Previously in Everything Will Be My Way (chapters 149-271):

Kyon has big plans for Kara, Franz and Marina, the 0th general, Valira, Juno, and getting a job as an imperial investigator.

Juno leaves for the imperial order. Thanks to Kyon, she has become even more talented. The flower in her soul has undergone significant changes due to the yin energy. She spent many years in the illusory world, where she learned the secret of becoming a true god, and also fell in love with Lovr, but Kyon doesn't care about her feelings. He doesn't remember anything.

XiaoBai leaves for the Fat sect. He reveres and respects his adopted brother. In his opinion, Kyon's talent for risky financial transactions must be given by gods, no less.

Bai and Diana have a lot to say to Kyon, but he has disappeared, and they can't get in touch with him.

Kara hates Kyon for what he did to her under the bed, but at the same time, she is impressed by his audacity. Besides, she really enjoyed it.

Vlada doesn't know what to do after receiving a letter from Kyon. He demands to marry Kara on a certain day and in a certain way. The queen is being blackmailed!

Valeera has left for Dantes, the capital of the empire. She hates and fears Kyon as a demon of death. In her opinion, he betrayed her, destroyed everything that she had created over the years, and killed her uncle for his benefit. However, with his help, she has become incredibly talented. Also, her soul has undergone an unusual, weird metamorphosis.

Flitz has a chance to become young again and revive his seed on the condition that he would be Kyon's servant.

Byron received the Kronos unique body pill and set off on a long journey.

Vladimir, the head of the investigation department, pins his hopes on Kyon. He believes that Kyon will capture the demons to avenge his father's murder. In exchange, Vladimir will give Kyon a letter of recommendation to help him become an imperial investigator.

Prince Charles received the Mom's pet unique body pill instead of the transformation medicine Lightning Strike, but he wouldn't know it. He hates the masked investigator, but he can't find him.

Kyon's subordinates work for the dwarves, teaching them new developments in science and technology.


Freederrium, the capital of the empire of the supreme beasts. The central zone of the forest.

A charming, handsome, twenty-something young aristocrat of supreme beats, dressed in refined custom-made skins and pelts in noble savage style, was slowly strolling through the noisy meat market. There was nothing unusual about his human-like form (all residents of the kingdom can take it) except for his bloody-red short hair and ruby ​​eyes that left passers-by in awe. Only manticores, the dominant species of the beast kingdom, looked like this.

However, manticores didn't stand above the other great bestial families for their beautiful eyes. Their long, powerful scorpion tail with a deadly poison sting at the tip could kill a dragon! When they took a human form, the tail disappeared.

The manticore was called Diamant, the highly respected 7th prince, the youngest descendant of the beast emperor who died in the recent world war. Diamant was holding a leash attached to the collar of his human pet. If the humans and demons harnessed and tamed beasts, why not treat them the same way?

The aristocrats of supreme beasts had always had a pet, this tradition went back to more than ten centuries. Their pets had become a status marker for their owner. The most respectable aristocrats had the most beautiful, well-groomed, and noble humans or demons.

The pets were strictly forbidden to wear outer garments, speak, and even more so walk on hind legs, because they were a priori lower than any supreme beasts. It was the law. So were cultural and social norms.

Diamant's pet was a beautiful young lady with gorgeous blond braid, smooth ivory skin, appetizing booty and breasts, a charming face, well-defined eyebrows, and captivating clear blue eyes. She was wearing elegant custom-made pink lingerie. Every detail in a pet's appearance should be perfect and irresistible.

The status of this lady was the highest among the other pets. All the aristocrats immediately recognized her with admiration and envy in their eyes. It wasn't only about her perfect upbringing and charming looks (although it was of great importance). Her noble origin made her an invaluable asset. The lady was the youngest daughter of the emperor Cliath (8), destroyed during the recent world war. All members of the imperial family fought to the last drop of blood to protect Her Highness Daphne, but all of them were killed in the end. The girl was a valuable trophy, obtained at great sacrifice.

