Sixteen hours had passed.

In the evening, when the servants were ordered to leave the upper floors, Kyon was still wandering in the underground maze. The incredible hidden tunnels ran underneath the whole palace. The only place without passage was the treasury. Well, it would be great to take all the Grands' treasures.

At the moment, Kyon was in a hurry to talk with Juno in private, and then finally leave the abode of the damned demons. In the meantime, he had hidden in the corridors of the upper floors several sensitive bugs and visual formations, which, by the way, he could already create. They didn't only record everything around them but also transmitted the signal to his Synergy cloud. No other visual formation could boast of such a feature. The necessary precautions would protect him from any surprises, so he didn't have to delay his meeting with Juno anymore.

Kyon moved the far wall aside and crept carefully into the cozy room. The girl of surpassing beauty was lying on the wide bed. Juno was wearing her favorite casual clothes: a short pearl gray skirt and a silver blouse with thin straps. Lost in thought, she swayed her bare feet, sadly sighing from time to time.

Juno turned at the barely audible rustle in the corner of the room. – «Who's there?!»

When Juno saw the familiar face appearing from behind the wall, she was so surprised she froze to the spot. – «Kyon?! How did you get here? Why did you come?»

Kyon sighed wearily. He was sick and tired of reminding her to show him more respect. Apparently, he had to leave her be. – «I seem to have lost inside the walls. What do you think?»

«I have no idea!» – Juno got out of bed, shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other. – «What a surprise… Have you missed me?» – She asked as a joke, but her eyes glimmered with hope.

Kyon snorted in response. – «I am here to change your destiny.»

«Why does it sound like you want to hurt me?»

«Isn't it obvious?» – Kyon chuckled grimly, approaching Juno.

She looks even more charming closer. Such a pity that this seemingly innocent and fragile angel was in fact a ruthless as hell demon-sadist.

«No, it isn't! It's never obvious what's going on in your head!»

«Are you really that stupid or are you just pretending?» – Kyon asked irritably. He was tempted to smack her really hard.

Kyon's taunting words cut her deeper than a knife. – «I might be stupid but I'm not blind! I always beat me or humiliate me as if it's your goal to tick me off and make me hate you, but at the same time, your actions are the complete opposite!»

Kyon folded his arms dispassionately and waited for Juno to pour her heart out.

Juno clenched her fists and puffed her delicate chest out, subconsciously trying to convey her message as effectively as possible. – «I was in a dire situation when fighting with Charlie. My ribs were broken, and it hurt to breathe. I could hardly move my arms and legs. I was desperate, the end was near... And at that moment, I felt your Synergy spread throughout my body, taking away the pain, sharpening all my senses, clearing my mind, giving me light and inspiration. It gave me a second chance! You saved me despite your ostentatious hatred! You helped me to win! The key cleaning had gained me a whole phase of cultivation. Without it, I would be a dummy with a cute face, a burden for my family at the tournament... Besides, in the world where they called you Lovr, you taught me to fight the way no master here would ever teach me! You made me strong! I have proved myself with your help. By the way, you stole the limelight, but it's only fair because thanks to you the Stones took first place at the tournament! My granddad and mom are still beaming with happiness, and I couldn't be any happier!»

Suddenly Kyon felt his nucleus fill with bright feelings. It came as a complete shock that the blond bitch was their source, and the ungrateful skank was being generous today!

Juno was quiet for a second. She gave Kyon a look full of warmth and tenderness. – «Tonight, you healed me while I was sleeping. Do you think I didn't notice? No rib fractures heal overnight without high-quality medicine. Synergy did it. Even if you have been so cruel to me, treating me like a villain, deep inside you care for me and my family, too. And for that, I am forever grateful to you.» – Juno was finally ready to speak her mind.

In fact, Kyon only cared for his investment in the future. It wasn't his fault that she had made it all up and brought in her family to boot! She was so annoying... Lovr's worst suspicions confirmed. Juno didn't hate him anymore.

«I needed your family to get their resources. The empty treasury and my blackmailing your grandfather reveal the truth.» – Kyon said indifferently.

«To get our resources?» – Juno stood with her hands on her hips, looking at Kyon with a mockingly smile. – «Ha ha, that's a good one! You're a terrible liar! I am sure you will soon return everything in a snap and even add to that! As for blackmailing my grandfather... Ten million spheres, isn't it?»

Kyon's eyebrow jerked up in surprise. Was she really smart enough to figure it out on her own?

He looked so funny that Juno burst out laughing. – «Ha ha, I knew it, my hunch was right! I can ask grandpa to dispel any doubts!» – She enjoyed the frown on Kyon's face. – «Wondering how I figured it out? It's exactly what Stones will receive as a reward for the first place! You are going to appropriate your honest earnings! As for blackmailing grandpa, it's all because he was coming after you after Dinah's "murder," right? I guess his heart attack was an unavoidable accident that you regret! Moreover, you didn't kill Dinah! You must have stolen her from the family, because... well... because you like her…» – Juno turned suddenly sad and quiet, lowering her emerald green eyes to the floor.

Kyon was impressed. The time she spent Lovr's world was good for her. She started to reason logically, analyze the facts. She almost got to the heart of the matter! He had to change his opinion about her mental abilities. Unfortunately, now she treated him even too well, naively thinking that all his actions were for her good, while he did everything solely for selfish reasons. In fact, he wanted her to hate him!

«I believe there's another reason why you treat me like dirt. It's not only about my past misdeeds. You want me to hate you to hate me back with a clear conscience. After all, you treat others the way they treat you, so if I trust and believe you, then you will have to behave accordingly because you are Lovr!» – Juno concluded shrewdly with a soft smile on her face. She had spent enough time with Lovr getting to know him.

