se. It didn't pose any danger, but it was quite enough to throw Kyon, who was in passive defense, off his balance. Given Kiyan's strength it would be a disaster!

«WAIT! OR I WILL GIVE UP!» – Kyon cried out, theatrically starting to throw his hands up.

Against his will, Kiyan stopped abruptly, his face twisted in anger. – «Stand and fight like a man, you little piece of shit!»

«Alright, alright!» – Kyon said in a false peaceful tone, lowering his hand. – «Let me show you something…» – He took a rounded thing strewn with precious gems out of his ring. The Browns' coat of arms was engraved on the top it. – «Your father left it behind when he was in patriarch Bai's office searching for me. It looks pretty expensive, it must be your grandfather's relic. I think it's only reasonable to return it to the owner, but I want you to stop using this terrible stream of water against me in exchange. What will you say?»

Kiyan looked carefully at the magnificent piece of wealth. – «What the fuck is this? I've never seen anything like this. Let me take a look!»

«No way! Promise you won't do it!» – Kyon demanded, hiding the desired object in his pocket.

A hundred thousand spectators witnessed the brazen bribery. Kyon Stone must think it was all fair in the tournament. He was a dishonest, shameless bastard who wanted to trick simple-minded Kiyan Brown.

As for Vlada and Kara, they really liked it. They had always believed that the end justifies the means. Kyon cut corners, brazened it out, and lived by his wits. There was definitely something demonic about him!

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