The endurance test was over soon.

The old examiner pointed to the weight-lifting machine. – «It's time for the muscle strength test. There's a wide range of loaded weight plates. The gray plates weigh 50 kg, the white plates weigh 100 kg, the light blue plates weigh 250 kg, the dark blue plates weigh 500 kg, the red plates weigh 1000 kg, and the black plates weigh 2500 kg. Your task is to choose any number of plates of any color, put them on the barbell and raise it over your head. You will be given three attempts.»

The test-takers started wondering what dirty trick the cheater had up his sleeve this time.

The strength test had begun. After a while, it was Alex's turn.

He rolled two red plates to the machine and put them on the bar... Putting forth a great effort, he managed to pull 2000 kg off the ground. After about a minute of grunting and gritting his teeth, he lifted his inhumanly heavy burden over his head.

«Passed.» – The examiner said stiffly.


The ground vibrated when he dropped the loaded barbell with a loud crash. Alex went up to the examiner, pleased with himself.

«Not bad, young man. I give you seven points out of ten.»

«How come seven? I've lifted 2 tons! No one here can lift more than 500 kg!»

«The endurance and muscle strength tests are adjusted for the level of soul cultivation. You don't have to be a tough guy to get more points. As for the girls, they are expected to do even less. You are just a little stronger than average and should be grateful that I didn't give you five points that you deserve.»

Alex's heart sank when he heard these words. He heaved a sad sigh and stepped aside.

The cheater was next in line. Everyone was already expecting another trick, but it turned out to be ridiculously simple... And even more impudent. So impudent that everyone finally understood what the matter was. Almost everyone.

The burly bodyguard approached the examiner and showed him his formation.

«Oh, Dick Baker! I am sure you will make me proud! You can start.»

The tough guy rolled ten black plates and put them on the barbell. With a jerk, not without effort, he raised it over his head. The test-takers stared, stunned. Twenty-five tons of weight overhead like it was no big deal!

The barbell arched from the weight and broke in two with a loud crunch.


The ten black plates hit the protective coating on the platform with a deafening bang. The ground cracked and shook so hard that the test-takers standing nearby almost fell off their feet.

The old examiner cheered. – «Congratulations! Well done, Dick Baker! You are the first applicant in my lifetime to raise twenty-five tons! You are three times more powerful than any noble phaser! Your muscle strength deserves twenty points, but I can't give more than ten... Bravo!»

The guard, the walking mountain, stood behind his master as if nothing had happened, and Kyong nodded, pleased. – «Thank you. As you can see, I am not only into athletics. I do some lift weighting, too. How else would I have a perfect physique and divine beauty?»

The test-takers who watched this farce were nearly knocked off their feet by this ridiculous, unwarranted self-confidence.

Alex couldn't hold back his anger:

«It wasn't Dick Baker, sir. It was his hunky bodyguard!»

Many in the crowd threw him sympathetic glances. Was he really too obtuse to pick up what was going on?

«I might be as blind as a bat, but I will know the right formation out of a thousand! As well as your voice, Alex Grand! If you distract me one more time, you will lose another point! It applies to everyone.» – The examiner warned the test-takers.

«Come on! Tell him!» – Alex turned to those around him, seeking support. The farce happening before his eyes was killing him.

The test-takers of his group kept silent, some turned away, feeling uncomfortable and awkward. Sam was trying to give his friend a sign to shut up and lay low.

«To hell with you, I'll take care of it myself!» – Alex looked at the balcony, where the principal and the senior examiner were watching the exam. He bowed respectfully and addressed them with exaggerated politeness and respect. – «Distinguished principal Nulan has recently mentioned that Cernos is famous for its impeccable reputation and that no cheaters can get an undeserved result. However, this arrogant jerk received ten points at the strength test with the help of his bodyguard! In broad daylight! Before that, he got ten points with a forged bracelet. And his bodyguard passed the talent test instead of him, getting the maximum twenty points! Being Arcadius Grand's son, I demand to take immediate action and punish the cheater! Let justice prevail!» – He mentioned his father's name on purpose, hoping it would add weight to his words.

The examiners stopped the tests, which caused another Kara's fit of rage. She was seething with anger and urge to kill the bastard taking her precious time. However, the majority of the test-takers were on Alex's side.

The principal devoted exactly one second of his precious attention to the trouble-maker and turned away without the slightest sight of care on his face.

When the senior examiner noticed the headmaster's reaction, he shouted angrily:

«You dared to address the school principal for no good reason! You lose three points for showing disrespect! If it happens again, you will be disqualified!» – He waved his hand, and the junior examiners continued their work.

Alex was speechless: {What the hell?!} – He turned around, completely confused and finally realized that he had made himself look like a fool. It took him a while to figure out what was going on, but he felt like a complete idiot when he did! How could the old examiner make out 10 black plates with his blind eyes but failed to see the huge guy representing his master? Why did he ignore the fact that the fat freak was barely moving his legs while running? Why did the examiner decline his request to double-check the fat guy even if it wouldn't take ten seconds? The answer was obvious: he had paid a bribe! A crystal clear reputation? No cheaters would ever pass? How could he believe this blatant lie? Of course, money can buy everything! His shortsightedness cost him four points and made a complete fool out of him...