Kyon ignored Juno's naive emotional nonsense, absorbing her bright emotions in his nucleus. The flow was so dense and pleasant that Kyon took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. He lowered his head and closed his eyes. Warmth and peace enveloped his body like the heat in the sauna.

Juno's eyes gleamed with triumph. She took Kyon's deep sigh as a sign that she was right. It really made her feel happy. For a brief second, there was hope to return her dear Lovr to this world. Juno unconsciously reached out and touched his chest with a trembling hand. It still disgusted her to see Kyon's face.

Then she came even closer and said in a soft, barely audible whisper. – «I know you better than anyone in this world, Lovr. Look at me.» – Juno's delicate hand touched Kyon's cheek. Her heart was filled with pain of too much tenderness that she felt for her beloved Lovr.

At this moment, that seemed like an eternity for both of them, Kyon felt torn between conflicted unusual feelings.

On the one hand, he hated Juno with every fiber of his soul. Her treacherous deception at the hot spring, her repeated attempts to end his life were deeply rooted in his memory and consciousness. Kyon didn't know what could happen so that he changed his mind about this sadist. Whenever time she helped him, it was mutually beneficial or related to his orders.

On the other hand, Kyon began to feel for Juno more than attraction or appreciating her angelic beauty. Back in the mansion, he admired her strong will and indomitable spirit. He liked to tease this cunning fox, make her angry, tug at her fluffy tail and watch her reaction. She continued to challenge him with enviable regularity and lost every time, which had a certain charm, because subconsciously, Kyon believed that he was doing his best for her. Besides, to be completely honest, she was the most unusual girl he had ever met before getting to this world.

«Did you finish your monologue?» – Kyon asked politely with a vicious wry grin, giving her a dismissive look. He let her give him all the bright emotions that had accumulated in her soul. There was nothing left, he would have to "deserve" them again, which he had no intention to do anytime soon.

«What?..» – His cold reaction scared her. Juno quickly pulled her hand away as though she'd been burned. Was she mistaken about him? Didn't he get it, or did she fail to get through to him? What was going on?

«Oh… I see…» – Juno shook her head and glanced at him with a sigh. – «Lovr, I am so sorry for what I have done. I have so much regret. Please, forgive me for all the stupid things I did to you in the past. You can feel my sincere intention to apologize, so you know that I am telling the truth. If my words are not enough, I will go with you to study in the imperial order, where I will do everything I can do to make it up to you for all the pain that I've caused you. I will help you in every way possible. Can we go there together?» – Juno asked quietly in a trembling voice full of hope.

«To the imperial order?» – Kyon couldn't hold back a malicious grin. – «I'm sorry, but you are going to study with XiaoBai. I order you to be a diligent student in the Fat sect! I order you to stick to their diet and get the most of their training sessions!»

Juno swayed as if under the impact of a heavy blow. She couldn't imagine herself in the same weight class as XiaoBai! It was a fate worse than death! – «What are you talking about? It's not funny at all! Lovr, if you hold a grudge against me…»

«A grudge? I hate you, stupid fool!»

«I am genuinely sorry! I understand that you hate me but give me a chance to make it up to you!» – Juno begged him, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

Kyon didn't want to come across as overly judgmental. He decided to put Juno to another test, as an exception. If she passed it, he might forgive her for once. If not, he wouldn't deviate from his original plan.

«So, you want me to give you a chance? Alright, then. Take off your clothes.» – Kyon licked his lips on purpose, giving her a lewd glance.

Juno stepped back in horror, her arms instinctively wrapped around herself. – «No… Don't say that! Please, Lovr!» – Bitterness crept into her heart, hurting like a dagger. She wanted to shout, scream and cry. Why was he acting like this? Did the words she had so painstakingly chosen mean nothing to him?

Juno believed that Kyon and Lovr were the same person, but she was not ready to give her innocence to someone who felt nothing for her! Besides, she had no idea of his real motives. What if he was testing her? What if he just wanted to take advantage of her and then discard her like a dirty whore? Juno was scared to death.

«What is your answer?»

«No!» – Juno exclaimed nervously, covering her breasts from his lascivious gaze.

«I see. You don't need my forgiveness.» – Kyon concluded indifferently, drawing the final conclusion. He couldn't trust her if she refused to give away the most valuable asset that she had. (He would not have taken it anyway. The flower in her soul would open only when she reached the lord phase.)

«Why are you like this? I'm asking for your forgiveness! Why are you doing this?!» – Juno could feel tears well up in her eyes.

«I've always been like this. You and Lovr had a fresh start, so you got to know the bright side of his soul. I'm exactly the opposite.» – Kyon grabbed Juno by the hand, pulled off her green protective bracelet, and put it on his wrist.

Juno turned pale. She reflexively covered her face, expecting a blow, but it did not follow.

«You have jumped to the wrong conclusions, considering my actions as a sign of affection for you and your family. The Stones can't offer me more than ten million spheres, anyway. As for you... There's a perfectly simple explanation. You are my slave, and I won't tolerate any property damage. I want to make you stronger, which is why you are going to the Fat sect.»

The color drained from Juno's face. She couldn't believe that she was destined to become ugly and fat by Kyon's will…

«You always forget your place, trying to get fresh with me. You're disrespectful. You keep creating false expectations and leaping to conclusions. It's pathetic. I'll have to make it clear once and for all.» – With a strange gleam in his eyes, Kyon put his arm around Juno's waist and pulled her towards him…

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