«That won't be necessary.» – Kara waved her senior servant off. She needed to blow off steam, and these thugs were just right. They were no weaklings. And then the fat freak will be the cherry on the cake. She would play with him to her heart's content...

The crowd of onlookers exclaimed in surprise. Was the princess going to fight with the two peaking noble phasers? The fragile girl against two thugs whose cultivation was a stage higher! Wasn't she amazing! They gained a whole new respect for her. No wonder that they had created a fan club with such active members! The princess was a living embodiment of the goddess. She deserved monuments and temples to honor her! Dick Baker would get what he deserves. Dreams would come true! Justice would prevail!

Kyon became a little alarmed. He had to get out of this situation before it got worse.

Kara was about to accelerate for an attack when she froze, taken aback.

The ugly boy stepped forward and fell to his knees with an expression of raptured enchantment on his face. He stretched out his hands like a dying traveler who had finally found the long-awaited oasis in the desert. – «Gods! I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you! You shine brighter than all the stars in the sky! You are more graceful than the moon and hotter than the sun! Great princess, you came and conquered my heart! From now on and forever, my heart belongs only to you! Please, marry me! I promise to love you forever, warm your bed at night, kiss you day and night!» – He smacked his full greasy lips. – «I will give you all the Bakers' treasures just to make you happy! Please, be my beloved, my only one!» – His sincere words of love and tenderness could have melted the most unapproachable girl's heart if he weren't so weak and ugly...

Kara staggered back. His words struck her. In a negative way, though. Her pretty face twisted in a grimace of disgust. The abhorrent freak was so loathsome that she began to have muscle cramps all over her body. – «You… Miserable toad…» – Before Kara could express even a fraction of her contempt, she felt a lump in her throat and couldn't breathe. It was like a cold hand grasped her stomach and squeezed hard. The freak must be a human-pig hybrid with his greasy hair, repulsive big lips, behind which she could see yellow crooked teeth, deep-set crossed eyes under the bushy unibrow, and a nose that looks like a snout... No doubt, she was under a high-level mental attack that made her completely powerless.

The princess turned away and hurried to the dormitory.

«Wait! Don't go! PLEASE, STAY! Your Highness, you didn't respond to my love declaration!» – Dick rushed after her in despair, but Kara disappeared at incredible speed in the residence hall, muttering something under her breath.

«DON'T GO! I LOVE YOU!» – The boy in love went rogue. He was about to enter the girl's dorm when an old doorkeeper and two guards restrained the unfortunate lover.

Meanwhile, the three hundred new students stood there flabbergasted. – «WHAAAAT?!»

They couldn't believe their eyes! The princess was running away from the scumbag?! – «Seriously? Did he escape punishment? He got away with it, after all!» … «Holy shit, he is so disgusting that Her Highness did not want to mess with him! His face and body are a powerful psychological weapon!» … «I would also run away after his love declaration! To another kingdom... No, to another empire... No, to the ends of the world!»

Feeling empty and devastated, Dick picked up his ice cream from the ground and trudged to the dorm, licking it gloomily and sighing grievously.

Kyng couldn't stop laughing in his mind. The mental weapon worked like a charm against Kara's sense of beauty! He liked his new personality more and more. It was perfect for Lovr's primary purpose to harvest dark emotions.

He was two weeks away from the wedding with Kara (if Vlada agreed). During this time he had to make ALL Cernos students ready to be grossed out. It was a good beginning. Now all he had to do was keep it up.

When Kyon entered the dorm, he didn't see the expected crowd. The new students hadn't moved in yet. The others were still checking up at the Formacy Department. In a couple of hours, this residence hall would be packed, especially the lobby that, by the way, was an impressive, nice spot of luxury.

There was a striking difference between the top and bottom floors. The 4th floor looked like a fancy hotel while living on the 5th floor was like staying in the magnificent palace.

Kyon had to show his formation to the guardian to get to the top floor. The latter looked incredulously at room key number one, called somewhere to double-check and let Kyon in with a doubtful expression on his face. The two silent living mountains followed their master.

Kyon walked to the very end of the long corridor that sparkled with grandeur, pressed his formation at the spot near the door adorned with patterns, and entered the most spacious and luxuriously furnished room in the male part of the dorm. It was no different than chambers of a king: a large crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, mahogany furniture, a big four-poster bed, a fireplace, a beautiful master bathroom that no other room could boast of, huge windows. The servants were on call ready to fulfill his every whim at any time as soon as he pressed his formation against the spot on the wall.

The windows in this particular room faced both sides of the building whereas the other rooms faced only the inner yard.