A couple of years at the school for future pets, made the young princess suppress the tragic memories of her past as well as her pride. She allowed the supreme beasts to reeducate herself. She chose to become a diligent pet than spend another day in that awful place, or appear as an exquisite delicacy at their feast. Daphne's life took a turn for the better when Diamant bought her for a colossal sum at the auction. She had always been immensely grateful to her brave, noble master, the manticore.

Pets owners happened to be mean and disgusting, often treating their pets in a most cruel way, doing indescribable things to them. However, Diamant was perfect in everything. He never let anyone hurt Daphne, always took care of her, being gentle and affectionate with her like a human would treat his dear elite purebred kitten. Daphne liked it when he stroked her head and caressed her neck. How great it would be if Diamant became her husband, which was completely impossible. Giving her owner an adoring gaze, Daphne wanted to confess her feelings to him, but she did not speak his language, and it would be the height of stupidity to address him in the human language, so despised in this land... She wouldn't want to mess things up with him.

Now the half-naked girl was silently walking on all fours after her master. Her beautiful face was pale, her mournful eyes lowered. As a matter of fact, they sold meat there... human meat. Daphne hated going to this damned market where she could see the flesh of her kinsmen arranged on the shelves. Diamant, like any other supreme beast, regularly ate human flesh. She did not judge her master, but going to this market was very hard for her.

«Sun-dried denailed baby fingers! 150 thousand spheres a kilo!» … «Chilled mighty warrior's brain! Treat your dear children to this gourmet dessert!» … «Fresh innards for your soup! Only eight thousand spheres a kilo! Male and female innards available!» … «Ribs for 20 thousand spheres a kilo! Come and buy some!» – The vendors tried to outshout each other.

The noisy atmosphere was no different from any human market. The supreme beasts bought human flesh in a matter-of-fact manner, like people bought pork or beef.

Some passers-by recognized Daphne and exclaimed in delight. They looked at the 7th prince with instinctive fear and respect that the pack members have for their alpha male.

The manticore came up to the counter. – «I'll take filet mignon. Five kilos, please.»

«Yes, Your Highness! I will give it to you for half the price! This human meat is so tender. I am sure you will enjoy it!» – The fat vendor bowed respectively.

«No doubt about it, but I will refuse the discount. I would never abuse my position, and money has never been an issue for me.»

«I insist, Your Highness.»

«I said I refuse the discount!»

The killing intent in the prince's voice made everyone within 100-meter range shudder with fear. It got awfully quiet all around the prince.

Daphne did not take her admiring glance from the owner, even if she felt terrified.

Drenched in a cold sweat, the vendor weighed the fillet mignon with trembling hands...

Diamant took the meat and resumed his walk with a straight face.

Soon a leopard ran up to the prince with a concerned expression on his face. – «I'm afraid I have bad news, Your Highness!»

The manticore prince glanced back at his messenger in the bestial form. – «What's the matter, Leo? Did you deliver the package to the king of the white tigers?»

White tigers were the second most powerful and influential beasts in the kingdom. Their innate unique bodies allowed them to control weaker opponents in unlimited numbers, which had brought them victory over other species, but they were significantly inferior to manticores in 1-to-1 fights. That's why they held the 2nd rank in the hierarchy.

«Princess Triana has run away!» – The leopard reported anxiously.

«How come she has run away?!» – The prince looked surprised.

«His Majesty Ildun says that Triana and her uncle have left the central zone of the forest, their destination unknown! He can't get in touch with them, so your right to dominant choice can be executed only when she returns!»

The imperial family of the dominant species had the right to gather a harem of no more than ten virgins, one of whom was to become the senior wife. The prince decided that the time to invoke his right had come and sent a message to the king of the white tigers.

«Aghrrr, she talked her father into it! What a self-willed tigress! She doesn't honor our traditions at all!» – The manticore prince growled. His arms instantly got covered with fur, his forehead creased with veins popping up, and his face twisted into an evil grimace.

Diamant knew that the world was on the verge of another bloody war. Empress Hera was summoning her army, awaiting the appearance of the light ones. Following his gut, the prince decided to seek support from elsewhere. If Princess Triana became his superior wife, King Ildun Tirindun, the white tigers leader, would be his father-in-law.