Alex became suddenly aware that if his father weren't an insignificant elder (responsible for a social institution that no one ever needed), everything might have turned out all right. And the old examiner might have treated him with proper respect...

{Damn it… It's so unfair! I know that life is ruthless to the weak, but why does it hurt so fucking much?} – Alex used to be the very source of injustice for many unfortunate people who got on his bad side. Now he was walking in their shows. He tried to order his thoughts. Screw them all! He must enter Cernos whatever it takes, or his father would kill him.

The examiners' sour faces told him that they had already put up with that and weren't going to do anything. It was time for him to grow up and accept that the world was evil and unfair.

The old examiner brought a hundred of the test-takers to one of the battle arenas. – «Dear applicants, the talent test is over, and so are the strength and endurance tests. It's time to test your fighting skills, namely, the level of your battle fist. Keep in mind that battle fist isn't only about dexterous moves or skillful attacks, it's mainly about the skill to read your opponent in a fight.»

«Your task is to enter the arena and have sparring with another test-taker. Since many fighting styles require elemental energy, you are allowed to use only pure energy, but you must decrease your cultivation to the level of your opponent in case they are weaker than you to make it a fair fight. I have many years of experience, so one minute of battle is enough to get clear results. Alex Grand, the noisiest test-taker, and Dick Baker, who he made feel so unwelcome, will fight the first exemplary battle. Get ready!»

«What?! Why me?! No way, he will… Fucking shit!» – Alex cursed loudly when he saw the burly bodyguard enter the arena with a straight face.

«Mind your language! The examiner's decision is not a subject for discussion.»

Several hundred test-takers gave Alex Grand a sympathetic look.

«Stay strong, buddy.» – Sam tapped Alex encouragingly on the shoulder.

When both fighters entered the arena, the old examiner gave the signal to start the battle.

{Screw you! All my years of training have prepared me for this moment. My master has taught me three battle fists. I am not going to lose!} – Alex fearlessly approached the muscle mountain. The bodyguard was so impressive that he didn't even look like a person anymore. Before Alex knew it, a fist the size of his head was at his face. He barely had time to block the blow…


Everything went white. A single direct blow of the fist, hefty and heavy like a sledgehammer, threw Alex out of the arena as if he were a rag doll. He rolled a dozen meters, groaning painfully.

Everyone gasped.

Kara also noticed this powerful blow. The princess raised her gracious eyebrows in surprise, wondering what the hell a forty-something thug was doing among the test-takers.

Sam hurried to check on his friend. – «That was one hell of a punch! Are you alright?»

«I am alive… Kind of.»

The examiner clapped his hands. – «Amazing! Dick Baker, you get ten points! Alex Grand, I can't give you more than two... You have shown nothing.»

«What?! Please, give me at least a couple more! I blocked the blow, after all. It's not my fault that his one-ton fist knocked me out! No skills would have helped me fight against him! I didn't stand a chance! Please, sir!» – Alex begged desperately, probably for the first time in his life.

«Out of the question. The test results are non-negotiable.» – The old examiner said firmly. In fact, he might have given Alex a chance if he hadn't received Dick's order. He was just a pawn instructed to look the other way and obey Dick Baker's signs.

Alex said nothing. He looked crushed. If it hadn't been for the fat freak and his bodyguards, he would have received at least 8 points! But he got only 29 points and lost 4, which left him with 25, the minimum entry points. If he failed the written test, he wouldn't get to Cernos. It was so foolish of him to expect that everyone would dance attendance on him as soon as they learned he was a pure-blood descendant.

{It's all your fault, bitch. You're dead!} – Alex thought, glaring at Dick with hatred. He was so fixated on the fat guy that he had completely forgotten about Marina. How did he fall so far? He cared more about a pot-bellied cheater than a gorgeous girl who took his heart away at first glance...

A few hours later, the combat test came to an end.

The test-takers returned to the exam building to take a written test, after which they were told to gather in the assembly hall. After a half-hour break, they could see a bright screen with the results shine on the wall. Kara Grand came first with 50 points, followed by Dick Baker with the same result. The next one was Franz with 45 points ...

There was a huge uproar in the hall. One and a half thousand test-takers who had received 25 or more points were discussing the results and those who had taken the first two places.

They spoke of the princess as a living legend, an ideal representative of the human race. She was beautiful inside and out, for she had come to retake the entrance exam - an event not befitting her noble status - to set an example for the beginners, inspire them to be successful! Wasn't she an angel?

They spoke of condemned ugly freak with contempt and disgust as a ridiculous spawn of a sow and a troll. The rotten cheater hadn't only bought the results, he behaved as if he deserved them!

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