Kyon looked out of the inner side window and saw a round platform towering half a meter over the ground. Cernos dorm was famous for its ranking room number system and the arena in the inner yard.

Everyone, except those who lived in the basement floors, could look out of the window and watch the ongoing battles, learn something new, or just enjoy the show.

Anyone can book the arena for a certain time to resolve a dispute, a conflict, or have a rank fight (the winner acquired the loser's rank). By the way, Franz had already applied for a fight with Alex. Priority was given to those who lived on a higher floor. In general, it was forbidden to fight outside the arena, but this rule was often ignored.

About an hour had passed.

A buzz of conversation filled the air. Kyon looked out of the window and saw lots of senior students approaching the dorm in groups. All of them had checked up at Formacy Department and received room keys. It was time to move into their new rooms.

Lovr recognized Lee and Stephanie Stone and looked closely at three people:

Prince Charles was the first to catch his eye. Many girls glanced with adoration and timid coquetry at the elegant, well-groomed, black-haired prince, but none of them dared to break the distance and approach him without a good reason.

Then Lovr noticed Cait Brown, who he easily defeated at the tournament not so long ago. The attractive slender blonde girl nicknamed Hot Sun was the journalism club president, beautiful and popular. The girl was surrounded by a bunch of immature school kids from non-royal families.

The third person to draw Kyon's attention was surrounded by the largest group of fans, consisting mainly of the Grands. They treated her like she was a superstar, Miss Perfection. Her beauty captured everyone's attention, especially her fire red hair and gorgeous freckles. In short, her beauty was beyond compare! Kyon recognized her as Julia, the pure-blood descendant, principal Nulan's (the elder's) daughter, a respected military officer's granddaughter, and the 4th strongest Cernos student. She was a high flying popular person at school, unapproachable and inimitable. Her strength was impressive for her age of 18 years old, and her academic results were second only to the princess.

With his upgraded hearing, Kyon could hear a crowd of students gather in the hallway. Artie, the battered leader of Kara's fan club, respectfully addressed Prince Charles. He told him and all the other senior students that Dick Baker, who now lived in the prince's room, had cheated to gain a hundred points and deserved severe punishment or even execution for the rude attitude to His Highness.

{I see you can't even stand up for yourself.} – Kyon chuckled and heard the expected knock at the door.

Kyon opened the door and saw Prince Charles standing there speechless between his two mighty bodyguards. Several dozen Grands in white uniforms huddled together behind them. Those of them, whose faces were swollen from recent beating, smirked maliciously, expecting upcoming revenge.

«Oh, you must be Prince Charles! Pleased to meet you.» – With a wry smile, Dick stretched out his hand for a handshake.

Charles did not shake his hand. He had never met anyone so disgusting as Dick Baker. The mere idea of touching his hand grossed him out. – «How did you get a hundred points, boy?» – The prince asked coldly.

Kyon patted his biceps with undisguised pride and boasted in a high-pitched, almost squeaky voice. – «On my own, of course! The exam was not easy, to be honest. I found it extremely difficult to run, but I did it! I ran like a young cheetah, overtaking everyone!»

The spiteful haters's faces twisted when they heard the fat freak's blatant lie.

«I was told that you did only one lap, and, judging by your physical condition and cultivation, I tend to trust their opinion, which leads to the logical conclusion that your points are undeserved.» – The prince said sternly, folding his arms on his chest. – «What do you have to say for yourself?»

Prince Charle's pressure would intimidate anyone.

«What do you want me to say?» – Kyon said in an indignant screeching voice. – «If you want to challenge my result, you can appeal to the principal! I am sure he will consider your complaints in a few months!»

A vein popped out on the prince's forehead. Under his pressure, everyone would get confused and immediately apologize, but the fat guy positioned himself as an equal! Who did he think he was? Judging by his mighty guards and their presence within the Cernos walls, the boy wasn't just anyone. The prince decided to find out more about him later. – «Isn't your family name Baker? What kingdom do you come from?»

«Why are you asking? Ah! I see! You want to evict me! You intend to take my room, right? No way! Go and get a hundred points, then you can have this room!» – Dick said in an unexpectedly firm voice and slammed the door right in the prince's face.

Charles's and the other students' eyes nearly popped out of their heads. The freak was either insane or a king's son!


«I am Prince Charles Grand himself! Open the door at once and explain yourself. Tell My Highness how you got your exam results! I demand an answer, or I will have to take the necessary action!»

«You'll never take me alive! Eat your heart out, Prince Charles. Leave me alone, or you will deal with my guards!» – Dick screeched hysterically behind the door.

«Do you realize who you are talking with?» – Charles barked furiously.

«GUARDS! If anyone bothers me, beat them to a pulp!»

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