Apart from the apparent benefits, Diamant had also heard a lot about Ildun's youngest daughter. Many supreme beasts could only dream of her. Rumors had it that she was perfect in everything: wild, strong-willed, talented, beautiful, graceful, with a powerful father, whose authority was second only to Hera. Could Diamant ever find a better jewel to crown his harem?

By a lucky chance, the youngest manticore prince was the only one in the imperial family who hadn't gathered a harem yet. Nor had he used his right of dominant choice. Triana was the only king's daughter without a male. She was too young and inexperienced, which meant she was a virgin! He couldn't miss a chance like this.

«Leo, use all our connections and track Triana and her uncle. First, interrogate the alphas in all the cities. They should be the first to hear about the princess. If they know nothing, check all the border posts around the forest, private mansions, hunting grounds... Use any means to find her. It shouldn't take too long!»

«I'll do what you say, Your Highness.» – The head servant bowed to his master.

Daphne sighed sadly. She didn't grasp the whole conversation between her owner and his servant, but she didn't want Diamant to have any harem. Even the wives at the bottom of the harem hierarchy would be hundreds of times more valuable than a pathetic pet... They would take all the attention and love of her owner. The former princess of the empire felt hopeless and helpless, realizing her inevitable bitter future. She often dreamed of becoming a noble superior beast and entering the harem of the 7th prince, her caring and loving savior...

Diamant returned home and went to the kitchen to cook up something for himself. He was a rare member of the imperial family who preferred to prepare his own meals. It helped him to organize his thoughts.

{Triana is quite smart for her age. She must have a plan. But what is she up to? Does she want to be an alpha?}

If the princess became an alpha, Diamant would lose the chance to decide her fate.

However, he immediately dismissed this idea. First, he was a manticore with a terrifying inborn weapon in the form of a poisonous sting. Second, he was the most talented manticore (after Hera). No matter how hard she trained, no matter how hard she tried, she would never win.

{What are the other options? She couldn't have run away just because she doesn't want to be my wife, right?}

He remembered the recent tournament and the way the tigress looked at Fenrir, the most ingenious male of the ancient wolf race (3). Fenrir defeated even the most talented manticore peers. Moreover, he was the son of the leader of the ruling family!

Then suddenly, all the pieces fit together!

There would be a tournament of the young beasts on the day of the goddess Ceres. The winner would have the right of absolute dominant choice, which was more important than the right of dominant choice for two reasons. First, it had a higher priority, which meant that the males wouldn't have to fight to win the female. Second, the male (or female) could choose even the alpha, i.e., the strongest beast, and enter the harem even against the alpha's wish.

Diamant concluded that Fenrir was going to use his absolute dominant choice to win Triana. She would ask her father to push him or would ask him herself. There was no doubt about that!

The seventh prince couldn't take part in the tournament because of the age limit. There were only two options left: to find Triana before the day of Ceres, which was a couple of years ahead, or find a way to get rid of Fenrir without arousing unnecessary suspicion.

Trying to push Ildun wasn't an option: the father would give his life to make his daughter happy. Killing Fenrir in an honest and open duel was tantamount to suicide. It would be an unfair battle, so the king of the ancient wolves would immediately avenge his son, and the majority of the beast kingdom would be on their side.

Ordering Fenrir's murder wasn't an option, either. Diamant was a noble and valiant supreme beast. He would never stoop to mean and cowardly ways to achieve his goal. Leave it for pathetic humans and insidious demons.

All in all, Diamant had no choice. He could only hope to find Triana before the day of Ceres. The flow of his gloomy thoughts was really frustrating.

Daphne immediately approached her owner and licked off the yogurt left on Diamant's finger. Her ears blushed in embarrassment when she cast down her eyes shyly. However, she did not forget to take a sensual stance, sticking out her charming butt. She wished she had a tail to wiggle it playfully at such moments.

Her delightful gesture did not go unnoticed. Diamant bared his teeth in a pleased smile and scratched his dear pet behind the ear. – «My dear silly little pet knows what her owner needs better than himself. Come on, let's go. I'll feed you.»

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